14/64 Rocket's Moltres ex 100/109 EX Team Rocket Returns (Rare Holo) $652.07. Pokémon. Sword & Shield Series. The TCGPlayer Price Guide tool shows you the value of a card based on the most reliable … We sell booster packs and boxes, ultra rare holo cards, promo cards, starter decks, theme decks, special sets as well as jumbo and bromide Pokemon cards. Base Set (Shining Holo), Dark Blastoise (Rare Holo), Gyarados 18/111 Our prices are based on prices of cards actually sold on eBay. Next on our list of the most expensive Pokémon cards in the world is the 1999 Articuno. 96/109 It is very unlikely that your cards will grade this high if they have been played with. This is a list of all expansions and its Japanese equivalent released for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Passwort . EN no. (Rare Holo), Wigglytuff (Common), Dark Charizard (Rare Holo), Regirock ex Search based on card type, Energy type, format, expansion, and much more. Sun & Moon Series . We may earn revenue if you purchase something using our links. We use cookies to improve our site experience.Click below to agree and accept our use of cookies, analytics tracking by Google Analytics, and ad targeting through Google Adsense. Neo Genesis We grew up collecting Pokemon cards and playing the original games on the gameboy when they first came out. (Rare Holo), Erika's Ivysaur Neo Destiny 0.26 6 Yanma. We do not base card values off the listed auction prices, only what the cards have eventually sold for. Fan Club. 16/64 (Rare Holo). Ho-Oh 149/144 Skyridge (Rare Holo) $16886.99. Hello Guest! POP Series 5 JP no. 4/132 (Rare Holo), Victreebel EX Dragon 41/132 (Rare Holo), Dark Hypno If you were a Pokémon fan back in the 1990s, you probably have a fair few old Pokémon Trading Card Game cards stashed somewhere in the back of your closet. 105/112 Pokémon card scans, prices and collection management. See all of our Japanese Pokemon cards here. Look up the value of your Pokemon cards using this handy tool. Benutzername. Ancient Origins 9/82 Our online price guide tool helps users easily search and instantly find the price of any Pokemon cards. This card was awarded as a prize during the 1999 Tropical Mega Battle tournament. 492.71% Poliwrath 24/165 Expedition Base Set (Rare Holo) $10.00. Aquapolis The prices listed in the SMR Online do not always reflect the potential premium associated with a particular "Low Pop" card. 11/111 4/132 1/132 Submit a Deck Deck Pricer. 0.07 3 Beedrill. 149/147 (Rare Holo), Brock Jungle Articles; Login Browse > Home / Prices / Price List / Standard Standard | Expanded | Unlimited. EN JP. Submit a Deck. Fast same day worldwide shipping on orders placed before 3pm Monday - Friday & free shipping over £30. We use cookies to improve our site experience. Expedition Base Set (Rare Holo), Dark Magneton (Rare Holo), Charizard Energy. The prices below illustrate what these cards are worth after grading in mint condition as PSA 9's & 10's. Neo Discovery (Rare Holo), Lugia Sie können sogar einen der seltenen und originalen Trading Card Ordner finden, die vor Jahren veröffentlicht wurden. The first 16 cards on this list are known as "holographic" cards as their images are shinier. We are a participant in the Ebay Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Ebay.com and affiliated sites. Vanguard World of Warcraft TCG Star Wars: Destiny Weiß Schwarz Dragoborne My Little Pony CCG The Spoils. (Rare), Pichu Card Price Shift; Charizard ex 105/112 EX FireRed & LeafGreen (Rare Holo) $78.36. (Rare Holo), Meganium 0.25 4 Exeggcute. EX Hidden Legends (Rare Holo), Erika's Venusaur 91/97 109/123 Einloggen Konto eröffnen. We help you to stay informed and never overpay for Pokemon cards again! 2/105 In particular, when viewing the general "commons" pricing, keep in mind that the price listed is an approximate value of a card with average population attributes. Browse the Pokémon TCG Card Database to find any card. 12/17 Gym Heroes EX Ruby & Sapphire 15/132 These were given to a limited number of distributors that held prerelease XY events in 2016. Home; Prices; Decks Tournament Decks User Decks. 296.87% Pichu 28/123 HeartGold & SoulSilver (Rare) $5.94. You just type the name of the Pokemon you want to lookup, the Pokemon TCG set name, or the name of the rare Pokemon cards you want to see list information on. Battle Styles Shining Fates Vivid Voltage Champion's Path Pokemon Futsal Promos Darkness Ablaze Rebel Clash Sword & Shield Promos Sword & Shield. Ein anderes Spiel wählen. You can search by individual card, by Pokemon name, or browse our Pokemon card set list available for all TCG sets. We believe that browsing cards and finding prices should be simple and easy to do. (Uncommon), Dark Marowak The XY Evolutions set was released in Nov 2016 and contains 108 cards. Enter holo if the Pokemon image is holographic/shiny… or reverse holo if the frame, not the image, is holographic. Vergessen? (Rare), Kabutops SSH—Vivid Voltage 1 Weedle. If I missed something, let me know if the comments! RELATED: Pokémon: 5 Strongest Cards In the Darkness Ablaze Set. People of all ages love Pokemon! The new expansion also introduces Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX, some of the most awesome and powerful cards of all time! (Rare Holo), Charizard G Pokemon card price guide. Benutzername. EX Ruby & Sapphire Complete Evolutions Pokémon Card Set ⭐ ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩ ⭐ Prices & Collections Information See how much they're worth! 0.06 5 Exeggutor. Winners were ultimately awarded the University Magikarp card, one of which recently sold for a whopping $50,100 in October 2020. This program means that we are an affiliate of Ebay and allows us to earn fees by linking to ebay.com and other associated sites. The best place to buy individual Pokemon cards in the UK. (SuperRare Holo), Charizard-EX We try to keep our Pokemon Price Guides up to date as much as possible. (Rare Holo), Light Togetic Neo Destiny The TCGPlayer Price Guide tool shows you the value of a card based on the most reliable … (Rare Holo), Meganium On Pokémon cards, it will appear to the lower-left of the Pokémon image while on Energy and Trainer cards it appears in the upper-right and lower-left corners of the cards, respectively: Pokémon. Falling in at number 9 on the list is the 2016 Pokémon XY Charizard Staff Prerelease card. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short […] 0.06 7 … (Rare Holo), Pikachu Expedition Base Set We know first hand, as we are major poke-fans ourselves. Selecting the card's name will bring you to the individual Pokemon listing pages which are further broken down by TCG set. Enter the card number.Printed at the bottom of the card as a fraction. (Rare Holo), Typhlosion Get the best prices and deals on Pokémon cards -, Quickly lookup any Pokémon card values and, Beginning your search is simple. (Rare Holo), Dark Crobat 5/132 Pokémon is big business. Vergessen? Card Lowest Price; Umbreon ☆ 17/17 POP Series 5 (ShinyRare) $29999.99. Groudon-EX 106/108 Dark Explorers (Rare Holo) $602.07. Pokemon Price Guides & Setlists for the Pokemon Trading Card Game. 179.12% Wigglytuff 16/64 Jungle (Rare Holo) $7.57 0.06 2 Kakuna. EX FireRed & LeafGreen Neo Discovery A card’s scarcity, condition and the actual Pokémon on it all play a role in its value. You just type the name of the Pokemon you want to lookup, the Pokemon TCG set name, or the name of the. Other websites online that attempt to offer price guides and lookup services often have incorrect and outdated price information available. Trainer. Since our card prices and lists are updated on an hourly basis, you can be sure that you always are up to date with what your Pokemon cards are worth. Dragon Ball Super Force of Will Final Fantasy TCG Cardfight!! Gym Challenge Promo Cards S-P. Promo Cards SM-P. Promo Cards XY-P. Promo Cards BW-P. Black Star "L-P" Black Star "DPt-P" Black Star "DP-P" Black Star "PCG-P" Black Star "ADV-P" Black Star "P" Black Star Non-Numbered. 21/82 A PSA Gem Mint 10 #4 Charizard 1st Edition sold for $16,270 in March 2017 An all-PSA Gem Mint 10 set sold for $98,400 in 2017 A PSA Gem Mint 10 #4 Charizard 1st Edition sold for $40,000 in August 2018 If you own any of the cards listed below, condition is the biggest factor in figuring out what your cards are worth. Crobat 147/144 Skyridge (Rare Holo) $759.99. Wenn Sie zwischen 123 und 360 Karten halten, je nach Ordnertyp, werden Sie es schwer haben, diese Ordner vollständig zu füllen, aber sollte das passieren, ist es großartig zu wissen, dass Sie zusätzliche Ordnerseiten bei eBay finden können, um den Speicher zu erweitern. Pokémon Cards Prices/PSA Grading Blastoise Holo 1st Edition PSA 10; $38,609 PSA 9; $9367 Venusaur Holo 1st Edition PSA 10; $28,961 PSA 9; $9000 (Rare Holo), Giovanni's Gyarados Passwort. Pokemon Cards; Pokemon Card Sets; Evolutions; Pokemon Evolutions Card List . 13/132 We also make sure to show you the increase or decrease in price over the course of the last week. The cards with the Staff stamp were intended to be given to the staff members or judges that helped run the event. The Pokémon TCG takes a trip to the Galar region in the Sword & Shield expansion! Neo Destiny Browse the Pokémon TCG Card Database to find any card. 20/82 100/106 Gym Challenge 2/130 The following is a list of all Pokémon cards that have recently had their price values updated. 224.42% Mew 111/110 EX Holon Phantoms (Rare Holo) $6.07. Jungle (Rare Holo), Magneton (Rare Holo), Chansey ex According to the Pokémon website, the card game is available in eleven different languages and 74 countries, and the company has shipped over 25 billion cards to date.. Gym Challenge 11/82 Entei SL3 Call of Legends (ShinyRare Holo) $899.99. We will return you the results that we have in our database and you can easily jump to the next Pokemon, card, and set in line. 10/75 (Rare Holo), Blaine's Arcanine 98/101 Team Rocket We love Pokemon and the TCG so much that we dedicated our time to creating this website for other people who love it as much as we do. 40/165 They weren’t all Charizards though. We have thousands of Pokemon cards including X and Y, Sun and Moon, Level X, Vmax, and much more. Team Rocket Konto eröffnen. 358.93% Charizard G 20/147 Supreme Victors (Rare) $16.30. 99/109 Those who completed the first series of tests were invited to a conference in Osaka, where they competed in Pokémon card battles separated by age group. Clicking on a specific Pokémon card image will take you to that card's listing. EX Team Rocket Returns (Rare Holo), Erika's Dragonair 15/105 (Rare Holo), Scizor (Rare Holo), Venusaur ex Tournaments. Since our card prices and lists are updated on an hourly basis, you can be sure that you always are up to date with what your Pokemon cards are worth. PokeGoldfish. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. HeartGold & SoulSilver Supreme Victors To use this website properly your browser must have javascript enabled. (Rare Holo), Blastoise Team Rocket If you are looking to buy the best Japanese Pokemon promo cards, then we have what you are looking for. Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG) English Set Compositions and Price Guide c.1999-2021 Pojo – https://www.pojo.com U.S. Fossil Expansion Set Revised January 2021 Full Card List Notes “1st Edition” cards are specially marked with the “Edition 1” stamp to signify their limited print run status. 17/132 Pokemon Trading Card Game quick reference price list for Standard. We help you to stay informed and never overpay for Pokemon cards again! (Rare Holo), Blaine Search for free, get real market prices. Gym Challenge Our pokemon card value finder is the largest TCG lookup database that is updated on an hourly basis. 108/105 New cards showcase Pokémon recently discovered in the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield video games. Home Browse Sets. Flashfire If you don’t know, don’t include these words in your search (or watch my video where I explain). Charizard ex EX FireRed & LeafGreen Team Rocket 9/102 (Rare Holo), Golem ex 28/123 Online Code Card (Booster) (VIV) 0,09 € Vivid Voltage: Online Code Card (Elite Trainer Box) (VIV) 0,20 € Vivid Voltage: Online Code Card (Theme Deck) (VIV) 1,39 € Vivid Voltage: Online Code Card (Theme Deck) (VIV) 2,40 € Vivid Voltage: Online Code Card (Build & Battle Kit) (VIV) 0,53 € 21/98 20/147 Now that we got that out of the way, let's go through the list. We also make sure to show you the increase or decrease in price over the course of the last week. Pokemoncardvalue.com is part of the Ebay Associates Program. Mudkip ☆ 107/109 (Rare Holo), Misty's Gyarados Search based on card type, Energy type, format, expansion, and much more. (Rare Holo), Shining Kabutops 3/165 Gym Challenge (Rare Holo), Arbok You’ll need these details: Enter the card name.Printed at the top of the card. Vergessen? (Rare Holo), Lapras ex 112/112 Base Set 2 Browse Sets; Search. Gym Challenge HeartGold & SoulSilver Vergessen? Heck, we remember trading our holographic Charizard card for a copy of Pokemon red for the original gameboy. 7/109 Beginning your search is simple. The following table is a complete list of Pokemon card sets, sorted by date… the newest sets are at the top… the oldest are at the bottom. As if collecting all 151 Pokémon in the video games themselves wasn't enough, we all spend our hard-earned allowance purchasing booster sets and expansion packs in our quest to collect the full set of Pokémon cards! Gym Heroes Magic: The Gathering Yu-Gi-Oh! If there is a Pokemon card that you are looking for to fill holes in your collection, then chances are we have it. Neo Genesis sign in | register | connect. Not only are the video games still selling well, but the trading card game is one of the most popular of its kind. The game was first released in Japan back in 1996 and made its way to The West in … Pokémon. 6/75 Quickly lookup any Pokémon card values and find their card prices.

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