In "Project Predacon", Ultra Magnus' vehicle form is revealed, a nearly all-blue version of Optimus' semi-truck form. Greetings Seibertronians! Countdown and Groundshaker are equally surprised that Optimus has not returned to Cybertron before they did. Ultra Magnus continues to work the Autobots, with a metal claw as a replacement for his destroyed hand. After being beaten into submission by Megatron, Magnus was amongst those captured by the Decepticons. He leads the Wreckers in the final battle against the Decepticons in "Deadlock", until the Decepticons are defeated upon the death of Megatron, and witnesses the revival of Cybertron through the use of the Omega Lock. Their rivalry eventually came to a conclusive end when Sixshot and Magnus engaged in a one-on-one duel. Voice actor: Jeff Glen Bennett(English) After Optimus Prime and his team succeeded in driving Megatron off Cybertron, Ultra Magnus contacted them to let them know the Elite Guard had likewise driven the Decepticon forces away from the Space Bridge terminals. Cybertronian truck, semi-trailer truck. Sentinel Prime is a member of the Cybertron Elite Guard under the command of Ultra Magnus. Shockwave was dead and it turned out that the one who had activated the hammer was Ultra Magnus. In issue #3 of The Transformers: Megatron Origin, a white colored Transformer (resembling Magnus' Titanium War Within toy) is seen from behind at the funeral of Bumper and Fastback. Mission Accomplished, Ultra Magnus later witnessed Starscream's escape from his ship and contacted Optimus Prime to inform him of the breakout. These imags have been collected from various sources including eBay, Yahoo! A veteran of the Great War, Magnus is exceptionally straightforward in his dealings on every level. The AllSpark Almanac II, Towards the end of the Great War, an Autobot intelligence agent named Arcee was in danger of falling into Decepticon hands. He also told Prime not to try to be a hero; unfortunately Optimus disobeyed and had the ship take off anyway, stating that "Ultra Magnus wasn't carrying the Allspark". This, of course, would all go out the window once it was discovered that the Decepticons in pursuit were in Megatron's flagship, at which point the Autobots decided that they should book it. However, he eventually staged a failed coup against Prime, and had his face ripped away for his trouble, leaving him with a skeletal visage. $44.99. ", Longarm Prime (Shockwave) is outed as the traitor, and Magnus is savagely attacked and barely able to reveal the identity of his attacker to Ironhide. This would lead to an invasion of the Classics universe, which was eventually destroyed as a result of Magnus' actions while its version of Earth was transported to Magnus' home universe. Ultimately Wheeljack deserts the Wreckers once again, though he returns to the Autobot base back in Nevada. Magnus helpfully left a box of stasis cuffs to make their jobs somewhat easier. Later, he helps Bulkhead, Wheeljack and Miko escape from the Predacon named Predaking before finding Ratchet, Bumblebee and Raf at the Harbinger and meeting Agent Fowler and June Darby. He came with a spring-loaded Magnus Hammer and is armed with numerous guns mounted on his shoulders. Tyrest (Transformers) Ultra Magnus (Transformers) Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Minimus Ambus is Ultra Magnus; Implied/Referenced Character Death; Self-Worth Issues; Emotional Manipulation; Summary “Me, a Magnus? Robotermodus: Ultra Magnus ist einer von nur drei Figuren der Leader-Klasse in Animated bisher (Repaints mal nicht mitgezählt) und ragt als solcher über fast alle anderen Figuren hinaus. ", Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising,, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from April 2010, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Articles with improper non-free content from October 2019, All articles with improper non-free content, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Articles needing additional references from February 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, City Commander/Deputy Supreme Commander/Second-in-command, Autobot Supreme Commander, Elite Guard Captain General, Wrecker Commander, Deputy Commander, Second-in-command, Elite Autobot Special Forces Commander, Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Arcee, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 06:58. In "TransWarped", Ultra Magnus realizes that the uprisings were too organized and deduced that Cybertron may have a double agent. TransWarped. this toy is very accurate to the show and the paint job is awesome. Olykor Optimusz fővezér testvére, mert általában a játékigurái az újrafestett, illetve átalakított változatai Optimus játékainak. Once combined, God Fire Convoy emits different sound effects and voice clips ("Chou-Kyoudai Gattai! Where Is Thy Sting? Images of the Ultra Magnus voice actors from the Transformers franchise. As Optimus Prime acted bravely, loyally, and with sound tactical judgment during that incident, he commended the wayward Academy bot, simultaneously putting Sentinel in his place, much to Sentinel's chagrin. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Prime and Magnus's toys were released once more in 2005's Transformers: Cybertron - exclusively to Costco, with Magnus's toy remaining unchanged from his Universe redeco - with bios which once again presented them to be the same characters from RiD and Universe. Yet another version of Ultra Magnus appeared, in the 2004 BotCon voice actor play, and this character was seemingly yet another new Ultra Magnus taken from a parallel dimension to that of the Robots in Disguise fiction. Hasbro Transformers Cybertron - Autobots: Ultra Magnus & Optimus Prime Action Figure. This figure is a retool of the Siege Ultra Magnus mold with extensive changes in the armor and inner robot to make him closer to his G1 design in robot and alt mode. Despite his own personal reservations about doing so, Magnus agreed (planting a tracker on Swindle in the process) and tracked Scorponok down on the planet Nebulos. The current holder of the Magnus Armor is Minimus Ambus, which is revealed in the "Remain In Light" story arc. The design that was intended to be used for the character is seen briefly during the film's prologue, repurposed as the design of a generic deceased Autobot. The U.K. Transformers continuity records that Magnus and the other future Autobots returned find to their own time-stream changed to a different, darker future, where Galvatron was alive and ruling most of Cybertron. Ultra Magnus appears in the novel Transformers: Exodus,[15] its sequel, Transformers: Exiles, and Transformers: Retribution, the third installment in the series. He and Perceptor saved a group of G. I Joes and Cobras from Shockwave's Decepticons, erecting a forcefield to protect them while they worked to repair the damage caused by Teletran-3, powered by Magnus' own strength. When the war began to wane, Magnus took the role as commander of a special Autobot faction called the Wreckers after being assigned by Optimu… Taking Optimus Prime aside, he expressed concern that should the general population come to believe that Megatron was still alive, it would incite a panic and embolden the Decepticons. Their plan would be further complicated by an invasion of Sharkticons sent by the Quintessons to reclaim Cybertron, but they eventually escaped with the aid of the bar owner Maccadam. The Animated Series. Scramble City never made it to the United States, so most Americans did not see him until the 1986 animated film. Ultra Magnus (1986) . Ultra Magnus appears as a character in the Nintendo DS game Transformers: War for Cybertron - Autobots. Transformers Collector's Guide: Leader Class Ultra Magnus (Transformers, Animated, Autobot): realtime price guide with history, pictures, and info for all parts, weapons, accessories, instructions, and specs. In the second season of More Than Meets the Eye, Minimus Ambus learns to grow more comfortable outside of the Magnus Armor, and is exiled from the Lost Light along with any other Autobots who befriended the defected Megatron. He also decided that while he was needed to direct the war effort on Cybertron, the Decepticons on Earth had to be dealt with as well. Magnus is no slouch when it comes to combat, either. This Is Why I Hate Machines, Ultra Magnus and the Elite Guard journeyed to Earth in order to extract an explanation from Optimus Prime regarding why he had yet to return to Cybertron with his crew. Predaking is enraged by the loss of his Predacon brethren and tries to kill the two Autobots. $12.50 Used. Ultra Magnus transforms into a car carrier capable of transporting other Autobots such as the Autobot Brothers. Magnus was repaired by Ratchet and Sari while the remainder of the Autobots brought Starscream into custody. Ultra Magnus is everything you could hope for in a leader; fair, decisive, powerful and not afraid to get his hands dirty. Having him in the Leader Class scale came to no surprise. Transformers Animated Series Leader Class 10 Inch Tall Robot Action Figure - Ultra Magnus with Spring Loaded Mass Hammer and Heavy Cannons New (2) from $95.00 + $5.99 Shipping. He was also a member of the Elite Guard. Optimus insisted that the whole event was a Decepticon trap, just as Sentinel Prime arrived with charges of assaulting a fellow officer. Magnus tracked down all those who broke the accords - be they Autobot or Decepticon. When he needs to enter the fray, the Magnus Hammer —his symbol of office—can call down devastating lightning from the sky. He was rather surprised to find Starscream pointing a blaster in his face when he decided to turn around again, and even more so when the flying traitor blasted him point-blank. However, when the Matrix Flame (a flame denoting the activity of the robot containing the Creation Matrix) suddenly extinguished, Magnus was dispatched to Earth to discover what had happened to Optimus Prime. Magnus attempted to escape, but Nexus banished him into another reality and trapped him there before setting out to insure that a plan such as his could never be employed again. His weapon can either fire as a rapid fire gun or as a high powered laser. Ultra Magnus is convinced of the Decepticon presence on Earth by a battle with Starscream, and departs to deal with Decepticon attacks on Autobot space bridges, entrusting Optimus' crew with the protection of Earth. As Omega Prime, they faced Galvatron together at the Earth's core and defeated him once and for all. There he discovered the Decepticon's plan - upgrading several of the Nebulans with Transformer technology. He turns to Optimus, the only one who doesn't treat him the same way, for advice, but the conversation is interrupted by a mission to what is believed to be a Decepticon energon mine, and he takes the Wreckers inside of the mine with Smokescreen. The Transformers Animated series premiered in December 2007 on Cartoon network and featured a much more different art style, than the traditional Transformers lines. For many years this was his only depiction in non-armored mode. If the sewer level with Motormaster is played with Autobot characters, Ultra Magnus is used to replace Motormaster. Share. 4.6 out of 5 stars (8) Total Ratings 8, $90.00 New. Transformers Animated Series Leader Class 10 Inch Tall Robot Action Figure - Ultra Magnus with Spring Loaded Mass Hammer and Heavy Cannons New (2) from $95.00 + $5.99 Shipping. Therefore, Ultra Magnus and the Elite Guard left for Cybertron, while Optimus Prime's crew remained on Earth to locate the AllSpark shards and capture the Decepticons. Groundshaker interrupts, belligerently demanding the Autobot command take action, before he is pulled from the room by Countdown. Accessories: Rifle, large robot head, large robot fists (left and right), pelvis/connector A model kit of Ultra Magnus was among the many released by Kabaya as part of their Transformers Gum line of candy toys.Released as part of the line's third wave, Magnus is molded in red, white and blue plastic, lacking in paint applications but featuring stickers for detail. [14] In doing Ultra Magnus' voice, Jeff Bennett emulates the voice of Robert Stack, who voiced Magnus in The Transformers: The Movie. He has trained for hundreds of years in all forms of fighting known on Cybertron, and several other planets. Galvatron was eventually able to effect his own release, and the Sparkler Mini-Bots (also known as the Sparkabots) extricated Ultra Magnus, who, by this stage, having suffered repeated defeats at Galvatron's hands, had developed a paralysing fear of confronting the Decepticon. He comes to Earth some three years after the events of the All Hail Megatron series, once again tracking Swindle. Magnus is no slouch when it comes to combat, either. The AllSpark Almanac II, Long after the end of the war, Ultra Magnus took a strong interest in Cadet Optimus, noting his combat simulator scores were higher than anyone else had ever managed. In "This Is Why I Hate Machines", the attack by Shockwave and the image of Ultra Magnus in the infirmary are used as propaganda in Sentinel's fanatical government policies. Ultra Magnus (ウルトラ・マグナス, Urutora Magunasu) is the Magnus, Supreme Commander of the Autobots and the leader of the Cybertron Elite Guard and the Wreckers, wise, powerful, and utterly committed to keeping the peace of Cybertron at any cost. The Spy Changer of Ultra Magnus was repainted as the Dairycon 2002 exclusive figure Campaign Car. Like the Animated version of the character, this Ultra Magnus carries a hammer, in actuality a depleted Forge of Solus Prime, while like his IDW depiction, he is stern and takes no nonsense. Cliffjumper informed Sentinel Prime of the details, noting that the Autobots had been thrown into shock and despair. The Transformers: Classics story printed by Fun Publications is set in a continuation of the Marvel Comics Transformers series, ignoring the Marvel U.K. and Generation 2 comics. ULTRA MAGNUS Series: Animated Allegiance: Autobot Categories: Leader Function: Elite Commander Year: 2008 Stand your ground, Autobots! Autoboot Camp, In the wake of Megatron's return, Magnus found himself faced with ever-mounting attacks by Decepticons on space bridge outposts all over the galactic rim. Later, Magnus gives Optimus command over the Autobots again. The Transformers: Energon Ultra Magnus figure features a smaller minicon figure named Knock Out that transforms and combines with a larger robot action figure that transforms into a trailer. He then takes up leadership of the Autobot forces resisting Shockwave's domination of the planet, corresponding with Alpha Trion and leading his Wreckers into battle against the enemy. Unfortunately Ratchet had also thrown the Magnus hammer at Shockwave, hence the Decepticon could now use the hammer to destroy both of them. The Autobot forces opposing Unicron attempted to deflect the beam, which left them all trapped on an uninhabited ice-world. A Robots in Disguise Spy Changer Ultra Magnus was released in 2002. The Magnus hammer was all of a sudden activated, electrocuting the spy. $44.99. Ultra Magnus appeared in the 1986 story book Galvatron's Air Attack by Ladybird Books. Magnus left to report to Cybertron Command on "a matter of great importance". In addition to these new abilities, for the first time, was able to combine with Optimus Prime (Robots In Disguise toyline) forming Omega Prime. In this universe of Transformers, Ultra Magnus is the leader of the Autobots. As per the original intent of his character and toy, Magnus was presented as the arch-foe of Galvatron. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Customers who viewed this item also viewed. No Autobot is more courageous, or more dedicated to the protection of life and freedom. Popular. Much like the Japanese version, this figure combines with Optimus Prime's normal robot mode to form Omega Prime, with a different set of voice and sound clips ("Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Combine!" Ultra Magnus appears among the Transformers box art on the back of larger third year Transformers toys. This is my first Fanfic, but I have been doing RPs for 3 years. Ultra Magnus sheds his outer armor and proceeds on, successfully opening the Matrix and initiating the destruction of Unicron. This package was a Walmart store exclusive in 2004. In The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, Ultra Magnus serves as second-in-command of the starship Lost Light under the command of Rodimus. Magnus tries to fight off Skylynx, but is brutally beaten by him, and barely escapes with Smokescreen's help. [3], Ultra Magnus appeared in the 1986 Ladybird Books story Decepticon Hideout by John Grant.[4]. The animated line is something different and deserves some appreciation for … In the new IDW Publishing continuity Magnus is a feared Autobot law enforcement officer. Endgame, Part I. Franchise: Transformers. As a soldier, he is always practical and serious. Although the American animated series ended with the three-parter "The Rebirth" storyline, it was decided in Japan to continue production of new episodes; to that end, "The Rebirth" was discarded, and in its place, a new 35-episode series, Transformers: The Headmasters was created. Magnus still didn't believe the Decepticons would pose much of a threat, but agreed to dispatch some ships to escort Optimus's ship. In the Cybertron universe, Cybertron was under attack by two of the Heralds of Unicron, Nemesis Prime and Ramjet. Since Ultra Magnus only appeared in the U.K. comics (baring the movie adaption), the Ultra Magnus appearing in these stories is a new character. In the Cartoon Network series Transformers Animated, Ultra Magnus serves as the Autobot commander on Cybertron and Optimus Prime's superior and father figure, he believes Optimus has potential to be a born leader, despite being kicked out of Autobot Academy. Caught off-guard by a desperate Shockwave, Magnus was left heavily damaged and bereft of his hammer, barely able to tell Ironhide who was responsible. Ultra Magnus came in tied for fourth with Shockwave. He warned Prime not to pull any heroics, as it wasn't in Prime's programming. 4.8 out of 5 stars (10) Total Ratings 10, $13.95 New. Prime and Magnus were subsequently seen planning the hunt for Unicron. 2010 — Ultra Magnus, commander of the Wreckers from the Aligned continuity family. Once the true tratior is revealed on Earth, Shockwave makes his move, nearly kills Ultra Magnus and steals his hammer. This version of Ultra Magnus is a recolor of Armada Overload. He was present when Rodimus Prime, Kup, and Blurr went back in time to confront Galvatron and Death's Head, stating his doubts about the mission, teamed up with Soundwave's Decepticons to defeat the Quintessons, and was part of Rodimus Prime's team in the Time Wars. The Cool Episode 5. Like the Animated version of the character, this Ultra Magnus carries a hammer, in actuality a depleted Forge of Solus Prime, while like his IDW depiction, he is stern and takes no nonsense. - 2008 - Transformers Animated Leader Class Ultra Magnus . Before meeting up with Optimus, Magnus fought and easily defeated the Decepticons on his own (not even Ruination could beat him). This toy is very fun to play with [2] When Hot Rod recovered the Matrix from Galvatron and became Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus decided to step down as leader to give the role to Rodimus, but continued to act as his friend and advisor, keeping him on the straight and narrow and always reassuring him, attempting to urge him out of the shadow of Optimus Prime. Copy link. Transformers Devastator 6 In 1 Action Figure NBK GT New Cool Toy in Stock. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus. It is similar to the Japanese release, only with the Japanese voice replaced with the English voice (with the phrase, "Ultra Magnus, Transform!"). Alongside Optimus Prime, The character Red plays Ultra Magnus as a playable character in Angry Birds Transformers. The Return of the Headmaster. Upon his return, Magnus received a report from Ironhide that there was an increased amount of Decepticon activity at the galaxy's rim, particularly targeting space bridges. His main weapon fires spring-loaded missiles and can fold into three different configurations. When the galaxy became infected by the Hate Plague, Ultra Magnus was one of the first victims, and his calm, restrained soldier attitude was stripped away, leaving behind a raving, battle-hungry maniac who had particular interest in destroying Rodimus Prime. Ultra Magnus was a key Lt. during the War for Cybertron. [12] Ultra Magnus was considered to appear in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, before the role was given to Sentinel Prime. Nur der Kopf hat eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit, das war's eigentlich. Il exile alors les Decepticons loin de Cybertron. His head resembles that of the Generation 1 character's super robot mode. When Ratchet's proximity triggered a failsafe data transfer, Magnus assigned the medic to take her place as the activator/mentor to the Autobots' ultimate weapon: Omega Supreme.
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