- Transformers Prime TERRORCON CLIFFJUMPER First 1st Edition Hasbro NEW SEALED. Language: English Words: 6,369 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 2 Kudos: 32 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 1675 The nose of his vehicle mode is split into two as his feet. Transformers Prime First Edition Terrorcon Cliffjumper by Transformers: Amazon.it: Giochi e giocattoli Selezione delle preferenze relative ai cookie Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili per migliorare la tua esperienza di acquisto, per fornire i nostri servizi, per capire come i nostri clienti li utilizzano in modo da poterli migliorare e per visualizzare annunci pubblicitari. He usually acts things out before thinking which lead to his death. Explore. He was voiced initially by Dwayne Johnson, before Billy Brown voiced him in flashbacks. See more ideas about transformers, autobots, transformers prime. I really appreciate it. Cliffjumper is an Autobot from War for Cybertron and Prime continuity family. Yes, that is it. Cliffjumper was being interrogated by Starscream. Media Kit. transformers prime cliffjumper and arcee - Google Search. As a Terrorcon (zombie) his eyes and mouth were purple and had one broken horn. (In which case he'll enjoy seeing you thrown into the smelting pool. Partners is the fifteenth episode of the first season of Transformers: Prime. Thanks for watching this Transformers Stop Motion. Cliffjumper whispered. )Unfortunately, he also tends to frequently end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Transformers Prime Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Cliffjumper was never one of my favorite Transformers until the Prime series came out and 1. More information. Cliffjumper concurred with Ironhide that while Sentinel Prime was not an Autobot, he deserved to be rescued. 17,584 likes. Character Illustration. Cliffjumper is a red robot with blues with two bull like horns on his head. knockout, wheeljack, jack. Starscream pulled a video feed of Arcee looking for him. Exodus. 5.0 out of 5 stars. In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Cliffjumper … Read CliffJumper X Reader from the story Transformers Prime Oneshots by lylia9000 ( Sans ) with 1,314 reads. 1,766 likes. … Cliffjumper is Autobot warrior from Transformers: The Last Prime. In fact, he's a friendly and trusting individual in general provided you're not one of his enemies. Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper is a recurring character in Transformers Aligned continuity, serving as a major character in Fall of Cybertron and a minor protagonist in Transformers Prime. Transformers: Unlimited. Outside of Jasper, Nevada, Cliffjumper tells Arcee how he got a boot from human police officers for being parked illegally, and scared the officers by kicking it off and driving by. Even before the war, Cliffjumper (sometimes called Cliff) was constantly spoiling for a fight. £13.30. I'm gonna blast that smile off Megatron's faceplate. We are the Decepticons. "If you don't tell me, she will suffer." Three (potentially more later) little ficlets of different natures: Skywarp has a prank gone wrong, a glimpse of Megatron fighting as a gladiator, and … I realized that he was voiced by The Rock. Find this Pin and more on Transformers Primeby Robin. The brash Autobot Cliffjumper, who transforms into a muscle car, from the 2010 series Transformers Prime. Although this trait of his has his fellow Autobots' respect, occasionally it ensnares him into situations he cannot handle. 11 talking about this. It destroys everything in it's path, taking away all that I love. Jan 21, 2021 - transformers prime cliffjumper and arcee - Google Search. 1 product rating. Was Arcee's partner.. until I went off the deep end. Thanks. In the Cybertron games, he was voiced by Nolan North. Cliffjumper is Optimus Prime's crack shot sniper, and possibly his most trusted friend and ally. Ask Vector Prime. Download skin now! Art. His motto is "Let me at 'em!" The darkness spreads, obscuring the truth. Remarks: Considering that Cliffjumper died five minutes into the first episode of Transformers Prime, this guy is sure getting a lot of figures. Cliffjumper was one of the initial members of Team Prime fighting the Decepticons on Earth. Transformers Prime CLIFFJUMPER Complete Cyberverse Legends 3'' Legion. Le migliori offerte per Transformers PRIME RID CLIFFJUMPER !!! Within Cliffjumper burns the spark of a hero and a dedicated Autobot. Illustrations. Until one day, on the way home, she and her little brother are attacked by a Decepticon and are rescued by the Autobot, Cliffjumper. Transformers: Prime (207) Transformers Animated (2007) (101) The Transformers (IDW Generation One) (48) Transformers (Bay Movies) (45) Transformers: Shattered Glass (26) The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) (22) Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) (9) Transformers: Rescue Bots (8) Include Characters Cliffjumper (Transformers) (634) Fiction Aligned novels. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Transformers CLIFFJUMPER tra Gen Studio: Amazon.it: Giochi e giocattoli Selezione delle preferenze relative ai cookie Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili per migliorare la tua esperienza di acquisto, per fornire i nostri servizi, per capire come i nostri clienti li utilizzano in modo da poterli migliorare e per visualizzare annunci pubblicitari. Cliffjumper if a Bad ass Bot (More details to come) His alt mode was a red Dodge Challenger with two bull like horns on the front. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Background 3.2 Transformers: The Last Prime 4 Weapons 5 Appearances 6 Trivia Cliffjumper looks likeBumblebee, but his helmet has striped and he has the roof of his vehicle mode as his chest. He … Wheeljack (Transformers) Sentinel Prime; Cliffjumper (Transformers) Gladiators; Summary. If you like this video, like it, if you like it more, subscribe. $30.71. Top Rated Seller. Cliffjumper first appears in the first two episodes of the Transformers: Prime 5-part mini-series Darkness Rising. Cliffjumper is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family. Fandom Apps. Transformers Prime TERRORCON CLIFFJUMPER First 1st Edition Hasbro NEW SEALED. Short shippy ficlets revolving around Christmas/new years or a reasonable implied cybertronian equivalent, set in DW or SG. 80 likes. Optimus Prime; Stunticons (Transformers) Cliffjumper (Transformers) Ficlet Collection; Comedy; Drama; Summary. Apart from this one, the First Edition figure and the little Cyberverse guy, there is also a zombie-like Terrorcon version in the pipeline and that’s just counting the Hasbro releases. Transformers Illustration. - Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise RID Thundertron Voyager Class Misb. Contact. Cliffjumper is a look alike G1. Starscream said. But this deception is a necessary evil. Cliffjumper compensates for his small size by being the first to rush into any dangerous situation, desiring only to beat up "Decepti-creeps." C $96.26. Terrorcon Cliffjumper (Deluxe, 2012) ID number: 005; Accessories: Stand Part of the second wave of Prime: First Edition toys, Terrorcon Cliffjumper is a redeco and retooling of First Edition Cliffjumper, with purple translucent parts, a new, bashed-up head, and "Dark Energon" battle-damage paint operations. On the outside, he's a paranoid, trigger … View Mobile Site. He was originally a partner of Jazz and also the second partner of Arcee . "Arcee!" Prime Deluxe Cliffjumper (not yet released) A new mold of Cliffjumper from the Prime series. He and Ultra Magnus's Wreckers later escorted Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Jetfire to the Well of All Sparks when they made their journey to purge Cybertron's core of Dark Energon. The Decepticons just gave him an excuse. Transformers prime mini cliffjumper 2012 DOTM battle blade complete Christmas. The first time Cliffjumper was keeping silent. I saw that his vehicle mode is a cross between a 70s Dodge Challenger and a 70s Plymouth Barracuda, and 2. Brand New. Prime Deluxe Terrorcon Cliffjumper (not yet released) A redeco of the Prime Deluxe figure depicting Cliffjumper's undead form. Free shipping. References ↑ Only 1 left! Jan 14, 2018 - Explore Golden Ferarri's board "》CLIFFJUMPER《" on Pinterest. sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! It is the twentieth episode of the series overall. £30.00. Top Rated Seller. Le migliori offerte per Transformers PRIME cliffjumper sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Cliffjumper was a loyal Autobot soldier. Was: $34.90. + £11.66 postage. Cliffjumper first appears in the first two episodes of the Transformers: Prime 5-part mini-series Darkness Rising. Outside of Jasper, Nevada, Cliffjumper tells Arcee how he got a boot from human police officers for being parked illegally, and scared the officers by kicking it off and driving by. Cliffjumper - TFP. Le migliori offerte per Transformers PRIME Legioni CLASSE cliffjumper COMPLETO sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Mirage (Transformers) Optimus Prime; Cliffjumper (Transformers) Christmas; Fluff; Romance; Summary. He's got a piece of paper that he claims contains a list of 200 known traitors. Tell people more about your page (255 character maximum) Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise RID Thundertron Voyager Class Misb. Make offer. Unfortunately (and shockingly), Cliffjumper was killed by Starscream in his debut episode. He was a brave warrior. Cliffjumper. He's been bending fenders and smashing heads for Stellar-Cycles now, and the fun never stops. Chapter 1 pretending to faint. D&D Beyond. Fanfiction Transformers Prime Cliffjumper In Sabrina Tucker's eyes, the problem with Jasper, Nevada, was that it was so small nothing exciting ever happened.

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