Strongarm couldn't see Optimus prime, and since Bumblebee was distracted by what he saw, she chased down and apprehended Sideswipe on her own. There Optimus Prime appeared to him again and spoke to Bumblebee of a new mission and a dark threat. Grimlock throws Bumblebee, and the combined weight of Bumblebee and Strongarm brings Filch back to earth. Complete Transformers collector resource including toys, news, reviews, events, instructions, forum, and more. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Due to Ride-Along regulation 201, section 4, Strongarm was required to accompany her senior officer for the entire shift so she followed Bumblebee into the museum, handcuffed to Sideswipe. 1. It's caretaker, the Mini-con Fixit is introduced right before Underbite, the city devourering Decepticon.[1]. © 2021 Hasbro. Hasbro does not control and is not responsible for the availability of, or content on, linked third party websites. A master swordsman who always keeps his cool in battle. Earth couldn't ask for a better protector. Bumblebee guida una squadra di eroici Autobot. Lend a bot a hand – or a leg! Team Bumblebee is a group of Autobots led by Bumblebee, and was formed by Bumblebee after he had a vision of Optimus Prime, who told him to go to Earth as a new threat appears. After returning to Cybertron Bumblebee did his best to keep his home peaceful, taking on a position in the Elite Guard as a lieutenant. Transformers Robots in Disguise presents what they're calling "the biggest converting Bumblebee ever." Em Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Bumblebee é convocado por Optimus Prime para salvar a Terra de uma nova facção de Decepticons que ameaçam a segurança de todos! Bumblebee Transformers: Robots In Disguise Bumblebee Transformers Adventures Share this Gallery! Click the link below to easily share this … 178 images (& sounds) of the Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2015) cast of characters. The heroic warrior gets his shot at being team leader. 'Bee revealed to her that he had been following a trail set out before him by Optimus Prime himself. Transformers: Robots in Disguise Team Combiners Game, Transformers Robots in Disguise: Power Up for Battle. Transformers Robots in Disguise Bumblebee Warrior Action Figure [Combiner Force] Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Ruthless and clever, Fracture is the most feared bounty hunter in the universe. Doug emerges from his arcade in time to see the giant robots, but after they disappear through the Groundbridge, he His eventual return to Earth began on a mission in which Cadet Strongarm accompanied him on a Ride-Along where they responded to a "2-1-1" in progress, caused by rebel Autobot Sideswipe. Eager cadet knows all the rules. The overarching gimmick for the line is special faction symbol "Shields", which can be scanned with the accompanying Robots in Disguise appto temporarily unlock the toy for use in-game. Local Business Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Bumblebee leads a team of heroic Autobots. Different Transformers Bumblebee Evolution History ランスフォーマー 變形金剛 will be found in this video. But he can become even more powerful with other Hero Mashers parts! Please be aware that your use of such third party’s linked website is subject to their privacy policy and terms of use, which may differ from those of Hasbro. Your Bumblebee figure has all the might of any of the Transformers and a sword to make Decepticons into scraps. As soon as he could shake off the rubble, and his vision, he ran to the museum to find out what Optimus was trying to tell him. Transformers Robots In Disguise (2015-) Bumblebee (re-release) - Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site Metal-munching bot powers up when he chows down. TRANSFORMERS APPS AVAILABLE FOR IOS AND ANDROID! The Transformers; Robots in Disguise app, based on the animated series, creates an interactive mobile gaming experience that brings the characters of the show to life with awesome battles, and this figure can become part of it. In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Bumblebee is summoned by Optimus Prime to save Earth from a new faction of Decepticons that threaten the safety of everyone! ョンマッスルチャイルドコスチューム ハロウィン サイズ:Medium (7-8)がロボット・子ども向けフィギュア 1 History 2 Toys 2.1 Wave 1 3 References After returning to Cybertron Bumblebee did his best to keep his home peaceful, taking on a position in the Elite Guard as a lieutenant. D&D Beyond Bumblebee Transformers: Robots In Disguise Bumblebee First Edition Bumblebee Arms Micron Share this Gallery! 1. Transformers: Robots in Disguise’da Optimus Prime Bumblebee’yi, Dünya’yı herkesin güvenliğini tehdit eden yeni bir Decepticon grubundan kurtarmak için savaşmaya davet ediyor! Photos of the Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2015) (Show) voice actors. Click the link below to easily share this gallery on … A Cybertron Max Security Prison Ship had crashed and the inmates were running loose. Transformers: Robots in Disguise Season 1 Release year: 2015 When a prison ship unleashes Decepticon criminals on Earth, Bumblebee assembles an unlikely team of Autobots to defend the planet from the fugitives.,, To protect earth and all humans from the decepticons. While searching for any clue that could help him understand he stumbled upon a Space Bridge, with its co-ordinates already set to a location on Earth. Unlocks Bumblebee in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise App This Bumblebee action figure brings home exciting Transformers play, but the action doesn't stop there. Weaponizer Bumblebee | Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise TFsource code: WEAPONIZER-BUMBLEBEE Even when the Decepticons think they’ve got him nailed, Bumblebee always has a … See actions taken by the people who manage and post iSpot measures impressions and the performance of TV ads. The guards mistook him for an imposter and forced him into the Bridge, where Strongarm and Sidewswipe soon followed. Once a young warrior with everything to prove, in the aftermath of Optimus Prime's death, Bumblebee became the leader of a fresh team of Autobots. Rev up and roll out! What's particularly remarkable in this case is the sheer longevity of some figures, to a degree not really seen since the days of Generation 1: Despite having already been succeeded by the usual redecos in many instances (as has been the standard for pretty much every line since Beast Wars), figures of the more prominent characte… MEMBERS Bumblebee Strongarm Sideswipe Not long after being stranded on Earth it became clear what new threat awaited Earth. And lives by them. Pages Media TV & Movies TV Channel Transformers: Robots In Disguise Videos Bumblebee's Night Off トランスフォーマー 2015 RID ロボッツインディスガイズ メガサイズ スリーステップチェンジャーズ スーパー バンブルビー / TF TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE MEGA SIZE 3-STEP CHANGERS SUPER BUMBLEBEEがロボット The conversation was cut short by two guards approaching their location and he told her and Sideswipe to try and disable the stasis fields around the Space Bridge while he kept the guards busy. During the chase, Optimus Prime appeared to Bumblebee in a vision, within a small pool of water just in front of Optimus Prime's own memorial statue, and silently pointed toward the Cybertron History Museum and Earth. All his parts are removable, so you can swap parts from other Hero Mashers figures (sold separately) to give him different powers. Once a young warrior with everything to prove, in the aftermath of Optimus Prime's death, Bumblebee became the leader of a fresh team of Autobots. い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 Transformers: Robots in Disguise Season 1 Release year: 2015 When a prison ship unleashes Decepticon criminals on Earth, Bumblebee assembles an unlikely team of Autobots to defend the planet from the fugitives. This site contains advertising. If it beeps, blips, or even burps, this Mini-Con tech expert can keep it running. Bumblebee lidera uma equipe de heróicos Autobots. Bumblebee Transformers: Robots In Disguise Bumblebee Transformers Adventures Share this Gallery! Independent, practical thinker can handle anything the Decepticons throw her way. 3 talking about this. Transformers: Robots in Disguise Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Most powerful + most dangerous = most wanted. Their mission: capture the evil Decepticons who are loose on Earth… and do it without being discovered. In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Bumblebee è chiamato da Optimus Prime per salvare la Terra da una nuova fazione di Decepticon che minaccia la sicurezza di tutti. See and discover other items: all transformers, robots for 6 year olds, robots in disguise, transformer kids, transformers car There's a problem loading … Bumblebee figure, Mini-Con Cyclone Major Mayhem figure, and 6 accessories Accessories work as weapons/armor or combine into a capture weapon Scan the figures to unlock content in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise In Transformers: Robots in Disguise wird Bumblebee von Optimus Prime herbeigerufen, um die Erde vor einer neuen Fraktion Decepticons zu schützen, die die Sicherheit aller bedroht! One stomp of his hoof and - BADA-BOOM - things go flying! Click the link below to easily share this gallery on … This is a list of the characters from Transformers: Robots in Disguise, the stand-alone sequel to Transformers: Prime Autobots Main Characters Bumblebee (voiced by Will Friedle) - The main protagonist of the series who transforms into a yellow and black Griffin Motors 1995 Windblazer, which is similar to the Chevrolet Camaro, and also forms the head and torso of Ultra Bee. Add a photo to this gallery Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As such, we encourage you to read the third party’s privacy policy and terms of use closely. Transformers: Robots in Disguise - Episode 1: New Mission on Earth, More Transformers: Robots in Disguise Wiki. Unfortunately her inexperience as a Cadet allowed her the mistake of knocking Sideswipe into Prime's statue, causing it to crumble to the ground on top of Bumblebee. Imagine Bumblebee is joining with Buzzstrike to harness extra power for battle, as seen in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series. Attach different Mini-Con Weaponizers figures (each sold separately) to activate Bumblebee leads a team of heroic Autobots. It's Super Bumblebee with lights and sound! An ancient and powerful Decepticon determined to destroy the Autobots.

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