Vengeful, wrathful, ominous, tortured, vindictive, intimidating, aggressive, murderous But, the movie also contains a deeper meaning. What is the meaning of FITI? The heart of Te Fiti is a greenstone — or pounamu — and is basically the whole reason that Moana sets off on her epic quest in the first place. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Moana retrieves the heart from the ocean and returns to Te Fiti. What does FITI stand for? On her chest is a spiral carving of where her heart once was; should it be reattached, Te Kā will return to her true form. List of 7 FITI definitions. Te Fiti is a more obvious representation, being manifested by lush greens and plant life, symbolizing earth's nature. Flowers vary slightly based on availability and the size of hat. Quality: Designer Occupation Soundtrack: Soundtrack According to legend, only the restoration of Te Fiti's heart can end the blight. I only highlighted the three: the reef, the boat and the earth angel Te- Fiti because I felt that these three are the ones that defined the whole movie perfectly. Quality: Tags with the same meaning: Te Fiti; Te Fiti (mentioned by Maui) Child tags (displaying the first 300 of each type): Relationships: Kristoff/Te Fiti (Disney) Maui & Te Fiti (Disney) Ocean/Te Fiti (Disney) Te Fiti & Moana Waialiki; Te Fiti (Disney) & Original Character(s) Te Fiti/Moana Waialiki; Footer. With her heart, she can create other islands teeming with flora and fauna, and affect these elements from afar, as shown by Te Kā's curse. Likes Navigation MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. She values nature and the beauty that comes alongside it. Should someone call to it, as Moana did during the climax, she will slowly ease her tension and succumb to her inner, gentle nature. She is also extremely powerful in her strength—so much so that she overpowers the capacity of a demigod, though one can pose as a decent adversary for a period of time. I have no idea why the ocean chose me. Quality: Feature films Human translations with examples: bite, waka, te hoe, te honu, and whe, you fiti, and when, a journey, big canoe. FUN FACT: In the myths, Maui and his wife had a son, a skin-changer pig known as Kaumapua’a. Her heart Te Fiti, as well as her Te Kā aspect, is an enormous embodiment of the earth, but her appearance differs between the two forms. She is represented as a female deity in mythology, while Teka has been told as male or female. Quality: Her body is covered in lush flora and trees; clusters of flowers adorn her grassy hair similar to a headdress. She then bids farewell to Moana and lays herself down to rest as the heroine returns home. Home; Heater Parts & Accessories . Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Journey of Water, Inspired by Moana From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Background information Her name means "the burning one" in Maori. 'Forest Industries Training Institute' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Val Amador Dislikes Yes and no. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-12-04 It has many symbols and themes that help define it even more. We know from the movie that Te Fiti, a graceful, green goddess of life, becomes Te Ka, a demon of fire and destruction, once the heart is stolen from her by Maui the demigod. Flag. List of 7 FITI definitions. About the Archive. However, what is revealed is that Te Kā and Te Fiti are one and the same. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-08-12 She looks to Te Kā and notices a spiral on the lava goddess' chest, indicating that she is actually Te Fiti. In earlier designs, Te Kā's facial appearance was slightly more human. Usage Frequency: 1 Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti. The meaning of the FITI is also explained earlier. Find out what is the full meaning of FITI on! She then liberates the world from the curse placed by Te Kā When she is in the form of Te Ka she fears the ocean and so do her people. Personality 1 Background 2 Role in the film 3 Gallery At the beginning, there was only the ocean. Top FITI abbreviation meanings updated January 2021 Usage Frequency: 1 Im Kampf zerbricht der magische Haken von Maui und er erhält einen neuen Haken von Te Fiti. Usage Frequency: 1 Als Vaiana auf ihre Insel zurückkehrt, wird sie von ihren Eltern freudig empfangen. Te Fiti's power lies in her ability to generate life around her and her control over it as a goddess of life. Fiti - Detailed Meaning. The song sees Maui (Dwayne Johnson) singing about the remarkable things he does for people while telling them he knows they’re grateful and that they’re “welcome for everything”. Te Fiti and her alternate forms (herself, an island, and Te Kā) appear in the As Told by Emoji retelling of Moana. Occupation Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-06-26 While Te Fiti is a largely compassionate entity, Te Kā is - quite literally - a heartless creature with a fiery disposition. Quality: Goddess of life You rely upon your self-expressive qualities to make your way in life. The heart of Te Fiti is a greenstone (New Zealand Maori) amulet stolen by the demigod Maui. Moana Tamatoa, Kakamora, Giant Eel Te Fiti does not exist in Polynesian mythology, but there is a goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes called Pele. Top definition. List of recycled animation in Disney movies. She can even regenerate her hands when severed within seconds. Vaiana (deutsche Tagline: Das Paradies hat einen Haken, Originaltitel: Moana) ist ein US-amerikanischer Computeranimationsfilm von Ron Clements und John Musker, der am 23.November 2016 in die nordamerikanischen und am 22. Their battle resulted in the loss of the heart, and as punishment for his crimes, Te Kā banished Maui to a desolate spit of land in the middle of the open ocean, where he would be doomed to remain stranded for eternity. Usage Frequency: 1 Te Kā is unique in that she is the only villain in the Disney animated feature canon to face a peaceful demise, rather than a gruesome one. They arrive at Te Fiti, where Te K attacks their boat. Moana: Rhythm Run Usage Frequency: 1 Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of FITI It’s one of the best Disney Moana tattoo ideas because it includes a bunch of our favorite characters. Moving with gentle grace, often seen with a tranquil expression to match her radiant features, Te Fiti is selflessness and purity incarnate. She can also assume an island form when dormant; when this happens, she assumes a resting position. Quality: Excellent. advertise • terms of service. She returns to her island and takes Moana and Maui in her hand. The Heart of Te Fiti is an ancient gem belonging to the mother island Te Fiti in the Disney animated feature film Moana. Summer: Summer Blast, Selfless, charitable, sensitive, nurturing, graceful, forgiving, powerful, radiant, gentle, Towering, slender figure with skin made of lush flora, dark green lips, dark green eyebrows, green eyes, To spread the gift of life across the world, Nature, giving life, being whole, Moana's heroism, Destruction, the theft of her heart, Maui's reckless mischief, The ability to create life through the power of her heart, Revived after her heart was restored by Moana. In earlier versions of the movie, the lava antagonist of the film was named "Te Po", and was described as a brutal and villainous land spirit. Te Kā acts as a demonic guardian and prevents anyone from approaching Te Fiti's shores. Fete; tinere, eleve vaduvi obligat. Goal Ryan Lang However, she could also rejuvenate the life in islands Te Kā's curse had once affected. Always surrounding her slender form is a dense pyrocumulus cloud, coupled with bolts of lightning and volcanic ash. As she guards Te Fiti's fallen shores with a spiteful scowl, Te Kā looks to destroy anyone who dares cross her path, and will relentlessly pursue her target until they either depart, or face a bitter end. Moana asks the ocean to clear a path for Te Kā to approach her and, gently but Free-Form Curve Meaning. This relic was previously stolen from her by the Demigod Maui so that Humans would gain the power of creation and life-giving. Other names Alignment Quality: Source, Te Kā Appearance He is fabled to have stolen the heart of Te Fiti, a powerful island goddess who creates life. The colossal Te Fiti takes the form of a feminine figure with a human face not unlike Moana's. Maui: Te Ka's gotta catch me first. Tamatoa is first seen during Gramma Tala's story concerning the mother island Te Fiti and her life-giving heart. Quality: Despite their differing ideals, both elements add to the planet. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. The ability to create life through the power of her heart Also significant is that she was not a villain that needed to be defeated; rather, she needed to be liberated from her torment and be brought to peace in order for the damage she had caused to be undone. There are no other ali'i chiefly titles in the village where all the matai chief titles are of orator tulafale status. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous. As Te Kā, most of her abilities are derived from her elemental control over fire, lava, and magma. Animators Te Fiti may be God the Father mostly as seen in the Old Testament – author of Creation, but not personally accessible to each person, singling out a few prophets instead. Maybe it’s a metaphor, stealing the heart maybe meant something very bad done by someone you loved (cheating, betrayal of trust, something like that). Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-09-25 Vaiana erkennt in diesem Te Fiti, das sich zurückverwandelt, nachdem sie ihr das Herz einsetzt. As a living island, she can grow plants of all sizes and can manipulate the terrain around her body, as well as change size seen just before she returns to a dormant state near the end of the film. Fate An environmental catastrophe spreading across the island makes the mission urgent. Disney’s Moana is set on the fictional island of Motunui. Te Fiti had something very bad done to her… in this case Maui stole her heart. In the movie, Moana's grandmother tells legends about the origins of the island, about how Te Fiti's heart was stolen by Maui. Paraphernalia Bad, later good Contextual translation of "te rito" into English. She is represented as a female deity in mythology, while Teka has been told as male or female. The Heart of Te Fiti is an ancient gem belonging to the living mother island Te Fiti in the Disney animated feature film Moana. The theft of her heart has stripped her of Te Fiti's benevolence, replacing it with malice aimed at both Maui and the world at large.
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