According to the “Statistische Bundesamt” ( German Federal Statistical Office), the sales volume in 2015 was around 95.7 million hectolitres. Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland operate Germany's largest specialised library on statistics in Wiesbaden. The EEA Web CMS works best with following browsers: Internet Explorer is not recommended for the CMS area. Creating the optimum beer flavour., Official website of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany,, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 September 2020, at 16:27. Search item . Die aufbereiteten Informationen werden tagesaktuell in rund 390 amtlichen Statistiken veröffentlicht. Linguee. Engineered by: Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. 24/48 Service in Deutschland, 24/72 Service in die Schweiz, egal ob Paket oder Komplettladung. Wiesbaden und Umgebung, Deutschland. Do something for our planet, print this page only if needed. Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Statistisches Bundesamt Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, D-65180 Wiesbaden and Eurostat, Statistical Office of the European Communities Plateau du Kirchberg, L-2920 Luxembourg items. For references, please go to or scan the QR code. ok We use cookies on our website to allow you the best possible service. Translator. Limited commercial partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (GmbH & Co. KG) 150,967: 1,254,926,509: General commercial partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (GmbH & Co. OHG) 451: 35,768,843: Limited commercial partnership with a public limited company as general partner (AG & Co. KG) 352: 86,243,600: General commercial partnership with a … Translation for 'Statistisches Bundesamt' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. More information can be found here. Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen: Austria NB 0459 GMED: France NB 0462 ... HOHENSTEIN LABORATORIES GmbH & Co. KG: Germany NB 0556 DGUV Test Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Nahrungsmittel und Verpackung Fachbereich Nahrungsmittel der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung e.V. Dürr Technik GmbH & Co. KG; US/UK/Canada . Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis May 2019 – Present 6 months. The Office is responsible for collecting, processing, presenting and analysing statistical information concerning the topics economy, society and environment. S1311 Bund . Contextual translation of "statistisches bundesamt, 2010" into English. Germany is a country of beer drinkers. About See All. 5. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. 01 February 2021 11:55 The purpose is providing objective, independent and highly qualitative statistical information for the whole public. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. The department in Wiesbaden is the main office and runs the largest library specialised in statistical literature in Germany. Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland operate Germany's largest specialised library on statistics in Wiesbaden. Das Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG) setzt auf die Bereitschaft zur freiwilligen Mitwirkung der Verkehrsunternehmen. See more of EPS GmbH & Co.KG on Facebook. StepStone will provide you with all important information. In this position he or she is the supervisor of the elections of the German Parliament ("Bundestag") and of the European Parliament. Log In. we can send you a new one. next. It is also the Office of the President who is also by tradition, but not by virtue of the office, the Federal Returning Officer. 40 people follow this. en. Das Statistische Bundesamt ist eine deutsche Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums des Innern. Statistisches Bundesamt {n} Federal Statistical Officestat. previous . You are here: Homepage; Themes; Society and environment; Population; Current population; Table of content. Open menu. EN. Even a small action can make an enormous difference when millions of people do it! Lindenstraße 50 (4,065.60 mi) Kriftel, Germany, 65830. Get Directions +49 6192 4701850. EN. 42,1 mn women. You want to contact Statistisches Bundesamt, but you don’t know how? Februar 2010). US/UK/Canada Germany France Share. Limited commercial partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (GmbH & Co. KG) 192,729: 1,153,250,044: General commercial partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (GmbH & Co. OHG) 795: 35,666,791: Limited commercial partnership with a public limited company as general partner (AG & Co. KG) 780: 88,323,104: General commercial partnership with a … Population Current population 83,1 mn population. Logistik aus dem Sauerland Sicher-Schnell-Gut, wir fahren für Sie, besonders in Deutschland u. der Schweiz. The Federal Statistical Office (German: Statistisches Bundesamt, shortened Destatis) is a federal authority of Germany. Russian Translation for Statistisches Bundesamt - English-Russian Dictionary Statistisches Bundesamt is a company from Wiesbaden, Germany. The German version of this publication may be obtained from the publisher, Verlag Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart. DESTATIS - Statistisches Bundesamt. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Suggest as a translation of "Statistischem Bundesamt" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Recommended; Saved jobs; Applied jobs; Login. My Jobs. Last post 18 Jan 11, 11:58: steht unter dem Diagramm... source: own construction according to "Statistisches Bundesamt… 2 Replies: Umweltbundesamt, Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt : Last post 17 Feb 20, 18:36: Why is it Umweltbundesamt, … Zwar vernahm das Statistische Bundesamt im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2009 ein leichtes Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsproduktes (BIP), dennoch verzeichnete die deutsche Wirtschaft im Vorjahresvergleich einen Rückgang des BIP von insgesamt 5 Prozent (Quelle: Statistisches Bundesamt, 14. Das Statistische Bundesamt (Abk: StBA oder Destatis) und die 14 statistischen Ämter der Länder bilden im föderalen Aufbau der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die amtliche Statistik, deren Aufgaben laut § 1 Bundesstatistikgesetz (BstatG) darin liegt, „laufend Daten über Massenerscheinungen zu erheben, zu sammeln, aufzubereiten, darzustellen und zu analysieren. The per capita consumption amounted to nearly 106 litres, ac-cording to the "Deutsche Brauer-Bund" (German Brewers As-sociation). Do something for our planet, print this page only if needed. More details about this company like involved buildings and projects are recorded here. The EEA is an agency of the European Union, Sign up to receive our news notifications,, Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 D-65189 Wiesbaden,, European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet), Biodiversity Information System for Europe, European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring, Marine Water Information System for Europe, Fresh Water Information System for Europe. Statistische Bundesamt im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2009 ein leichtes Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsproduktes (BIP), dennoch verzeichnete die deutsche Wirtschaft im Vorjahresvergleich einen Rückgang des BIP von insgesamt 5 Prozent (Quelle: Statistisches Bundesamt, 14. This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. EPS GmbH & Co.KG. Saved jobs; Applied jobs; Best workplaces; Salary planner; For recruiters % Best workplaces Salary planner. It reports to the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Many translated example sentences containing "Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. 39 people like this. Ob vor Ort oder online auf Blog Press Information. Sie erhebt, sammelt und analysiert statistische Informationen zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Statistisches Bundesamt {n} Federal Bureau of Statisticspol. Statistisches Bundesamt, Liste der Extrahaushalte, 2019 ... WH-Zweite Grundstücks GmbH & Co.KG . This list contains railway companies currently operating in Germany.It includes railway units that are not independent legal entities. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. This website has limited functionality with javascript off. EEA Web Team, Software updated on from version 21.1.12, Software version: Login; Register; Cart (0 items) Buildings. ... Quelle: eigene Darstellung in Anlehnung an Statistisches Bundesamt (Wiesbaden 2010). statistisches Bundesamt {n} der USA US Census Bureaupol. Community See All. If you have forgotten your password, Please make sure javascript is enabled in your browser. The spread of the coronavirus has an impact also on statistics production in Germany. Closed Now. Bekleidung, Zubehör und Pflege rund ums Motorrad. 5 out of 5 stars. STATISTISCHES BUNDESAMT Gustav Stresemann-Ring 11, D-6200 Wiesbaden and EUROSTAT, STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE EUROPEAN EEA Plone KGS 21.1.30. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Look up the German to Arabic translation of Statistische Bundesamt in the PONS online dictionary. The Federal Statistical Office (German: Statistisches Bundesamt, shortened Destatis) is a federal authority of Germany.It reports to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.. Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen: Austria NB 2004 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Germany GmbH ... HOHENSTEIN LABORATORIES GmbH & Co. KG: Germany NB 1322 IBS - Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung GmbH: Austria NB 0164 IDIADA AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY S.A. Spain NB 1523 INNOVATEXT Textile Engineering and Testing Institute Co. Hungary …

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