is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. 2004 — Transformers — Collection 2: Series 2.1 (Madman Entertainment) 22 min. Megatron gets a view from right alongside the Autobot ship as it approaches the Sun. Ramjet causes a building at least eight stories tall to collapse with zero warning. Not only do all of the workers have full use of their arms, but Chip is completely unhindered by them during his escape. Part one of "Megatron's Master Plan" was telecast in America on October 14, 1985. "Is anyone brave, or stupid enough, to oppose us? Having had the Autobots exiled from Earth, Megatron reveals the Decepticons' true intentions. When Megatron instructs Thrust to re-capture Chip Chase, his voice is not electronically enhanced. Megatron has sent the Autobots into THE SUN! The mayor of Central Cityis officially opening a new Solar Tower when his speech is interrupted by Starscream, Thrust, Dirge and Ramjet. And Soundwave and the cassettes hit up a TEEN DANCE!!! Given the insane power of Megatron's fusion cannon blasting a hole in the wall where the humans were standing would have either severely injured or killed those standing within the blast range or destroyed the whole power station. Video Gems) Megatron's Master Plan: Part 2. Home / Series / Transformers: Generation 2 / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 35 Megatron's Master Plan (Part 2) ... Megatron's Master Plan (Part 2) Having had the Autobots exiled from Earth, Megatron reveals the Decepticons' true intentions. Megatron ensures a different destination for his foes than Cybertron, a one-way course to The plan has worked, leaving the Autobots exiled from Earth. 2009 — The Transformers — The Complete Series: 25th Anniversary "Matrix of Leadership" Collection (Shout! Thundercracker is shown alongside Megatron in the first shot of the marching Decepticons. Sell it yourself. Maybe we oughta take it out on the one who got us into this mess! Free to do as they please, the Decepticons gladly prepare to take advantage. With Jack Angel, Michael Bell, Corey Burton, Victor Caroli. View production, box office, & company info. Cosmos finds he is unable to link up with Teletraan I as the rocket starts to overheat...along with the Autobots inside. 2002 — The Original Transformers — Season 2 Part 1: Vol. Inside the Decepticon base, Megatron looks on with glee as he watches the Autobots and their ship collide with the sun and explode. 2001 — The Transformers — DVD Box 1 (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only. Thundercracker transforms without the transforming sound effect. Optimus Prime. He didn't cause our problems. Ironhide: Are we going anywhere, Cosmos, or is this a tour of the stars? Optimus's headlights aren't colored in as he lectures Megatron. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Eventually, Megatron came across The Fallen, who corrupted him and convinced him that the AllSpark should be his. The first knocks over a massive standing shelf full of videos, allowing him to escape Ravage. Episode 16. Teletraan I's screen displays Cosmos's name as "COSMS". He knows so very much about the show!! Just as the car explodes, the truck disappears. He didn't cause our problems. Part 1 of 2. Check out some of our favorite child stars, including Jennifer Love Hewitt and more. 1998 — The Transformers: Generation 2 — Megatron's Master Plan (Behaviour) 2008 — Transformers — Volume 04: Stagione Due Parte Seconda (Medianetwork Communication) — English and Italian audio. As a marching band parades through the streets of Central City, Shawn Berger announces that today is Decepticon Day. This being his first appearance, Cosmos's voice lacks the self-echo that would characterize it in his subsequent appearances. Sparkplug and Chip can't believe what is happening. TV-PG | Oct 14, 1985 | 23m . The Transformers: Generation 2 (also known as Generation Two or G2) was a Transformers toy line which ran from 1992–1995, in conjunction with a corresponding comic book series and edited reruns of the original cartoon beginning in 1993. Spike learns of the Autobots' destruction and escapes, but the tape of evidence is destroyed. Hound: Lay off him, Ironhide. 2004 — Transformers — Volume 8 (Déclic Images) — European French audio only. "Uh, Laserbeak wanna cracker?" Overcast. They died in a cosmic funeral pyre! Everyone transfor… An energy sound effect plays, but not till well after the second lighting-up is finished. As the Autobots arrive at the battle site, Ironhide is drawn with Ratchet's ambulance lights on his roof. Starscream's "Yeeiiii!" —Male human teenwho suspects Laserbeak wants to eat him Ironhide: Are we going anywhere, Cosmos, or is this a tour of the stars? Transformers - Megatron's Master Plan 1985 Animation VHS Video Tape Vintage TBLO. A short scene meant to catch us up with what Spike has been doing shows Spike viewing footage and Ravage arriving in the video room. When released as a video in the UK, both episodes were compiled as a 45-minute "movie" instead of being treated as a two-part episode. Seller 100% positive. Starscream's optics are mis-colored blue as he fires his. 2014 — Transformers — The Classic Animated Series (Metrodome). Back on Earth, an Air Force rescue attempt is easily thwarted by the Seekers and Blitzwing. Okay, we can buy that Megatron shorted out the ship's guidance system by remote control and locked in its course. Megatron grew up to become Lord High Protector of Cybertron, while his brother, Optimus became the head scientist of the Cybertronian scientific division. With no need to continue his pretense, Megatron reveals his true face in public. okay plot, okay animation . A nearby screen shows the Coneheads running amok through Central City. Skip navigation Sign in. First onscreen appearances of Cosmos and Astrotrain. Berger's received his reward: He too is cuffed and made to work in a power plant. Factory are re-issuing the 'The Transformers: The Complete Original Series' cartoon on DVD on March 31, 2020. "Is anyone brave, or st… ", "You...pile of reject parts, I'll—" In spite of the fact that his method of propulsion involves thrusters, there are several shots in this episode he's seen flying through space. A's banished from Earth after being pronounced guilty in court. As is made evident by the shooting script for this episode, a large portion of this episode was actually added in at a later stage to bring it up to the required length—namely, Cosmos's inability to alter his flight path, Chip's escape and Thrust's blasting of Teletraan I. Factory) Soundwave's ejection button is blue instead of white as he dispatches Ravage and Laserbeak to capture Spike. Optimus Prime: I did what was necessary. Barely disguised versions of Carly and Spike's character models are seen at the Teen Dance. (15 Oct 1985). Google Podcasts. ", "You are going to face justice, and may it be kinder to you than it was to us. All the humans have been enslaved by the Decepticons, and they're being forced to mine energy from every available source. Some of the show's stock background music is briefly repurposed as source music (music that's actually heard by the characters in the show), coming from a marching band. Megatron's Master Plan is all over the place with problems, in this day and age of Cinematic Universes we probably would have gotten a five-part mini-epic with G.I.Joe and Cobra teaming up to help thwart the Decepticons after they managed to get their Autobot enemies off planet, all being covered by Hector Ramirez of course. Video Gems) 1988 — The Transformers — Megatron's Master Plan (V.I.P. Great ending Autobot vs. Decepticon battle. Great sequences of Auotbots acting evil, again. Together they frame the Autobots so people think they're evil. The fifteenth episode of season 2 of "Transformers" from 1985, called "Megatron's Master Plan". Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Megatron's Master Plan (1), The Autobots have long been considered the champions of humanity and the best defense against the Decepticons. The audience realize they've been had, and Megatron says yes -thanks to his partner, Shawn Berger. After the Autobots were found guilty - based on false evidence made by the Decepticons - and banished from Earth, they discover too late the sabotage Megatron made to Teletraan 1, sending their spaceship to the sun. Frank Welker. Meanwhile, Cosmos realizes he's got control back and turns around. (Both this and the previous snafu combine to make it clear that Spike's encounter happened much earlier than the subsequent events, and his escape from Ravage is only shown in this episode because it made a better. S2:E 15 Megatron's Master Plan. Video Gems) 1998 — The Transformers: Generation 2 — Megatron's Master Plan 2000 — The Original Transformers — Volume 10: Megatron's Master Plan (Rhino Entertainment) LaserDisc. Video Gems) okay plot, okay animation The launching sound effect for Thundercracker and Skywarp plays before they've actually lifted off. The mayor can't bring back the Autobots, but now armed with the right evidence, he and Spike start a campaign to clear the Autobots' names. Super Robot Lifeform Transformers — Convoy Set (Takara) — Japanese audio only. Megatron tarnishes the Autobots' image as the champions of humanity. Kids & Family. His plan is to conquer this mud ball of a planet, and suck it dry of energy. Title: Search. English. Soundwave's mouth plate disappears after threatening "increase efficiency or be terminated" and firing on the slaves. They're attached to Cosmos, who is still heading towards the Sun, since his actions are controlled by Teletraan I. Hound uses his missile launcher as a sort of radar-path-finder thing. 1. 1998 — The Transformers — Autobot Edition (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only. Written by Spotify. ", 1986 — The Transformers — Megatron's Master Plan (A.M.T. Megatron and his followers attempted to seize the AllSpark but were stopped by Optimus and his Autobots, and the Cybertronian War began.At the end of the war, Megat… Back in space, the Autobots have been saved by Trailbreaker's force field. Berger now wants THREE cities instead of TWO!! 1. Chip rolls out of the truck trailer at will, but trailer doors are generally designed to open only from the outside. 2006 — Transformers — The Complete Generation One Collection (Metrodome) Megatron's Master Plan: Part 2 Add the first question. Watch Queue Queue. Here are four documentaries from 2020 with powerful and unique takes on unraveling true crimes. 1988 — The Transformers — Megatron's Master Plan (V.I.P. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. And if that's the case, why not just have Blaster jam the signal? (, Chip and Optimus Prime behave as if Cosmos is the only interstellar-capable Autobot at this time, which is only. begins before he's actually shot. Hound: Lay off him, Ironhide. 2009 — Transformers — Season Two: Part One (Metrodome) Playing them in this manner produces poor control of the sound and risks damage to fine cymbals, which are not designed for such usage. 2009 — The Transformers — Complete Collection: Decepticon Edition (Madman Entertainment) Thanks to CHRIS MCFEELY for contributing in this episode and for being a boon to the fandom. 1994 — Fight! Apple Podcasts. Loading... Close. The only thing better is what we ALMOST got! Written by Donald F. Glut, the two-part Tranformers episode Home ", "It is over. "The Transformers" Megatron's Master Plan: Part 2 (TV Episode 1985) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. I saw the Autobot ship, like a silver bullet, streaking toward the Sun, and it collided—collided with destiny! In the mayor's office in Central City, Spike shows the mayor the tapes he's found. Hearing Soundwave, the prisoners are filled with hope for rescue. Picture Information. A story analysis show wherein two old friends (both TF fans since '84) rewatch an episode of the original Transformers cartoon and convene to talk about what they saw. This page was last modified on 19 January 2021, at 01:14.

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