Pairings: No Primary Pairings. Dislike/s: rude people, family being threaten, mechs flirting on her and losing her family . Transformers animated prowl fanfiction Home Community Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars AnimatedAnimated Follow. "Not my rules," he said, "Now get moving. If you haven’t checked that quest out, do so, it’s some real goo Bumblebee (Transformers)/Original Character (s) Mikaela Banes/Sam Witwicky. Add to library 2 … She's above average intelligence, has a myriad of interests and hobbies to keep her busy, and a best friend with an alien for a car-wait.. Optimus Prime, name of the Autobot Ginrai in the Omni Proudctions dub. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. By: ... Okay,first thing first this story is going be bit different and unique from most Transformers story and my story is base off bay movie version and I don't own Transformers it all belong to Michael Bay except for my OC's. The Transformers get attacked by a mad scientist, shinken, an dpacked up as action figures, but are soon found by two sisters. Your IP: "It's a free for all, Chubbs," she said, "Anyone can come up here, not just you." Original Resolution: 150x200; Modeus Fanfiction Use the following search parameters to narrow your results get reddit premium. I'm not sure if I would classify this as a Trailer for my Transformers Bayverse Fanfiction; Adopted! #pls she's my child #also s orry if i messed up the signs a lil im not good at drawing hands #transformers rescue bots #rescue bots #rescue bots oc #reboot for rb 2k16 #my art 21 notes flicker-bot Hope ya like it!!! More. (y/n) is the medic and engineer/inventor of the Autobots in earth,as she helps them in their adventures along with having admirers. Took some ideas from Prime universe as well. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Latest Gallery Contributors. Forum. Yandere lovers. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. For the main Transformers fanfic rec page, go here. Canon characters are accepted but the original character must star 90% of the story. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a third-person shooter video game based on the Transformers franchise, developed by High Moon Studios and published by Activision.It is the sequel to the 2010 video game Transformers: War for Cybertron, and directly follows the events of that game, as the Autobots struggle to defeat their Decepticon foes in a civil war for their home planet of Cybertron. Olympian Transformer by TheSonofTartarus. Disclaimer: I do not own the transformers franchise. +7 more. I think it's actually shaping up to be better than the original.) I have you, Orion." Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. • Posted by Hoshi Wallpaper. Venus is a very attractive femme, but she can be a real *****. PREVIEWSworld updates 2021’s first batch of solicitations with a reveal of Anna Malkova‘s B cover for Transformers Escape issue #2.. With war on the horizon, a team of unaligned Cybertronians hatches a plan to save themselves and as many civilians as they can from the impending destruction. And all you haters, I don't give a crap. Megatron decides to let his troops have some fun: Thrust fires baseballs at people from his cannons, Soundwave and Skywarp play catch (using a human), Ravage chases a player around the field, and Starscream starts grabbing people in jet mode. Having your character as the child of a canon (a character that is already in the show/comics) is widely frowned upon as getting into being a Mary-Sue. Competency is his middle name Nightmare3614 10 2 Transformers Jetstream - Page 3 LittleSis5 108 79 Transformers Jetstream - Page 2 LittleSis5 112 81 Transformers Jetstream - Page 1 LittleSis5 115 71. She considers Ratchet as an equal, and is a genius when a subject involves medical care, and sometimes science. See what Ethan Russell (ethanleerussell8510) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Just In. Oh and a few questions weren't there for me to answer about my OC so there are a few extras. COMMISSION OPEN POINTS / COMMISSION update. Rating: M. Genres: Humor, Angst, OC/Self-Insert. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62d3f701dda9c6c8 Don't You Worry Child ( Transformers Fanfiction ) Prologue. Forum. This takes place approximately after ep 46 with only 2 real changes to canon. Bay ruined the Transformers franchise, even though he wanted to put Transformers in a new era. Author's Note: Reviews and constructive criticism are welcomed, flamers are not. Its make-up is seen in the picture on the left. Another child amongst billions coming into this galaxy every second. Gaemon the Dragon-Steel's Guide to Not Dying Horribly (author -> OC Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons) (old story was literally the best ASOIAF fanfic I've ever read. Note: Constructive criticism only. Your Shadow (megatron x Male OC) by Clockwork Master Of Time 88.4K 2.7K 37 *Transformers Prime* Ashe is a bit of an odd ball, but that's only because he has a dark and mysterious past. The unwholesome family fun is ended when the Autobots arrive. Since the predacons were forbidden to crossbreed with other predacons. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Transformers Robots In Disguise Autobots Decepticons ... Predacons Reader Various X Reader Canon Transformers. Like/s: swimming, talking to her adopted mother, children, singing, and surfing . Now you found out the thing that keeps giving her bad feeling, you knew you really should leave the island that instant. Pages for comic-adaptation of their fanfic.. one and a half years ago… It is not valid … Transformers: Team Sunder GuidebookIn all honesty, ... OC fanfiction. Pages in category "Autobot subgroups" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 206 total. Transformers: Arcee is a Transformers fanfiction by Sean Bridges. Transformers fans will not want to miss out on this devastation bot for your growing collection. There are 2 types of names in this generator. Join Sakura Onishi, a half-human/half-cybertronian girl, as she helps the Autobots protect the Earth from the villainous Decepticons. (previous 200) 1. Its a Prowl x Jazz family fic with Bluestreak Turrents and Tunes (our ocs) as their children. • Feb 21, 2019 - give you free domain name that you can use to host your Personal Website, Resume, Blog, Online Shop and many more things Born in the dark lab of The Deception scientist shockwave the first ever clone of the extinct predacon race is haunted by visions of a past long gone . Follow/Fav The Unwanted Child. :Start:.~ Darkness was something (M/n) had gotten well acquainted with.It was all he felt and saw as he wolk and feel asleep.Silence filled the cell he stayed in,arms weighed down by the chains that attached to the wall,holding on for dear life at the metal plating of the Nemisis. Although I do own my own characters; Aethelgythe, Alpharious, and Optimus Prime's first spark-mate before Elita whose name is Navina. Especially if someone takes her … Nov 19, 2019 - Read Chapter 8: §Build§ from the story Crimson Throne(Megatron x OC human female) by Akhitaprime (Akhita Prime) with 251 reads. The Killing Song - Tarn x Chambex (OC) Transformers Fanfiction by LostToTheRiver. OC group pics. Transformers is a huge entertainment franchise dating back to 1984. !”All questions,GOOGLE SEARCH: … Aurora Estrella Jones is not your ordinary 17 year old. This will make sense to people who watched Transformers Prime. May 7, 2017 Kerry's back. When placed under the control of Quintessa, he is dubbed Nemesis Prime.. Summary. Your IP: Browse through and read transformers animated fanfiction stories and books . Now the short and crappy summary: Venus is a MO (Medical Officer) in the Autobot ranks. FanFiction. His altered behavior allows for a stronger relationship with Starscream to blossom. 1000x1200 - N Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. This is shattered glass TFP style. Also, my first 'Transformers' fanfic; so if you don't like it, don't read it. This is because to create a child, there must be parents- and that means a slash pairing (two canon characters together) or an OC and a … Community. Taking pity over her, she brings the girl back to her temporary shelter and helps her. this was made to group together a large amount of fanfics that have the human characters from transformers turned into cybertronians this will mostly consist of TFP most likely. S.B.T (ALL PRODUCTS SOLD MOC/MIB OR OTHERWISE NOTED BEFORE TIME OF SALE)AGES 5+ (IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS ABOUT CHILD SAFETY PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRODUCT PURCHASE.) Nobody would back up the rec. Inhalt ist versteckt. The Transformers get to learn the ways humans do Christmas. Your friend warned you about something fishy about the whole ‘cheap resort’ thing, but still, you ignored her warning and signed up as one of the guests. Transformers Robots In Disguise X Female Oc. After his cousin Sam left for college, Y/n was stuck with his embarrassing aunt and uncle. This is a common device for promoting a favored shipping (often slash), by showing how well the favored pair act as parents together.Sometimes the resident badass will be given a child to soften them (can be seen as somewhat related to Morality Pet) before pairing them with the hero. No-name recommendations will be zapped. At a baseball stadium on Earth, the Decepticons are setting up a space bridge, over the objections of the humans. Settings Language. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. • FanFiction. Cybertron sits on the brink of total social anarchy as the order falls apart in the face of the growing Decepticon revolution. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Original fanfiction only. Rescue Bots is the successor of Transformers: Robot Heroes and is based on the same concept as the Marvel Superhero Adventures and Star Wars Jedi Force franchises. With his parents having of died when he was three, Y/n Witwicky must stay with his cousin Sam. Transformers prime/ bayverse one shots *open*. What sets you apart from the others are that this is... Threadmarks; Words: 6.8k; Core_88; Thread; Feb 19, 2019; Replies: 131; Forum: Quests; Aspect of Heroics (SI) Threadmarks: Discombobulation This was inspired a lot by the mechanics used in Everyday Anew. Fanfiction Short Stories Transformers Dino Optimus Prime ... Cons Jazz Ratchet Autobots Decepticons Bumblebee Soundwave Ironhide Arcee Bulkhead Smokescreen Bayverse. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. transformers. Neue Geschichte veröffentlichen Kategorie durchsuchen Sortieren. prime. This is my spot, and I'm the only one allowed up here." Anzeigen. # 2. Chose your Side (TF:P fanfic OC centered) A/N: first TF:P fanfiction!!! Journal. Transformers Prime: ... Coldsnap » by OmniStories a rebooted And reimagined Story of my oc predacon Coldsnap with a new look and a power never before seen. TFW2005 member Lucas35 turns the calendar page to 2021, reporting on January’s incoming set of IDW solicitations via PREVIEWSworld. Post your stories and ideas for stories here for others to read and give constructive criticism on. Founder: XaviersPalace - Stories: 48 - Followers: 0 - Staff: 0 - id: 108438 It's hard to find a good OC story these days. This genetic material is passed down from "parent" to "child" through budding. YAY!!! SB. tfp, violence, megatronxoc. Helltaker Lemon Fanfiction : All characters (a) azazel beelzebub cerberus helltaker judgement justice lucifer malina modeus oc pandemonica zdrada. When he saves 2 grand and gets three A's, his uncle takes him to a car dealership where he buys a very 'interesting' Camaro. MERRY CHRISTMAS! if you know of a human turned cybertronian fanfic and it is fairly completed or is at least good PM StayinFrosty212 the name or author. Optimus Prime, Autobot … Jump to: navigation, search. Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro. Veröffentliche deine eigenen Werke für eine große Anzahl von Lesern und tausche dich mit Gleichgesinnten aus. Author Summary: A girl from our world has transported to the Transformers universe. Incomplete. From Transformers Wiki. Focus: Movies » Transformers, Since: 06-19-13. Chubbs obviously didn't like the answer, and his two cronies chuckled as he marched up and said, "Well, you need to have a reason. Graphic Depictions Of Violence. More. this is mostly made just to make it easier to find these kind of fanfics Canon characters are accepted but the original character must star 90% of the story. Oh and a few questions weren't there for me to answer about my OC so there are a few extras. As far as I know, he's since purged it and this is the nascent rewrite, at around a dozen chapters. 1 Plot 2 Characters 2.1 Princesses of Cybertron 2.2 Other good characters 2.3 Princesses of Destron 2.4 Other evil characters 3 Arsenal Princess Arcee, one of the Princesses of Cybertron, has been sent to Earth because of an invasion of Predacons from the planet Destron. The Girl With Wings by Liv. OC fanfiction. But in his movies Transformers were the good and the bad aliens who wanted to protect and destroy Earth and humans always involved in the fights e.t.c. Original fanfiction only. Sam Witwicky has an adopted sister named Desirée, who's been mute since she was taken from her real parents at the age of eight. The best stories about Transformers Fanfiction has to offer. For all prospective writers out there. The most common observation of Cybertronian romance is between a male and a female Transformer. Optimus Prime, the Autobot commander fire truck from Robots in Disguise. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Enjoy. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Fanfic genre based on the idea of giving one or more characters a child to raise. Please note that it has Brigadoon. Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Generation One, Transformers (Bay Movies) Explicit. Now the short and crappy summary: Venus is a MO (Medical Officer) in the Autobot ranks. BREA, Calif. (KABC) -- A transformer fire in Brea left hundreds of customers in the dark Tuesday shortly after 5 p.m. Sequel to Uprising. Male OC, set in Brockton Bay. Realms Clashing (Transformers Prime/Bayverse Fanfiction) Fanfiction. 8 Transformers Prime Season 3 Episode 6: Shattered » by LuisJM During a ground bridge malfunction, Rodimus Prime, Firewall, and Kaosu stumbled into an alternate reality where the Autobots are bad guys and the Decepticons are good guys. OC fanfiction. OC group pics. Transformers!!! Competency is his middle name Nightmare3614 10 2 Transformers Jetstream - Page 3 LittleSis5 110 79 Transformers Jetstream - Page 2 LittleSis5 114 81 Transformers Jetstream - Page 1 LittleSis5 118 71. The name Optimus Prime has been assigned to several different characters: Optimus Prime, the original version of the Autobot Commander from Generation One. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 10-22-12 - Founder: BeautifulNightMare95 48 OC Transformers Stories He has appeared in all of Michael Bay's Transformers films as well as the reboot Bumblebee Film, albeit he is completely redesigned in … Shows are Prime, G1, Cybertron, and Movies. Transformers Animated: Little Spider Fanfiction. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. He put many stories in one film, many humans, creating a film with humans, explosions, which was really boring and exhausting in the end. Raf’s oldest sister is brought in to help. nach letztem Update nach Autor nach Kapitelanzahl nach Erstellungsdatum nach Titel. H+ Mayhem by Jurric. Jun 17, 2017 - Transformers Children of the gods Chapter 1, a transformers/beast wars fanfic | FanFiction Community. For toys of this character, see Optimus Prime (G1) toys. Minggu, 21 Februari 2021. Stöbere in mehr als einer halben Million Geschichten zu Fanfiction, Poesie und Prosa. Just In. Set in the first 'Transformers' movie. As Optimus Prime and the Autobots attack, Perceptor tries to run a scan on the space … She has no friends, no family, and has convinced herself that she had no way of finding … Summary. 150x200 - The full game is available for free on steam. NOTE:“All Transformers action figures now include a $9.00 value collectors exclusive comic book !! Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Generation One, The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers: Prime, Transformers (Bay Movies), Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015), The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) Mature. ~. Summery: Electra is a Decepticon femme with a sarcastic attitude and is quite a prankster. Kategorie: Fanfiction / Cartoons & Comics / Transformers. OC fanfiction. Male OC, set in New Orleans. Robotic Friendship - Chapter 11 Summary: The Autobots get a super virus on their computer system. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. This will be strictly reader x tf character, I will not do oc x characters. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. Penlighten gives you a list of 13 most popular fanfiction websites. Cartoons » Transformers/Beast Wars Rated: K, English, OC, Words: 645, Favs: 1, Follows: 1, Published: 1/7. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Transformers: Rescue Bots (or simply Rescue Bots) is a toyline, story book series, and animated robot superhero television series based on toy manufacturer Hasbro's Transformers franchise. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62d3f6dc4c1d03b0 An OC in New Orleans is a biotinker and afraid of his powers. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. One stormy night, Blackarachnia discovers a six year old girl out in the woods. Read. • Bayverse - minus the swearing - is awes. A/N: I know there are a few of these, but they're all between Transformers Prime and Transformers Animated, so I wondered what it would be like to do one with Bayverse. This is mainly about my OC Electra. 2 The Silent Light - A Megatron x Starscream Transformers Fanfiction » by LostToTheRiver Following a traumatic head injury, Megatron awakens from his comatose fully operational but dramatically changed. Heres a link to the ... #One big happy family? Optimus Prime is the main protagonist of the Transformers film series and the leader of the Autobots, the last Prime, and the adopted brother of the Decepticon leader Megatron.. hello … Transformers/Beast Wars FanFiction Archive | FanFiction. It started out as a toy line of robotic beings who could be transformed into all sorts of vehicles, but it's today probably better known for the hugely successful film franchise. A/N: Here are the OC's that will be appearing my Transformers Prime fanfics. Sign up Log in. The fire was reported at Imperial Highway and Associated Road. 113th Battalion; A. A-Team; Advance Surveillance Unit; Advanced Observation Unit; Aerialbot (Animated) Aerialbot (G1) Aerialbot (PCC) Aerialbot (ROTF) Aerialbot (SG) Aerialbot (Universe) Aerialbot (WFC) … Seite: 1 - 2 - 3 … Journal. Hope has never had a real home. The Voice (Transformer Animated x OC's) 4 days ago z star artsy . See more ideas about transformers, transformers art, transformers characters. During her adventures, Sakura must uncover her mysterious past and discover her destiny. Browse through and read transformers animated fanfiction stories and books. Beautiful Art" I am not worry nor scare," Emma smiled. " By day he works as an assistant in a vet clinic, where he must keep his abilities hidden from everyone around him, as well as learn to deal with his past, his trigger event, and his uncomfortably accurate biological X-ray vision. 2.2K 139 127 Cartoons » Transformers/Beast Wars. Fanfiction websites are a great tool for budding writers to easily showcase their talent to a large audience at once, share their creativity, and get reviews from like-minded people. 130K 3.7K 56. Bio: Aquarius is a hybrid of an ice predacon dragon and a water predacon dragon. Fandom: Transformers (Movie-verse) Last Updated: April 2, 2013 (Discontinued) Characters: OC Character. - This is from Demon ( Transformers Fanfiction )-Fanfiction Humor Romance High School Emma Toddler Transformers Prime Transformers Rid Demon Fanfiction Optimus X … Focus: Cartoons Transformers / Beast Wars, Because: 06-12-09 Founder: LetmeBeAlone0 - Stories: 57 - Adres: 3 - id: 70973 Transformers Animated Stories Transformers Animated Til All Are One by Optimus524 reviews This is my version of season 4 of TFA starts Jan 18, 2021 - Explore Dingus 21's board "Transformer OC Ideas" on Pinterest. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works She considers Ratchet as an equal, and is a genius when a subject … Transformers prime: Jack's sister by DragonfirePrime 26.9K 459 23 I did not come up with this but I am taking it over from optimus is bae from Chapter one is hers. Community » Movies » Transformers » OC Transformers Stories. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Titles vying for spots on your pull lists in the new year include Transformers (2019) #27, the conclusion of Gigawatt’s adventures in Transformers x Back To The Future issue #4 and war on the horizon in Transformers Escape issue #2. took a lot of things from the novels that are connected to TFP and the video games. Transformers OC Characters by Jack the Dragon.
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