What kind of gifs are you all running on your screen? Au programme, deux tailles sont proposées avec une version en 280 mm (Z63) et la seconde en 360 mm (Z73), celui du test d’aujourd’hui. Now we come to the important point of tuning. Kraken Z3 Series Installation Video; Why is my Kraken Z63/Z73 display or pump not working? In dem Reiter "Beleuchtung" (1. NZXT Z73 GIF實際測試 螢幕畫面很漂亮,GIF動圖很流暢! [email protected] Product Description: So both are very much the same really except for the pumps. NZXT should perhaps include a 10cm longer version of the cable so that the USB cable can be routed behind the mainboard to the internal USB ports, which are usually located at the bottom of the board. 지난 1월 말 퀘이사 칼럼을 통해 360 규격(120mm 3열) 모델인 nzxt kraken z73을 살펴본 데 이어, 이번 칼럼에서는 280 규격(140mm 2열) 모델인 kraken z63에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. Avec cette gamme Z, NZXT nous propose des dissipateurs type watercooling tout-en-un hauts de gamme. I had to reset Windows, and now I can't even click the 'upload gif' button in the CAM software. Le watercooling AiO NZXT Kraken Z73 vous apporte des performances de refroidissement optimales grâce à ses ventilateurs Aer P à haute pression statique et une personnalisation poussée grâce au logiciel CAM. 今回ご紹介するのは2020年2月14日に発売されたNZXT社 簡易水冷式CPUクーラー「Kraken Z63」です。 「Kraken Z63」はファンブレードが140mmが2枚構成になります。 「Kraken Zシリーズ」は「Z63」の他に「Z73」も用意しています。 左「Z73」、右「Z63」 「Kraken Zシリ… The all-new Kraken Z Series lets you personalize your all-in-one liquid cooler like never before. r/NZXT. Effekten är riktigt grym. ... NZXT's dual infographic is our preferred preset, but if you're a tad more creative, there's also an option to upload a gif with a file size of up to 200MB. Från fyndhörnan! But also the NZXT logo was designed very nice. NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm. ... NZXT … NZXT updated its Kraken series to revision 3, in this review we test the new X63 Series Liquid cooler. Sie können jetzt Ihre Lieblingsbilder, animierten Gifs oder CAM-Systeminformationen anzeigen, … An AIO LCS liquid CPU cooler for cases with 280 mm radiator mounts. 但因為.. ... NZXT Z73 GIF實際測試 螢幕畫面很漂亮,GIF動圖很流暢! Thermal performance is the most important part of any AIO liquid cooler and the main reason why you want to buy an AIO in the first place. NZXT has now introduced the Kraken Z73, which does even more than the X62 and is highlighted by a new LED screen directly on the pump for even more RGB options. Jag har bytt fläktarna på radiatorn till RGB-fläktar. 418. To your PC the range-topping Z73 get with the range-topping Z73 Register or Login 91 ) 93534 13148 Fast. Through CAM’s unique software interface, you can do more than simply fine-tune settings; you can now display your favorite animated gifs or CAM system information, allowing for total customization. The NZXT Kraken Z-3 series has the NZXT Kraken Z63 and the NZXT Kraken Z73. There are a lot of different ways a GIF is encoded, sometimes making the GIF incompatible with the Kraken Z Cooler. I tested the X73 and the Z63. 81.8k. NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm NZXT Kraken Z serien ger dig topp-prestanda med en 2,36" lcd panel för att personifiera ditt bygge. Whether it’s a funny gif or CAM data, you can use your Kraken to express yourself in an exciting new way. NZXT Z73,论坛里面有人买了吗?我知道有人买的。感觉是老款加了显示屏然后换到asetek最新方案,应该就和asus strix性能一样了(图片来自某鱼,侵删) ...,电脑讨论,讨论区-技术与经验的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 I am running Suse Tumbleweed. Buy NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm AIO Liquid Cooler with LCD Display I Intel Socket LGA 1200, 1151, 1150, 1155, 1156, 1366, 2011, 2011-3, 2066 I AMD Socket AM4, sTRX4*, TR4*(*Threadripper Bracket not Included) online at low price in India on Amazon.in. NZXT Kraken Z73 £249.98. Thus, NZXT should optimize the software a little bit in the display, so that the GIF can be easily adjusted to the display. nzxt kraken z63 / z73 브라보텍 사용설명서 0 3001 2020.01.31 10:13 2020.01.31 10:13 KRAKEN-Z_Manual.pdf (4.5M) + 207 Achat Ventilateur processeur NZXT Kraken Z73 (RL-KRZ73-01) sur LDLC.com, n°1 du high-tech. win10 2 679. Cooler procesor NZXT Kraken Z73, compatibil AMD/Intel Noua serie Kraken Z va permite sa va personalizati coolerul lichid all-in-one ca niciodata. NZXT Kraken Z73 mit LCD Display Mit einem 360-mm-Kühler können Sie mit dem brandneuen Kraken Z73 Ihren All-in-One-Flüssigkeitskühler wie nie zuvor personalisieren. OBS! Z73 ($280) Depending on your cooler configuration your pump may have been rotated in order to fit the Kraken to your PC from having fitment issues. the Kraken Z73 delivers the highest cooling potential of any Kraken. Add me to the list - Suddenly can't upload a GIF to my Z73. It was working perfectly, had my gif loaded. 【NZXT 美商恩傑】全新Kraken Z73 360mm一體式水冷散熱器 (原廠六年全保) GIF 2.4真圓液晶 七代幫浦 可旋轉冷頭 NT$9,890 NT$9,590 Check out NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm AIO Liquid Cooler with LCD Display I Intel Socket LGA 1200, 1151, 1150, 1155, 1156, 1366, 2011, 2011-3, 2066 I … The Winner Is- NZXT Kraken Z73. noch mal auf "LCD Display" (3.) Online. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm - RL-KRZ73-01 - AIO RGB CPU Liquid Cooler - Customizable LCD Display - Improved Pump - Powered by CAM V4 - RGB Connector - AER P 120mm Radiator Fans (3 Included) at Amazon.com. Configuration your pump may have been rotated in order nzxt kraken z73 gif fit with 4 slots! ... Be the first to review “NZXT Kraken Z73… 단, 쿨링팬은 기존 X-2시리즈와 동일한 Aer P120 그대로다. Encoding is the process of converting data from one form to another. ... More posts from the NZXT community. stellen und dann ggfs. ... Jag har flera gånger insett att jag spenderat väldigt lång tid på att hitta rätt gif för den belysning jag haft i datorn. med alla tillbehör. 그리고 최대 20MB의 커스텀 gif를 적용가능하다는 장점이 있다. Recenserade NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm. 明亮的2.36“液晶顯示器能夠顯示24位元色彩,讓您全面自訂CPU散熱器的外觀。無論是重要影像,個人相片,有趣的GIF還是CAM資料,Kraken讓您能夠以嶄新的方式展現個性自我 •優雅且使用方便的CAM軟體讓您完全掌控您的PC 0 nzxt z73 구입했습니다. The GIF may be corrupt. Read honest and … The Z63 is $250 and the Z73 is $280. Kraken Z73 360mm AIO Liquid Cooler with RGB. The GIF is encoded poorly or improperly. #QUESTIONS. NZXT Kraken X73. (That's the new X53, X63, X73, Z63, and Z73, just to be clear. 이번에 컴을 새로 맞추면서 눈여겨 봤던 z73을 구입했습니다. Cooling Performance. NZXT Kraken Z73 £249.98. But you can also download and use any GIF you want, which is a lot of fun to play around with. Continue browsing in r/NZXT. 2020.08.16 22:40. WE GAMERS. ... of displaying 24-bit color, you can now completely customize the look of your CPU cooler. Why does my GIF not load on my Kraken Z cooler? Die Einstellung für die Gifs findet man in der CAM-Software von NZXT. Krakens helt nya Z serie är här och kommer med uppdaterad pump och en lcd display på 2,36" på pumphuvudet där du själv väljer vad som skall visas om det så är CPU temperatur eller din favorit gif. 恩杰 NZXT Kraken 海妖 Z73 360mm一体式水冷i7i9散热器(编程自定义屏幕) Z73水冷+AER RGB 12cm风扇三把图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠 … The NZXT Kraken X73 and Z73 have a very similar configuration. Kit de Watercooling tout-en-un 360mm pour processeur avec écran LCD 2.36". However, when assembling the Kraken Z73, it is important to make sure that the hoses are mounted on the right side or downwards! Kraken Z USB Compatibility Issue; How do I control my radiator fan speeds with my Kraken X53, X63, or X73 Cooler? Sometimes when an incompatible GIF is uploaded, it can cause issues with loading other GIFs. gif를 이것저것 넣어보는 재미가 있네요ㅎㅎ (cpu라서 뇌짤을...ㅎㅎ) 온도도 괜찮은것 같고 여러모로 만족하고 있습니다. 320 x 320 px, 24bit color, 650cd/m^2 밝기의 LCD 디스플레이를 탑재하였다. ), dann auf "Gif" (2.) NZXT의 Z-3 시리즈는 인피니티 미러 대신. Optimally built for video editing, graphic design, content creation and gaming In the NZXT Kraken Z73 Video on our OCinside YouTube Channel we went through all settings one after the other. NZXT KRAKEN Z73 360mm AIO WATER COOLER PROS: - Stunningly Crisp Colorful & Sharp HQ Graphical LCD Display on the Pump - NZXT Software is Solid, Responsive & a Breeze To Use - Up-Loading GIFs to the Pump LCD Screen is Ridiculously Easy - Pump is Quiet in Full Mode - The Stock Fans are also pretty quiet in full mode too Members. Pour le coup, haut de gamme, il l’est puisque cette version fait place à la personnalisation maximale. Mounting kits are supplied for all the latest Intel and AMD sockets, and Threadripper support is achieved using the mounting bracket provided in the CPU box. I just bought and installed the NZXT Kraken Z73.
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