Transformers Prime is a 65-Episode Cartoon in the Transformers franchise. Terrorconsare formerly deceased Cybertronians who have been raised from the dead using Dark Energon.Thankfully, they are not invulnerable. With Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Steve Blum, Clancy Brown. Although Transformers are often rebuilt or otherwise brought back from apparent death, there are also many examples of them being partially reanimated as zombies, either self-aware or under the control of another. While initially a scout crippled by paranoia while on Cybertron, Breakdown became a Decepticon brute whose weapons include two built-in hammers, as well as being Knock Out's best friend and Bulkhead's archnemesis. She has quite a history with Arcee. The series tells the story of a small crew of Autobots defending Earth against the Decepticons, after their home planet Cybertron was rendered uninhabitable from their civil war. Yearns to return to his rightful place in … Airachnid is a Decepticon torture expert, assassin, and alien collector. Breakdown was a Decepticon soldier and warrior. Prime VS The Zombie Cons. Jetfire, while he was an animated unliving Transformer controlled by Shockwave and later Buster, was not strictly a zombie. I’m not sure off the top of my head how this is meant to reconcile with Breakdown’s original body being salvaged and eventually having a dying human grafted to it, … She has a cold-sparked, murderous demeanour. Optimus Prime had to defend Phoenix, Arizona from a horde of rampaging Zombie Cons. Breakdown arrived on Earth, with his longtime partner and friend, Knock Out, three years after the Decepticons were last seen and shortly after their return. Honorable mentions. He uses stickers for some of his details. Zombie War Breakdown is the character from Transformers: Prime after being killed off. Breakdown: Additional Toy Info. Transformers: Prime is a computer animated television series which premiered on November 29, 2010, on Hub Network, Hasbro's and Discovery's joint venture, which began broadcasting on October 10, 2010, in the United States.The series was also previewed on Hub Network on November 26, 2010, as a one-hour special. Silas Breakdown (Voyager, 2012-11-24) ID number: AM-24; Accessories: "Magi" Arms Micron Part of the eighth wave of TakaraTomy Prime toys, "Silas Breakdown" is a black and gray redeco/retool of AM-12 War Breakdown, and transforms into a massive armored truck. Proclaiming a desire of a new world order, Silas and his supporters systematically usurp Decepticon and Autobot agendas alike in the name of research and experimentation to further Project Chimera, the product of their horrific campaign. Directed by David Hartman. She started visiting other planets, when she does, she takes souvenirs — the heads of the dominant species, which she keeps in specimen jars on her ship. She left Cybertron in the Great Exodus and went solo. While there, Breakdown re-encountered Bulkhead and met his new human ally. Former Colonel Leland Bishop, also known as Silas or Cylas, was the leader of MECH who had a lethal obsession with Cybertronian biology and technology. Breakdown is a supporting villain in the Transformers Aligned Universe, most notably, Transformers: Prime.. Energy blasts of sufficient force can deter them, though the best method is to use bladed weapons to slice them to pieces—the smaller the better—as the Dark Energon charge cannot sustain itself within the smaller, disparate components. Mixing Dark Energon with Knock Out's refined Synthetic Energon formula causes Cylas to develop vampiric capabilities, and soon Knock Out and Starscream find themselves in the middle of a vampire-zombie-robot epidemic aboard the Decepticon ship. Full name is given as "Zombie War Breakdown", he is a zombified version of Transformers Prime Breakdown pulled through the multiverse by Unicron to form one of the limbs of Grand Galvatron. During the war on Cybertron, he developed a rivalry with Bulkhead. Prime VS The Zombie Cons.
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