10:08. Bumblebee learns about a long-ago meeting with Starscream and his Seekers. Zu Joyn. JOIN NOW. Transformers: War for Cybertron has enlisted showrunner F.J. DeSanto, who also worked as a writer and producer on Transformers: Combiner Wars, Transformers: Titans Return and Transformers: Power of the Primes. Transformers: War for Cybertron – Trailer und... KinoCheck.de. Für Kinder jetzt im TV. Grimlock samples Wheeljack's new energy drink and loses control. Transformers: Cyberverse Releases New Season 2 Trailer Everything Coming to Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu & Amazon Prime Video in February 2021 Watch all you want. Hot Rod, Bumblebee and Cheetor encounter Sharkticons while spaceboarding. Optimus and his crew are led straight into a trap set by Starscream. Watch Transformers: Cyberverse season 2 episode 5 online. The first season consists of eighteen eleven-minute episodes. 2018 TV-Y7 2 Seasons TV Cartoons. Staffel stirbt Cybertron, True-Crime-Fans aufgepasst: Diese Sendungen dürft ihr nicht verpassen [Anzeige], Die Origin-Story eines "Walking Dead"-Fanlieblings: Die besten Momente von Staffel 10, Folge 18. After 250 years on ice, a prisoner returns to life in a new body with one chance to win his freedom: by solving a mind-bending murder. It is not related to the video game of the same name. The complete guide by MSN. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. 0. Share Share Tweet Email. Serien; Serien-News; Quizze; Serien-Trailer; Serien A-Z; Genres; Beste Serien; Beste Netflix Serien; Serien Podcast; The Walking Dead; The Big Bang Theory; Grey's Anatomy; Originals. Serie. Mehr zu Transformers: Cyberverse. The series premiered on March 2, 2018, worldwide on Netflix. A fake, implanted memory convinces Bumblebee that he's really a Decepticon. Optimus Prime and the AllSpark are missing -- and only a memory-scrambled Bumblebee holds the key to finding them in this animated sci-fi series. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. Kennt ihr sie schon? Staffel 3 Folge 13. Man darf davon ausgehen, dass „Erdaufgang“ auch auf der Erde spielt, bevor die Serie dann in der dritten Staffel mit einer großen Endschlacht abgeschlossen wird. Netflix Netflix. Was ist neu in Staffel 6? 9. Creators: Laeta Kalogridis. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. However, he is suffering from amnesia and has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. Megatron urges Optimus Prime to accept a treaty, while Starscream questions Jetfire’s leadership. Watch all you want. Transformers Cyberverse Animation | US | 2018 - 2020. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. Transformers: Cyberverse im Serienguide. Optimus Prime and the AllSpark are missing -- and only a memory-scrambled Bumblebee holds the key to finding them in this animated sci-fi series. Trying to take a shortcut, the Autobots become trapped in unspace. Windblade undertakes a dangerous mission based on a clue from Bumblebee's memory. Transformers: Cyberverse - Staffel 2 Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. Episode 1. Transformers: Cyberverse was first announced during Hasbro Media and Investor Day in August 2017. Demnächst kommt Season 2, die „Erdaufgang“ heißt. Datenschutzerklärung Transformers: Cyberverse. Mehr zu Transformers: Cyberverse. The first season consists of eighteen eleven-minute episodes. A damaged memory chip leads to amnesia for Bumblebee, which leads him on an adventure to recover the missing memories of Cybertron. Time's running out for the Autobots to defend the Ark and awaken Optimus Prime. Cyberverse offers Season 2 in all regions … Genre: Animationsserie Originaltitel: Transformers Cyberverse Land: USA Jahr: 2019. Click here and start watching the full episode in seconds. Watch all you want. Top-50. Impressum | Watch all you want. Über uns | Transformers: War for Cybertron: Siege. The Autobots try to recruit Bumblebee to their side. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys Black History Month STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events 2. Megatron makes an offer to anyone who brings him Optimus Prime's head. Genre: Animationsserie Originaltitel: Transformers Cyberverse … Windblade tries to help Bumblebee understand who the Decepticons are -- especially their leader. Starring: Sophia Isabella, Jeremy Levy, Jacob Tillman. Release year: 2018. Transformers: Cyberverse - [Season 2 Episode 17]: Perfect Storm (Old) Himbo Soundblaster. empfiehlt. Megatron's plan to hurl the moon into the planet Earth is opposed by the Autobots and a surprising new enemy who turns on his leader: Starscream. All television shows offer their first seasons only, with a few exceptions: War for Cybertron Trilogy, being a Netflix Original, naturally offers every season in every region. Windblade fights the Decepticon Seekers and Bumblebee recovers a dark memory. Wie geht's nach "WandaVision" Folge 9 mit Wanda, Monica und Co. weiter? Legion, American Gods, Iron Fist, Sin City, The Gilded Age. Transformers: Cyberverse im Serienguide. Transformers: Cyberverse. Optimus Prime and the AllSpark are missing -- and only a memory-scrambled Bumblebee holds the key to finding them in this animated sci-fi series. 2. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. 7. A Transformers Cyberverse movie is set to be released in 2021 on Disney+ and will follows what happens after Megatron X's defeat. OK. Up Next. Learn more. Genre: Animationsserie Originaltitel: Transformers Cyberverse Land: USA Jahr: 2020. Grimlock and Arcee get more than they bargained for when they seek adventure. Comment. Unable to find any trace of the Ark or Optimus Prime, she manages to find her old friend Bumblebee. Transformers: Cyberverse ist eine Animationsserie aus dem Jahr 2018 mit Jeremy Levy und Billy Bob Thompson.. Windblade travels to Earth and finds Bumblebee, who has forgotten who he is. Transformers: Cyberverse Season 2 Trailer Reveals the Power of the Allspark. Optimus Prime and the AllSpark are missing -- and only a memory-scrambled Bumblebee holds the key to finding them in this animated sci-fi series. Netflix Netflix. The Decepticons catch wind that the ancient artifact is on Earth, and leave to investigate, which forces Windblade to take a one-way space bridge journey there herself. The complete guide by MSN. TRY 30 DAYS FREE. Transformers: Cyberverse focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee. TV-Tipps. Schaue dir alle Videos jetzt an! JOIN NOW. Watch Transformers: Cyberverse season 2 episode 9 online. After Windblade Revival, Bumblebee meets new Dinobots and Megatron X Returns. Cast und Crew. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. Kidnapped by the Decepticons, Wheeljack must devise a way to escape. Error: please try again. Bumblebee makes an important discovery: the memories of Optimus Prime. Autoplay is paused. Sophia Isabella, Jeremy Levy, Jacob Tillman. A conflicted yet courageous Dragon Knight must use the power of the dragon within to stop a deadly demon in this epic fantasy based on the online game. The first season, titled "Chapter 1", would air in 2018, while a second season, titled "Chapter 2", is set to air on 2019. Serie. 09:40 - 09:55 In den Tiefen des Meeres Staffel 3, Folge 24 Alle Highlights von Netflix, Prime, Disney+ & Co. Wir zeigen dir, welche Filme & Serien bei welchem Streaming-Anbieter laufen. As the moon moves toward the Earth, Starscream tries to seize power. The duo do whatever is in their power to stop the Decepticons and Megatronfrom ruining the world. Wiederholungen finden Tagesprogramm nick/MTV+. The Seekers try to locate the Ark using a captured Windblade's memories. Nutzungsbedingungen | Episodes Transformers: Cyberverse … 8. Netflix Netflix. Starring: Sophia Isabella, Jeremy Levy, Jacob Tillman. 2018 | TV-MA | 2 Seasons | Cyberpunk. During the war on Cybertron, Optimus Prime and a team including Bumblebee have left the planet to search for the AllSpark. Transformers: Cyberverse Über 50 live TV Sender auf Joyn direkt einschalten. Transformers: Cyberverse. Confirm. Staffel 3 Folge 23. Starring: Sophia Isabella, Jeremy Levy, Jacob Tillman. Transformers: Cyberverse. Collect 'Em All. The Immobilizers The Perfect Decepticon Add a photo to this gallery Error: please try again. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. The first season, titled "Chapter 1", would air in 2018, while a second season, titled "Chapter 2", is set to air on 2019. Windblade travels to Earth and finds Bumblebee, who has forgotten who he is. The series puts more emphasis on characters. The threat posed by Starscream forces the two sides to consider an alliance. The endless vendetta between Jetfire and Sky-Byte continues. Jobs | JOIN NOW SIGN IN. Unterdessen sind Optimus Prime und sein Team auf einer verzweifelten Mission im All, die alsbald sehr gefährlich wird. Transformers: Cyberverse. „Transformers: War for Cybertron“ ist eine auf drei Staffeln ausgelegte Netflix-Animationsserie. Transformers: Cyberverse - [Season 2 Episode 15]: Wiped Out (Old) Himbo Soundblaster. A battle rages on the moon between the Autobots and the Decepticons. True Colors. z. The team of Autobots scores a win when they finally locate the missing Ark. The Ark's crew is forced to go into stasis when the ship's Energon supply runs low. 1. NICK Sa 13.03. 22m. Transformers: Cyberverse im Serienguide. Abgefahrene "Star Wars"-Theorie zu "Mandalorian" soll die Sequels auslöschen, Nichts aus "Game Of Thrones" gelernt: Warum das "WandaVision"-Finale keine Enttäuschung ist. Watch all you want for free. Starring: Sophia Isabella, Jeremy Levy, Jacob Tillman. Episode 1. Transformers: Cyberverse im Fernsehen - TV Programm: Tatort: Der Tod der Anderen heute | 20:15 | Das Erste | Krimi Staffel 3 Folge 8/26. He is joined by his friend Windblade, who journeys with him so he can remember everything, but Megatron sends his Decepticon assassins after the pair try to save their friends from harm. The Autobots and Decepticons both locate the AllSpark in Africa. Serie . JOIN NOW. B. : Deine Meinung zu FILMSTARTS | Transformers: Cyberverse Über 50 live TV Sender auf Joyn direkt einschalten. Cast und Crew. Transformers Cyberverse Animation | US | 2018 - 2020. A second season will premiere on March 18, 2021. Windblade resorts to extreme measures to help Bumblebee recover his memory. Bumblebee recalls one of his favorite black-market hangouts on Cybertron. A newly formed Autobot team tries to stop Shockwave and his sinister plan. Diese 3. Connecting to your TV on web using a code will be going away soon. 2018 7+ 2 Seasons TV Cartoons. Das mächtige Artefakt Allspark ist weg und so muss Decepticons-Anführer Megatron einsehen, dass er und seine Truppen auf dem sterbenden Planeten Cybertron gefangen sind. RELATED: Transformers: Cyberverse Season 2 Trailer Reveals the Power of the Allspark. Cancel. The Autobots raid the Nemesis to retrieve the AllSpark from Megatron. In the midst of ongoing war on Cybertron, forces of good and evil clash as they search for the source of their power: the Allspark. The Transformers franchise is continuing to delight audiences of all ages, and fans just got a new look at the latest chapter. 1. As the Autobots and Decepticons ravage their planet in a brutal civil war, two iconic leaders emerge in the Transformers universe's origin story. 5 Fakten zu "Kitchen Impossible" Nazi-Tatort "Tatort: Hetzjagd" – Macher sieht Parallele zu Corona . JOIN NOW. 20:04 - 05:00 NICK/MTV+. Demnächst kommt Season 2, die „Erdaufgang“ heißt. Transformers TV series - Available 2021. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. In the first episode of the NEW series, 'Transformers Cyberverse,' Bumblebee is on a critical mission and lives are at stake! In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action sweep through the archipelagic nation of Cremona. 09:30 - 09:40 Lautloser Angriff Staffel 3, Folge 25 NICK Sa 13.03. Im deutsch untertitelten Trailer wird deutlich, dass Cybertron den Bach runtergeht: Im Kino wird die „Transformers“-Reihe auf absehbare Zeit nicht fortgesetzt, weil sowohl „Transformers 5“ als auch die Neuausrichtung mit „Bumblebee“ nicht den erhofften finanziellen Erfolg hatten.

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