He spent most of his childhood in nearby Niklasdorf. Září 1921 ve vesnici Salisov na Jesenicku jako československý občan německé národnosti. světové války. Kurt Knispel, El Caballero Sin Cruz (Spanish Edition) by Efrain Herrera | Jul 13, 2017. Recommended 4 times for the Knights Cross, he unbelievably never received the award! This page was last edited on 11 December 2019, at 17:30. Knispel had a tattoo, a goatee, and longer than regulation hair, but spite all of that his […] Narodil se 20. He served with the 12th Panzer Division & 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion. (Kurt Knispel wurde noch nicht auf einen vom Volksbund errichteten Soldatenfriedhof überführt.) A csehországi Zlaté Hory mellett fekvő Salisov faluban született. NejlepÅ¡í tankista války byl z Jesenicka 20. ledna 2021 Během druhé světové války vznikla po vzoru leteckých es nová kasta es tankových. Free with Kindle Unlimited membership Learn More Paperback $14.75 $ 14. With 168 confirmed (possibly as high as 195) kills,[1] Knispel was by far the most successful tanker of the Second World War[1] and is even credited with knocking out a T-34 at 3,000 metres (3,300 yd). světové války", http://kurt-knispel.webnode.cz/news/hrob-kurta-knispela-nalezen/, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Kurt_Knispel?oldid=4529868. In early 1940, Knispel applied to join the armoured branch of the German Army, For his basic training, Knispel went to the Panzer Replacement Training Battalion at Sagan in Lower Silesia. When Knispel had destroyed 126 enemy tanks (with another 20 unconfirmed kills), he was awarded the German Cross in Gold. DavidByrden. DavidByrden. After completing his apprenticeship in an automobile factory in 1940, Knispel applied to join the armoured branch of the German Army. 3:41 – 4:19 – 9 April 2013 were found the grave of Kurt Knispel in the Czech Republic. Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a German tank commander during World War II, notable for claiming 168 tanks destroyed, making him, if the claims can be evidenced, the most successful fighter in armored warfare.. Knispel was severely wounded on 28 April 1945 by shrapnel to his head when his Tiger II was hit in battle with Soviet tanks and the ammunition exploded. Training lasted until 11 June 1941 and consisted of courses at Sagan and Putlos. 2 likes. He fought in virtually every type of German tank as loader, gunner and commander. Kurt Knispel (Salisov, 1921. szeptember 20.– Vrbovec, 1945. április 28.) Knispel died in a field hospital in Urbau and was buried at a local cemetery. E. [5], On 10 April 2013, Czech authorities said that Knispel's remains were found with 15 other German soldiers behind a church wall in Vrbovec, identified by his dog tags. Spezialangebot bestehend aus einem Kurt Knispel Blister und einem Rubicon Tiger I Ausf. I've been looking for more photos of Knispel, thinking that I might find him unexpectedly in a photo of a Tiger that he served in. Even a King Tiger can die. Knispel saw action from Yarzevo to the gates of Stalingrad, in the north around the Leningrad-Tikhvin area and also in the Caucasus under Eberhard von Mackensen. See more ideas about german tanks, world war two, german soldiers ww2. Unlike some other commanders, Knispel was not consumed by the pursuit of decorations and did not suffer from a "sore throat", Heer slang for those who lusted after the Knight's Cross. O 17 let později se Sudety staly součástí nacistického Německa a z Kurta se v rámci kolektivního udělování občanství stal Němec. Get it as soon as Tue, Feb 16. Kurt Knispel is on Facebook. Kindle $0.00 $ 0. And it was just the start of Kurt Knispel's long string of tank victories, making the most successful tank ace (from all sides) in WWII. The German war hero had 168 confirmed and 195 unconfirmed kills in World War II. 812, 4. Kurt Knispel. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. [2][3][4], Knispel was severely wounded on 28 April 1945 by shrapnel to his head when his Tiger II was hit in battle with Soviet tanks and the ammunition exploded. [2][3] It is likely that he will be reburied at the military cemetery in Brno.[4]. On 1 October 1940, he was transferred to the 3rd Company of the 29th Panzer Regiment, 12th Panzer Division. Some say it was due to his lack of respect for Nazi principles and his loyalty to his men no matter what the circumstance. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Kurt Knispel: (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a Sudeten German Heer panzer loader, gunner and later commander, and was the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills;[1] the actual number, although unconfirmed, may be as high as 195 Kurt Knispel finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Kurt Knispel och andra som du känner. When there were conflicting claims for a destroyed enemy tank, Knispel always stepped back, always willing to credit success to someone else. Kurt Knispel was no Nazi, he was a real soldier, ended his service only a sergeant (Feldwebel) because wore improper beard and long hair and objected to the killing of prisoners of war. At this time, Knispel was credited with 12 kills. It was a time when there was no one left to care, and Knispel wound up in an unmarked mass grave with 14 of his comrades. [7], On 12 November 2014, the German War Graves Commission reburied his remains at the Central Brno military cemetery in Brno. Kurt Knispel was born on September 20th 1921 in a small town called Salisfled in Czechoslovakia. Jagdtiger. Kurt excelled in this devil’s inferno. Knispel completed his training as a loader and gunner in a Panzer IV. Kurt Knispel is considered to be the world’s greatest tank ace. Kurt Knispel (20. september 1921 – 28. aprill 1945) oli sudeedisakslasest saksa sõdur, kes teenis Wehrmachti maaväes (Heer) tankidel kahuri laaduri, laskuri ja hiljem tankikomandörina. [9], Norris, John "Vehicle Art of World War Two" Pen and sword Military, 2016 p85, Ganz, A.Harding "Ghost Division: The 11th "Gespenster" Panzer Division and the German Armored" Stackpole Books 2016, Clodfelter, Micheal. Ten days after his death, the war in Europe ended. az egyik legsikeresebb német harckocsizó ász volt a második világháború idején a 168 igazolt győzelmével. Feldwebel Kurt Knispel was a Sudeten German Heer (Army) panzer loader, gunner and later commander, becoming the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills. This was, by far, the war's largest single tank battle. "Kurt Knispel died in a Tiger Tank in a meaningless confrontation in the middle of nowhere, when people across an entire continent were in turmoil. Biography. 5,559 835. 75. 18 évesen, 1940-ben már szolgálatra jelentkezett a Wehrmachtba, majd 1941-ben a frontra került. Kurt Knispel (20. září 1921 Salisov (Salisfeld), Československo – 28. dubna 1945 Vrbovec, tehdy říÅ¡ská župa Dolní Podunají, nacistické Německo) byl německé tankové eso v období II. Photo of Knispel taken during World War II by Alfred Rubbel. Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a German tank commander during World War II, notable for claiming 168 tanks destroyed, making him the most successful fighter in armored warfare. May 3, 2016 - This board is on Kurt Knispel, highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills, the actual number, although unconfirmed, may be as high as 195. Important. 5,559 835. On April 10, 2013 Czech authorities confirmed that Knispel's remains were found among 15 other German soldiers behind a church wall in Urbau. E. —————————- Bundle containing one blister of Kurt Knispel + one Rubicon Tiger I Ausf. [citation needed], Knispel's slow promotion is attributed to several conflicts with higher Nazi authorities (for instance, he assaulted an Einsatzgruppen officer whom he saw mistreating Soviet POWs) and general lack of military bearing, sporting a goatee and hair longer than regulations. [6] Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Military personnel referenced in the Wehrmachtbericht, German military personnel killed in World War II, Picture of the dog-tag - Nr. [1] He is counted with Johannes Bölter, Ernst Barkmann, Otto Carius and Michael Wittmann as being one of the, if not the, greatest tank ace of all time. [Note 1]. This raised his total to 168 enemy tanks destroyed, making him the world's top "tank killer", "With 168 acknowledged kills, Kurt Knispel was the most successful tank soldier of the Second World War. For his basic training, Knispel went to the Panzer Replacement Training Battalion at Sagan in Lower Silesia. Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a Sudeten German Heer panzer loader, gunner and later commander, and was the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills;[1] the actual number, although unconfirmed, may be as high as 195. Knispel saw further action during the relief attack on the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket, Vinnitsa, Jampol, and Kamenets-Podolsk. Knispel disliked factory work and in April 1940 Knispel joined the Wehrmacht as a volunteer. Dec 24, 2019 - Explore Rojn Chintamas's board "Kurt Knispel" on Pinterest. This group, led by Oberfeldwebel Fedensack, was to become the 1st Company of the 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion which fought at Kursk as flank cover for the 7th Panzer Division (Armee Abteilung Kempf). Nov 13, 2018 - Explore Andy Gremlin's board "Kurt Knispel", followed by 123 people on Pinterest. He was. Kurt Knispel; Gimė 1922 m. rugsėjo 20 d. Salisovas, Čekoslovakija: Mirė 1945 m. kovo 29 d. (22 metai) Vlasatikas, Čekija: Tautybė čekų kilmės vokietis: Kurtas Knispelis (1922 m. rugsėjo 20 d. tuometinės Čekoslovakijos Sudetų kraÅ¡te, Salisove – žuvo 1945 m. Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945[1]) was a German tank commander during World War II, notable for claiming 168 tanks destroyed, making him, if the claims can be evidenced, the most successful fighter in armored warfare. From there, the unit was transferred back to the Eastern Front and saw action around Mezőtúr, Törökszentmiklós, Cegléd, Kecskemét and the Gran bridgehead, Gyula, Nitra, Bab Castle (in one action, Knispel reported 24 enemy hits on his Tiger II), Laa and finally Wostitz, where he was fatally wounded together with another tank commander Feldwebel Skoda (Skoda was buried in Socherl). Join Facebook to connect with Kurt Knispel and others you may know. "Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty" McFarland, 2017 p 456, "Sudetendeutsche: Tschechien kümmert sich nicht um deutsche Gräber", "Archeologové objevili hrob největšího tankového esa 2. světové války — Zprávy — Zpravodajství Brno — Česká televize", "MZM - Uložení ostatků Kurta Knispela", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kurt_Knispel&oldid=1006335148, German military personnel killed in World War II, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 09:33. Kurt Knispel's Tiger 1 ? He became the only non-commissioned officer of the German tank arm to be named in a Wehrmacht communique. Kurt Knispel studies Teacher Education, Economics, and Business. After completing his apprenticeship in an automobile factory in 1940, Knispel applied to join the armoured branch of the German Army. 4.4 out of 5 stars 94. Hänet on laskettu Johannes Bölterin, Ernst Barkmannin, Otto Cariuksen ja Michael Wittmannin ohella yhdeksi parhaista vaununjohtajista. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Knispel was the gunner of a Panzer IV under Lt. Hellman at the time of Operation Barbarossa, where he participated in the initial assault as part of Panzergruppe 3, LVII Army Corps (later LVII Panzer Corps), commanded by General Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen. 00. Kurt Knispel was recommended four different times to receive the Knight’s Cross – a coveted award received by many of the other German tank aces. Credited with 168 tank kills and most successful tank ace in armoured warfare ever Nothing to brag about really~ Good grief, plenty to do. Kurt Knispel: (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a Sudeten German Heer panzer loader, gunner and later commander, and was the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills;[1] the actual number, although unconfirmed, may be as high as 195 He died two hours later in a German field hospital. Jagdtiger. Kurt Knispel, born 20-09-1921, near the town of Cukmantel, Zlaté Hory in the Sudetenland Chechoslovakia. Knispel was born in Salisfeld (Salisov), a small settlement near the town of Zuckmantel in Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia. [8] He was buried with 41 other German soldiers who died in Moravia and Silesia. Na stránkách Panzernet jsme po dlouhá léta nesprávně uváděli, že nejúspěšnějÅ¡ím německým tankistou druhé světové války byl přísluÅ¡ník Waffen SS, Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann. Though he was recommended for it four times, Knispel never received the coveted Knight's Cross, a standard award for most other World War II German tank aces. Our hero Kurt Knispel was born on September 20, 1921 in the small village of Salisfeld (Sudetenland), at that time these lands belonged to Czechoslovakia. Transferred from the east, the company was re-equipped with Tiger IIs and fought around Caen and in the retreat from Normandy. Kompanie Panzer Ersatz Abteilung 15, http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/zpravodajstvi-brno/zpravy/222114-archeologove-objevili-hrob-nejvetsiho-tankoveho-esa-2-svetove-valky/, http://www.lidovky.cz/historici-na-znojemsku-nasli-ostatky-nemeckeho-tankoveho-esa-p6p-/lide.aspx?c=A130409_155827_lide_ape, http://books.google.com/books?id=NSlQ0XuSOLIC&dq=Panzer+Aces+II:+Battle+Stories+of+German+Tank+Commanders+in+World+War+II&source=gbs_navlinks_s, "Archeologové nalezli ostatky největšího tankového esa II. Knispel, however, did not mind that he was consistently passed over. Čest, talent i služba Hitlerovi. He was identified by his dog tag. The online game, World of Tanks names a gunnery award after him. As commander of a Tiger I and then a Tiger II, Knispel destroyed another 42 enemy tanks. Kurt Knispel (20. syyskuuta 1921 – 28. huhtikuuta 1945) oli saksalainen sotilas, panssarivaunun lataaja, ampuja ja lopulta vaununjohtaja toisessa maailmansodassa.Hän tuhosi 168 tankkia, ja varmistamattomat mukaan luettuina 195. Top 7 German Panzer aces. Kurt scores a stunning 27 victories in 3 weeks of horrific, confused, tank vs tank combat. See more ideas about german tanks, german soldiers ww2, wwii. German Feldwebel & Panzer Ace Kurt Knispel Kurt Knispel’s record lists 168 confirmed tank kills, making him the most successful tank ace of WW2. Post Mar 12, 2020 #1 2020-03-12T18:14. Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a Feldwebel of the German Heer and a panzer commander during World War II.. Kurt Knispel. Only his impressive track-record saved him from ending up in a military prison.[1]. Knispel returned to Putlos at the end of January 1943 and became familiar with the new Tiger I tanks. Knispel is said to have accomplished an incredible 24 hits in one action with the Tiger II tank. On one occasion Knispel assaulted an officer who he saw was mistreating Soviet POWs. Knispel spent most of his childhood in Mikulovice, where his father worked in an automotive factory. Kurt Knispel’s Biography. Místo posledního odpočinku největÅ¡ího tankového esa, Kurta Knispela. Kurt Knispel ve velitelské věžičce tanku Tiger, zdroj: kurt-knispel.webnode.cz se souhlasem provozovatele, upraveno. Kurt Knispel - Milihime Taisen. He was awarded the Iron Cross, First Class, after destroying his fiftieth enemy tank and the Tank Assault Badge in Gold after more than 100 tank battles. Kurt Knispel’s ancestors from the time of the German emperors lived and worked here, he was an ethnic German with a Czechoslovak passport. Ta oli Teise maailmasõja parim tankiäss: kinnitatud andmetel hävitas ta 168 vastase tanki, kuid kinnitamata andmetel võib see number olla kuni 195 vastase tanki. He spent most of his childhood in nearby Niklasdorf. Knispel was born in Salisfeld (Salisov), a small settlement near the town of Zuckmantel in Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia. A Closer Look. Jagdtiger. —Preceding undated comment added 09:48, 2 January 2018 (UTC) This page was last edited on 12 June 2020, at 03:59 (UTC). There he received basic infantry training before tank training on the Panzer I, Panzer II, and Panzer IV. From Putlos, a group of men was sent to the 500th Panzer Battalion at Paderborn. Kurt Knispel was born on 20 September 1921 in Salisov, Czechoslovakia to a family of Silesian Germans.Knispel joined the Wehrmacht in 1940 as a soldier in the 12th Panzer Division, and he became a naturalized citizen of Nazi Germany. Even a King Tiger can die.

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