Vision Launch Media does not necessarily endorse the views of the media we promote, but we find the censorship of free thought that falls outside the mainstream narrative completely unacceptable. [18], The late 2010s have seen an expansion in online news partisan outlets with ties to the major political parties in Canada, such as North99 with the Liberal Party, The Post Millennial with the Conservatives, and PressProgress with the NDP have received attention though their massive mostly social-based following.[25]. All True North journalists must pledge to respect and uphold the Principles of Conduct laid out in the International Federation of Journalists’ Bordeaux Declaration. exists thanks to the support of individual and organizational supporters. Windsor, Ontario) where the competition from American stations threatens the survival of Canadian broadcasters, and for stations whose formats may not have enough Canadian recordings available to meet the 35 per cent target (e.g. [21] Programming on an American service may also be blocked if it has significant bearing on a Canadian legal matter (e.g., one episode of Law & Order, inspired by the trials of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, was blocked in Canada) or if it interferes with a Canadian channel's broadcast rights (such as James Bond movies airing on Spike TV; the Canadian broadcast rights are held by Bell Media. For those of you interested in following alternative media sources to get a better idea of what's going on than might be sold to you by many manifestations of CorpNews, Inc., A few exceptions, such as CKSB in Winnipeg and CJBC in Toronto, exist where the CBC acquired an existing station with a historically significant callsign. In the 1940s, the Radio Artists of Toronto Society (RATS) was formed. In Canada, unions can be divided into four main types: (1) national; (2) international; (3) independent local organization; and (4) directly chartered local. Low-power repeater transmitters (LPRTs) have their own unique callsign format, which consists of the letters VE or VF followed by four numbers. Revised on February 11, 2021. With the exception of VOCM-FM, radio stations licensed in Newfoundland after 1949 use the same CF-CK range as other Canadian stations. The Huffington Post Canada is Canada’s most popular online news source. While Canadian TV stations are technically required to identify themselves over the air by their call letters, the rule is rarely enforced by the CRTC. These services, however, require a descrambler box. Because Canada is more sparsely populated than the United States, the limitations of AM broadcasting (particularly at night, when the AM dial is often overwhelmed by distant signals) have a much more pronounced effect on Canadian broadcasters. We think people are mature enough to see and hear all of the information and form their … Canada has approximately 14 full-time ethnic radio stations, based primarily in the major metropolitan markets of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.[18]. While you won't read about it in the papers, these ongoing trends are cause for increasing alarm among hundreds of thousands of Canadians. My Top 10 Alternative Media Sources. The Advisory Board’s mandate is to make recommendations on whether an organization meets certain criteria for QCJO designation. Canada also produces films of a characteristically "Canadian" nature, and of all Canadian cultural industries, this segment of the film industry has the hardest time escaping the shadow of its (North) American counterpart. To help answer this question, I put together a list of my top 10 alternative media sources, with plenty of formats for however you like to digest your news. English Canada also has many smaller publishing houses, including Coach House Press, the Porcupine's Quill, House of Anansi, Key Porter Books, Hidden Brook Press, and Douglas & McIntyre. Many news reports on television, for example, are merely follow-up stories about news that first appeared in newspapers. In the 2000s, a number of online news and culture magazines also launched with the goal of providing alternative sources of journalism. [6] After the Liberal Party of Canada won the election, it increased taxpayer funding of the CBC by CA$150 million. Links are given below for publication websites, as well as access to the publication via SFU's subscription. Major francophone publishers in Quebec include Bibliothèque québécoise, Alire, Québec-Amérique, Éditions Guérin and Groupe Beauchemin. 100. Although some TV stations have begun broadcasting digital signals in addition to their regular VHF or UHF broadcasts, this is not yet as widespread as in the United States. These ratings inform our balanced newsfeed. Canada currently has 130 originating television stations, which broadcast on 1,456 transmitters across the country, on both the VHF and UHF bands. [citation needed]. The outlet is owned by First Look Media, and while they are the most corporate of the independent media outlets, they are packed with exclusive data the government most likely doesn’t want you to know about. was created to aid those who are looking for alternatives, or wish to get involved in building independent media. In Canada, as elsewhere, diverse efforts involving thousands of people have arisen. Media 10 Investigative Reporting Outlets to Follow. In the 2000s, about half of the budget of a typical Canadian film came from various federal and provincial government sources. [citation needed], However, two major companies offer direct broadcast satellite delivery as an alternative to cable: Bell Satellite TV, which is a division of BCE Inc., and Shaw Direct, which is a division of Shaw. If independent media is important to you, please consider supporting our work. A new research project found that mainstream media outlets like the CBC were one of the leading sources of misinformation among Canadians. As well, the publicly owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation operates four national radio networks, two each in English and French. (However, the CRTC does retain some regulatory authority over these operators. In general, everyone who uses *any* source for news (not just the ones on this list) should check who owns them or has contributed to them. Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 From: "i.d." In fact, Soros funds nearly every major left-wing media source in the United States. In the case of a national media outlet, the enterprise would be controlled by a group of people from across the country. It is crucial that you use credible primary and secondary sources to ensure the validity of your academic research, but knowing which ones are credible can be difficult!. Fermented chokeberry may reduce the negative effects of a high-fat diet (Food) - 71 Hours Ago. As of 2020, the four largest major commercial radio broadcast groups in Canada are Stingray Group, Rogers Radio, Corus Radio, and Bell Media Radio. In addition to the public Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada, which operates both English (CBC Television) and French (Ici Radio-Canada Télé) television networks, there are five major private TV networks. Digital television sets are available in Canadian stores, but are not universally present in all Canadian homes. Additionally, many "broadcast" their programming over the internet. Digital cable, however, is provided only if a customer chooses to subscribe to that package. This has required special dispensation for Canadian content for broadcasters in the Windsor, Ontario region (due to it falling within the Detroit media footprint), and there has also been a case of a US-based broadcaster (KCND-TV of Pembina, North Dakota, now CKND-DT of Winnipeg) targeting its programming and advertising at Canadian viewers. The AllSides Media Bias Chart™ is based on our full and growing list of over 800 media bias ratings. Additionally, the 1980s and 1990s saw the emergence of city-based alternative weekly newspapers, geared toward a younger audience with coverage of the arts and alternative news. Many Canadian cities have cable penetration rates of 90% or more of television households. The private networks, CTV, Global and Citytv, have all at times faced criticism over their level of commitment to producing and airing Canadian programming. That organization ''is a network of the country's leading, progressive, independent media outlets.'' CJON is the only independent commercial station currently operating in Canada, although CJON sublicenses a mix of programming from Global, CTV and other sources rather than purchasing program rights independently. In many Canadian cities, in fact, moviegoers don't even have the option of seeing such films, as there aren't any theatres showing them. [1], Television, magazines, and newspapers are primarily for-profit corporations based on advertising, subscription, and other sales-related revenues. Advisory Board members. It also has one of the most recent CEO changes. Several broadcasters, including the CBC, have argued that there is no viable business case for a comprehensive digital conversion strategy in Canada. In an era of corporate controlled media, internet conspiracy theories and truth-denying politicians, it can be hard to know what to believe. This list is mostly US-based resources -- but if you are looking for markets in Canada, check out this list of Canadian associations. In recent years, a notable trend in Canadian radio has been the gradual abandonment of the AM band, with many AM stations applying for and receiving authorization from the CRTC to convert to the FM band. For instance, in Hamilton, Cogeco Cable, Rogers Cable and Source Cable are all licensed operators, but each has a monopoly in a specific area of the city. In 1983, 90% of our media was owned and controlled by 50 different companies, which, at the time, so concerned author Ben Bagdikian that he penned his now-classic book, The Media Monopoly. As part of the testimony, Jessica Prince, the Wilson-Raybould's chief of staff revealed that Katie Telford, chief of staff to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, said: “If Jody is nervous, we would, of course, line up all kinds of people to write op-eds saying that what she is doing is proper.”[11], Postmedia has faced questions from both Maclean's and Canadaland, regarding whether recent changes to their editorial staff was singling a shift that they were pushing "conservative views" onto their audience. Soros-Linked Group Creates ‘Fake News’ Website List In Latest Globalist Attack Against ANP And Other Independent Media Websites. According to a survey conducted by the Knight Foundation and Gallup, Americans are of the view that a … This list of trade associations and trade shows will help you pick your niche and find your target market so you can network with the right people -- the ones who value your services. exists thanks to the support of individual and organizational supporters. Non-news media content in Canada, including film and television, is influenced both by local creators as well as by imports from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France. Due to (comparatively) progressive frequency licensing, Canada is blessed with a (comparatively) vibrant campus, community and independent radio scene. There is no clear rule for the call letters of repeater stations—some repeaters are labelled by the call-letters of the originating station, followed by a number, while others have their own distinct call letters. The Toronto International Film Festival is considered one of the most important events in North American film, showcasing both Canadian talent and Hollywood films. The first call letter is always C, and callsigns of privately owned television stations start with the two-letter combinations of CF, CH, CI, CJ, or CK. In large cities that have more than one daily newspaper, usually at least one daily is a tabloid format; bilingual cities like Montreal and Ottawa have important papers in both French and English. What this page is: A list of independent online newsgathering websites in Canada, i.e. List of credible sources for research. 99. A study in 2006 said that the CRTC had licensed 44 digital specialty services and 5 ethnic specialty- and pay-television services across the country. As of 2016, cable companies are also now required to offer a "skinny basic" option, whereby a small selection of channels – typically the main over-the-air networks, along with "public service" channels such as The Weather Network and CPAC – are packaged for a maximum fee of $25 with additional channels available on a pick and pay basis at the subscriber's discretion. Our sustaining and supporting partners provide the funding essential to keeping a functioning independent media. [7] In 2017, the federal government announced a five-year $50-million program to help struggling local newspapers. Online-only media publishers in Canada include: The other French-language broadcaster in Quebec, Under CRTC rules, American networks are offered on a "4 + 1" basis, meaning that a cable company may offer any four American commercial networks and, Under CRTC rules, cable companies cannot offer a new American service if a comparable Canadian service already exists. a similar channel to CPAC, but broadcasting the proceedings of the provincial legislature; a mixture of Canadian and American special-interest channels (e.g. Nevertheless, both the television-broadcasting and publications sectors require a number of government interventions to remain profitable, which can include regulation barring foreign companies in the broadcasting industry, as well as tax laws that limit foreign competition in magazine advertising. Please note that we don’t necessarily endorse the way these sites covers the issues; some of them are worth visiting for their critical perspectives, others simply because the media outlets are particularly influential. Canada's largest English science fiction genre publisher is EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, which now also owns the Tesseract Books imprint, well known for producing excellent Canadian speculative fiction. The Commission will also develop strategies to incent: An English-language 'basic cable' package in Canada traditionally includes:[citation needed], A further set of Canadian and American special-interest channels are offered as 'extended cable' packages, which are available for additional fees. Most Canadian cities are served by only one cable company per market; in the few cities that are served by more than one cable company, each company is restricted to a specific geographical division within the market. The Commission announced in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-86 that it will review its policies for Certified Independent Production Funds in 2015 to ensure they allow greater flexibility in the funding of Canadian programs. The outlet is owned by First Look Media, and while they are the most corporate of the independent media outlets, they are packed with exclusive data the government most likely doesn’t want you to know about. News, sports, talk radio and religious stations are also available in many cities. The Newspaper of Record . City based weeklies are often corporate owned and are heavily dependent on corporate advertisers, but nonetheless have been known to carry occasional stories that do not appear in the rest of the corporate press. Due to their proximity to American media markets, a number of Canadian cities and regions receive US broadcasters as part of their local media. Media Conglomerate #6: Sony. The Canadian television broadcasting industry is split between public and private ownership. We need a team of committed volunteers to maintain this website and to build our network. List of the top 10 Canadian print newspapers by circulation compiled by Agility PR Solutions' media research team. The newspaper with the highest circulation overall is the Toronto Star, while the newspaper with the highest readership per capita is the Windsor Star (with the Calgary Herald running a very close second). The Marc Steiner Show meets you at the intersection of politics and culture. The concern, however, lies in whether or not these online platforms, whether hyperlocal or national, have appropriate practices to enforce standard journalism practices in place, avoiding situations of 'fake news'. )[citation needed], Major Canadian cable companies include Rogers, Shaw, Cogeco, Vidéotron and EastLink/Persona. Education and employment listings. Grey market DBS dishes can also be obtained from American services such as DirecTV and Dish Network, but as these are not licensed Canadian providers, stores that sell those packages—and users who buy them—are at risk of criminal charges. Digital audio broadcasting, or DAB, is an emerging technology in Canada. Here are some of the websites that FAIR visits most often to keep up with the news. Smaller newspapers like The Dominion, publishing primarily online but in a newspaper format, have attempted to fill gaps in Canada's journalistic coverage while avoiding the vulnerabilities of the previous generation of alternative media. Cable television is a very common method of television programming delivery in Canada. classical, jazz or pop standards). No Canadian radio broadcaster currently operates exclusively in DAB format. In addition to CBC, some provincial governments offer their own public educational TV broadcast services as well, such as TVOntario and Télé-Québec. The combinations CG, CY, CZ and several combinations beginning with V and X are also assigned to Canada, but to date no Canadian television station has ever been licensed to take a call sign within those ranges. Only CBC/Radio-Canada, TVA and APTN are officially considered national networks by the CRTC, while V is a provincial network in Quebec. Canadian Media Owner Index Media Names and Numbers Owners of Canada’s media are listed below in alphabetical order. Transparent methodology: we tell you how we arrived at the bias rating for each outlet. Open Secrets: Nonpartisan, independent, and nonprofit; nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. This is approximately two years later than the cutoff date in the United States. Sirius and XM both launched in December 2005. Though not widely read outside Quebec, Le Devoir is the French-language counterpart to the national newspapers. In some Canadian cities, in fact, the AM band is now either nearly or entirely vacant. In some markets, digital cable service may also include local radio stations; where this is offered, it has largely replaced the availability of cable FM service. those that cover news, but which are not affiliated with a newspaper, magazine, radio or television station or wire service or syndicate. Journalists are trained to detect bias and avoid letting it creep into their stories. As a result, a Canadian film is usually considered a runaway hit if it makes as little as $1 million at the box office. List of Certified Independent Production Funds . True North journalists are professional, independent and credentialed members of the Independent Press Gallery of Canada. City, CTV and Global are legally considered "television services" even though they operate as networks for all practical purposes. Several small francophone publishers also operate outside of Quebec, including Éditions Le Nordir and Prise de parole. 1. The government of Canada imposed a special excise tax on split run publications in 1995 to discourage the practice, although this continues to be controversial. The French-language networks traditionally have had less difficulty meeting their Canadian content obligations, as the language difference makes francophone audiences much more readily receptive to home-grown programming than to dubbed American imports. Given Canada's small market and its position next to the United States—the dominant producer of feature films—the Canadian film industry receives substantial assistance from the government. The CBC has also sometimes directly acquired former private affiliate stations; these usually (although not always) retain their historic call sign rather than changing to a CB call. As with CBC television, CBC radio uses callsigns beginning with CB, through a special arrangement with the government of Chile. Three applications were filed: one by XM Radio Canada, one by Sirius Canada, and one by the partnership of CHUM Limited and Astral Media. Independent media outlets would most likely be set up as non-profit entities, with diverse sources of income (and without advertising playing a determining editorial role). However, many smaller broadcasters operate radio stations as well. Canadian News. The CRTC ultimately decided to relax restrictions on advertising as the funding mechanism. One particular film production house, the National Film Board of Canada, has become internationally famous for its animation and documentary production. However, most of these are not general entertainment stations like independent stations in the United States, but are instead specialty community channels or educational services. Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom. This significant decline from over 2000 just a few years ago is attributable both to major cable companies acquiring smaller distributors and to a recent change in CRTC rules by which independent cable operators with fewer than 2,000 subscribers are no longer required to operate under full CRTC licences. Discover the most extensive British Columbia newspaper and news media guide on the internet. Find links to Canada National newspapers and news media. In addition, almost all Canadian cities are served by at least one daily newspaper, along with community and neighbourhood weeklies. The top American newspapers, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, often set the agenda for many other media sources. ABYZ News Links : British Columbia Newspapers and News Media Guide Home: Search ABYZ: Add Modify Link: News Resources: About ABYZ: Contact ABYZ Home> Americas> North America> Canada> British Columbia Media Type BC-Broadcast IN-Internet MG-Magazine NP-Newspaper Media Focus AL … Independent online daily news websites in Canada. Alternative News. Low-power repeater transmitters (LPRTs) have their own unique callsign format, which consists of the letters CH followed by four numbers. In 1943, the Association of Canadian Radio Artists (ACRA) was formed as a loose national coalition of actors' groups. Telecommunications, internet and overall media landscape: {, This page was last edited on 26 February 2021, at 13:58. The Media’s Big Six. [1], The organization Reporters Without Borders compiles and publishes an annual ranking of countries based upon the organization's assessment of their Press Freedom Index. Most genres of music are represented on the Canadian commercial radio spectrum, including pop, rock, hip hop, country, jazz and classical. In some remote communities in the Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut), cable delivery is prohibitively costly, so similar services are offered through MMDS technology. [10] In February 2019, former Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould gave testimony to the House of Commons Justice Committee raising further speculation of political interference from the Liberal Party in journalism. Digital television is an emerging technology in Canada. In 2012, Kazuo Hirai became CEO of the entire corporation, which might be the most well-known electronics brand on the planet. Free Data Sources: Retail. Unlike in the United States, where a statewide public network is usually the state's primary PBS member station, the provincially owned public systems in Canada are independent of each other and have their own programming. Music-based commercial radio stations in Canada are mandated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to reserve at least 35 per cent of their playlists for Canadian content, although exemptions are granted in some border cities (e.g. [8], In 2013, Maclean's wrote an article noting the influence that Quebecor and owner Pierre Karl Péladeau have on the Quebec media system. These services, which were approved by the CRTC on June 16, 2005, were Canada's first official satellite radio services, although a small grey market already existed for American satellite radio receivers. [12][13] In 2019, Kathy English, the public editor for the Toronto Star, admitted that The Star has failed to meet its journalistic standards by stating "call for reporting fairly and accurately and reflecting the pertinent facts and diversity of views on matters of public debate. However, there is an established network of film festivals which also provide important marketing and audience opportunities for Canadian films. Cosmin Dzsurdzsa Montreal, QC. Financial Post, 2. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), or more commonly Global Research, is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal. We are Canada's premier national Aboriginal newspaper. Lions Gate Entertainment has also become a major player in recent years. But there are several ways it can still influence the news they produce. Although all broadcast networks in Canada are required to produce and air some Canadian content, only the English and French networks of the CBC run predominantly Canadian-produced schedules, though, the English network does run some imported programming from the United Kingdom, most notably Coronation Street. MANA (Media Alliance for New Activism) is Canada's largest network of independent media groups. The largest of these corporations is the country’s national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio-Canada, who also plays a significant role in producing domestic cultural content, operating radio and TV networks in both English and French. As well, there are a few independent stations, including CFTU in Montreal, CJON in St. John's and CJIL in Lethbridge. In addition, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN), a service devoted mainly to programming of interest to the Indigenous peoples of Canada, is considered a network by the CRTN, although the network airs terrestrially only in the 3 Canadian territories, and must be carried by all television providers in the rest of Canada. a provincial educational broadcast undertaking (e.g. Here are some new organizations, as well as a few established ones, that are working to uncover the truth. August 8, 2019 5:06 PM 1 mins reading.

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