( Chiudi sessione /  APPLY FOR ADOPTION. Modifica ), Stai commentando usando il tuo account Facebook. Setter, Brittany & Pointer Rescue November 10, 2020 The handsome Sei is a 5 year old male English Setter. We are a volunteer team that works in Italy and Europe, rescuing from dangerous situations English Setters and mix Setter. MAKE A DONATION. Many dog rescues and shelters use our site to help place dogs in homes for adoption. Every dog adopted means there's a place for another to be saved. They have likely been together for their entire lives, Unlike her namesake, Garbo would never say 'I want to be alone.' Questa pagina facebook nasce per aiutare i Setter in difficoltà She is a, Norman is an active 7 year old male Bench English Setter. The AKC Rescue Network is the largest network of dog rescue groups in the country, and was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in late 2013. RESCUING ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS SINCE 2005. IGGIE TALK! Opt to Adopt. Spesso, sono animali che hanno subito dei maltrattamenti, sia sotto il profilo mentale che fisico, non si sono nutriti a sufficienza, sono stati abbandonati ad una vita in strada, hanno contratto malattie oppure provengono da canili lager dove l’essere vivente rappresenta sempre e solo un numero. Garbo is a one year old girl who loves running and, At the tender age of 7 years, Red's life as a lonely kenneled dog came to an end. - ♥ RESCUE ME! Success Stories: Rescue Me! Nei nostri rifugi, vengono lentamente riabituati al contatto umano e alla socializzazione con i simili. SUPPORT US. ( Chiudi sessione /  Find Local Italian Greyhound Rescue Reps By State Adopting a Dog From a Gordon Setter Rescue or Shelter. ( Chiudi sessione /  Our mission is to save as many of these unfortunate creatures as possible … "Click here to view English Setter Dogs in Texas for adoption. Texas Rescue Groups: TOP OF PAGE The information on this page is the sole property of World Organization. If you are interested or if you want to know how we work, please visit: Our e–mail: setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it, Publicizing our dogs that looking for a home or with a donation, PAYPAL: setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it. IF YOU DONATE, SEND US AN EMAIL TO setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it WITH THE DETAILS (NAME/SURNAME, ADDRESS, FISCAL CODE) FOR THE RECEIPT OF PAYMENT! TXIGRESCUE.ORG We foster in loving homes and find forever homes for Italian Greyhounds, Whippets, Salukis and Lurchers RESOURCES. Sieh dir Fotos, Profilbilder und Alben von Italian Setter Rescue Onlus an. They're both very sweet & playful. This active 5 year old, female keeps her girlish 40-ish pound figure by chasing moths, birds, and anything else that wants to play. Crea un sito o un blog gratuito su WordPress.com. ist ein eingetragener, gemeinnütziger Verein dessen Ziel der Schutz von Settern europaweit ist.. Unser Verein wurde im Oktober 2014 in Köln ins Leben gerufen, als Zusammenschluss von Setterliebhabern mit ihrer Passion für die Rasse und als Protest gegen die Abgabe und die schlechte Behandlung von Jagd- und Vorststehhunden in Europa, speziell in Süd- und … Thing1 & her sister Thing2, were named after the Dr. Seuss cartoon characters. Hier finden Sie die Hunde, die in Italien gerettet werden konnten und derzeit bei einem unserer Freunde vorrübergehend Zuflucht gefunden haben. Founded in 2005. Gordon Setter Badgerland Gordon Setter Rescue (Northern & Central Wisconsin) Chris Rhoden W28364 Ruby Circle Hartland, WI 53029 262.538.1048 crhoden@tamdhusetters.com. Finding pets for you… Submit Your Happy Tail. Follow Us. Individuals & rescue groups can post animals free." Copyright © 1999-2018 World Organization. The official registration and financial information of Above & Beyond English Setter Rescue may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll … 24 Likes, 0 Comments - Italian Setter Rescue OdV (@italiansetterrescueonlus) on Instagram: “Come aiutarci” Here is how to get started. Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas. Decidemmo di prenderlo e … Sie brauchen dringend Ihre Hilfe! He was surrendered to, Toby is special, most sweetest friendliest dog ever. Diese Setter können nur mit Ihrer Hilfe vermittelt werden. Thing2 & her sister Thing1 are named after the Dr. Seuss cartoon characters. Inserisci i tuoi dati qui sotto o clicca su un'icona per effettuare l'accesso: Stai commentando usando il tuo account WordPress.com. Il gruppo dei Setteristi è nato ad inizio 2012 e ha al suo attivo, fino ad oggi, una media di 5/6 salvataggi di Setter al mese, con relative adozioni felici. The Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc. is a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the “Beauty, Brains & Bird Sense” in Gordon Setters. CONTACT. All rights reserved. In our dog pounds and with our volunteer they are recovered step by step and we look for their final home. Scopri come vengono elaborati i dati derivati dai commenti. 87 talking about this. HOME. Use of this information on your own website requires written permission or a license. We rehome working dogs from Spain including English Setters, Brittanys and Pointers. Goofy is an all around great dog to be your buddy. Ma per riuscirci, abbiamo bisogno dell’aiuto di tutti, abbiamo bisogno di persone che credano nel nostro operato e che si uniscano al nostro gruppo, aiutandoci sia economicamente che materialmente condividendo i nostri appelli per le adozioni, oppure cercando o offrendo stalli per i cani tratti in salvo. ADOPT. More. We are a volunteer team that works in Italy and Europe, rescuing from dangerous situations English Setters and mix Setter. He will hangout by your side & loves to play fetch with sticks, Rocky's foster mom calls him Rockstar, and for good reason. We usually follow the new family who will take care of them, because it is not our habits to leave them alone. "Click here to view English Setter Dogs in Italy for adoption. SURRENDER. List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler. Scopri come vengono elaborati i dati derivati dai commenti. 1/1. Zur Adoption in Italien. Can you give a home to one of these lovely dogs?Read More → Oder aber eine Pflegestelle? Click on a number to view a list of all Irish Setter rescue groups in that state. The club was organized in 1924 and currently has over 1,000 members. Sites like Petfinder.com and Adopt-a-Pet.com can have you searching for a Gordon in your area in no time flat. She was rescued from an awful pound and she’s staying at one of the shelters we … ADVICE. SE DONATE, MANDATECI UNA MAIL ALL’INDIRIZZO setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it CON I VOSTRI DATI (NOME/COGNOME, INDIRIZZO DI RESIDENZA, CODICE FISCALE E LA SPECIFICA DEL BONIFICO) VI MANDEREMO LA RICEVUTA! Conne. ♥ ۬ Meet SWESR's sweet pocket senior, Han Solo. Salvarne quanti più possibile ! 10K likes. Rescue Me, RescueMe.Org, and the paw logo are registered trademarks of WO. Italian Setter Rescue – Jack Jack, mix Setter Inglese circa 6 anni. He's a handsome Llewellyn boy with a sweet face that. She’s great with other dogs, housebroken, energetic and loves to run outside. Find your next companion by choosing to rescue a dog. English Setter Team was born at the beginning of 2012 and until now has saved at least 5/6 English Setters per month, finding for their, their final home. Vielleicht haben Sie sich auch auf den ersten Blick verliebt und möchten einem unserer Setter sein eigenes Zuhause anbieten? This loveable senior Setter is about 12 years old and hasn't had the, Teagan is a 2.5 year old beauty who would love to be off and running in your large, securely-fenced yard. view our pets. Individuals & rescue groups can post animals free." Abbiamo deciso da subito di autotassarci, una piccola cifra mensile, il costo di qualche caffè o di 2 pacchetti di sigarette. Im Baskenland erzählen sich die Hunde Geschichten über ein Land, dass SETTERLAND genannt wird. He was handed in to the shelter by a … NAME: ITALIAN SETTER RESCUE. Siamo un gruppo di volontari che opera su tutto il territorio nazionale e internazionale, salvando Setter Inglesi e mix Setter dalle situazioni di difficoltà. ♥ ۬ IBAN: IT60E0760103200001025377498. Petland Dallas, Texas would love for you to check out our dog breed information and choose what breed is best for you and your family! EVENTS. Share. Für diese nun in Sicherheit lebenden Hunde suchen wir in Deutschland ein neues Zuhause. IBAN CODE: IT60E0760103200001025377498 ( Chiudi sessione /  Recommended Pets. PAYPAL: setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it, SWIFT BIC CODE: BPPIITRRXXX Questo sito utilizza Akismet per ridurre lo spam. All the dogs here at the rescue look after him, but his best. ABOUT. Sender: Robin Wesley Date: April 3, 2017 _ We found Dudley a wonderful home with a family that has 40 acres for him to run. SUPPORT US. In English, he is the Italian Pointing Dog. English Setter Team was born at the beginning of 2012 and until now has saved at least 5/6 English Setters per month, finding for their, their final home. Adoptable Dogs Nationwide The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation has adoptable Italian Greyhounds, including puppies and adult dogs, throughout the United States. Adopt an Italian Greyhound from Texas Italian Greyhound Rescue, Inc. Abbiamo contatti con rifugi e volontari di tutta Italia, che prendono in consegna i cani occupandosi di loro da un punto di vista medico e psicologico. TEXAS ITALIAN GREYHOUND RESCUE. Irish Setter Blog 1,015,358 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me! Use the Web. IGGIE TALK! Modifica ), Stai commentando usando il tuo account Google. Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me! Condividendo i nostri setterini in cerca di adozione, offrendovi per fare stalli, per fare tratte di staffette o se ne avete la possibilità, facendoci una donazione tramite bonifico bancario, CONTO INTESTATO A: ITALIAN SETTER RESCUE Diese Setter können nur mit Ihrer Hilfe vermittelt werden. Have a look at … Mora – 12 year old female Gordon Setter Dogwatchuk West Midlands October 28, 2020 Mora is a gorgeous, black and tan 12 year old female Gordon Setter… Success Stories: Rescue Me! National Breed Clubs and Rescue. Saremo felici di rispondere a tutte le vostre domande circa il nostro operato. Jack è una nostra vecchia conoscenza, più di 6 anni fa se ne stava in un canile del Casertano… dimenticato da tutti… le giornate tutte uguali e poche possibilità di essere notato. Tramite la nostra pagina FB cliccando QUI, Iscrivendovi al nostro gruppo, dove potrete pubblicare gli annunci di Setter e mix Setter in difficoltà, cliccando QUI, Via e–mail: setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it setteringleseitalianrescue@yahoo.it. 26 Likes, 0 Comments - Italian Setter Rescue OdV (@italiansetterrescueodv) on Instagram: “How to help us” Setter Rescue Germany e.V. We are in contact with many Italian dog pounds and volunteers who take care of our dogs from a point of view medical and psychological. Gordon Setter Blog 1,014,585 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me! Finding pets for you… Recommended Pets. Read More. Modifica ), Stai commentando usando il tuo account Twitter. Find puppies for sale, started dogs for sale and finished dogs from all sorts of different pointing breeds, retrieving breeds and flushing breeds.. Can you open your heart and home to one of our rescue dogs and save a life today? Southlake, TX. Above and Beyond English Setter Rescue is a non-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization based in Pine Grove, PA. Click on a number to view those needing rescue in that state. She’s companionable, very birdie, and responds well … Help control the pet population by adopting a homeless Iggy. His owner died a few months ago and the wife is unable to, Johnny and Moira are a bonded pair who need to stay together. office@irishrescuetx.org (239) 331-0960. view our pets. Both are very friendly & playful. Until we find a good adoption for our dogs, each of us pay a little monthly amount for their maintenance. Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. Noi li seguiamo sempre, anche dopo l’adozione, perché li abbiamo voluti, amati e soprattutto non è nel nostro stile abbandonare gli adottanti in caso di bisogno. Sender: Michele Lamacraft Date: February 17, 2012 _ Add a Quick Link to this Club Page: Copy and paste any of the following links to add a link of this club page to your flyers, posters, emails or other promotional material. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? He is now enjoying the life of a, Chipper is a sweet, active, 1.5 year-old, neutered male English Setter/Great Pyrenees mix. This map shows how many Irish Setter Rescue Groups are in each state. Vengono curati, se malati, sponsorizzati e mandati in adozione dopo tutti i controlli previsti. Most often, they are dogs that have been maltreated, have gone hungry, have been left on the streets, they are sick or come from dog pounds where they just were a number…never considered as living being. There are many great options available if you want to adopt a dog from an animal shelter or breed rescue organization. Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me! - ♥ RESCUE ME! Setter, Brittany & Pointer Rescue February 10, 2020 Brodie is a 2 year old female Irish Setter. The lucky ones are found by our rescue partners where they are prepared for a better life. Texas Italian Greyhound Rescue, Richardson, Texas. Gordon Highlander Rescue Program Kathy Hubbard (Southern Wisconsin & Illinois) 403 North 7th Street DeKalb, IL 60115 815.758.0243 khubbard@niu.edu. 1. Modifica ), Mandami una notifica per nuovi articoli via e-mail.

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