Released as part of the TCG's Wave 1: Energon Edition, this card is a reprint of the Convention Pack 2018 Cliffjumper//Renegade Warrior. Transformers Spielzeug Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E7 Cliffjumper Action-Figur - Kinder ab 8 Jahren, 14 cm, Transformers Hasbro E7198ES0 Spielzeug Studio Series 52 Deluxe : Die Rache Arcee Chromia Elita-1 Action-Figuren 3er-Pack, Transformers Siege War for Cybertron | Commander Class Jetfire, Transformers E4181CB0 Toys Studio Series 43 Voyager Class Age of Extinction Movie KSI Boss Action Figure, Transformers Spielzeuge Cyberverse Spark Armor Ark Power Optimus Prime, 30 cm. 5 out of 5 stars. an awesome redeco of a fantastic mold--a great tribute to a G1 favorite! Although none of them are traitors, they're mostly red Bumblebees. His motto is "Let me at 'em!" Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften. • Figuurschaal: 13,97 cm • Vanaf 8 jaar oud • Waarschuwing: verstikkingsgevaar - kleine onderdelen. große Actionfigur, ab 6 Jahren, Transformers Generations : Power of The Primes – Leader Class – Optimus Prime – 22cm Actionfigur mit Accessories. Ihre cliffjumper Figur ist für jeden Gegner zu zerstören und Bereitstellung der Klingen wird Ihnen helfen zwei erledigen Wenn der Mann Roboter Action verwandelt sich in einen Chase, konvertieren Sie Ihre Fighter in Cybertronian Racer Fahrzeug Modus und Sende ihn Speeding Off to Rule The Streets The siege is over, but the War for Cybertron has just begun. Verzending vanuit de EU, geen import tax. Revealed in a leak on the Hasbro Customer Service website in late October 2013. 99. 11 watching. Wherever danger strikes, Autobot Cliffjumper is there to strike back. After the repelling the Decepticon attack on the Ark, Optimus Prime sent a search team composed of Jazz, Sideswipe and Cliffjumper to look for the Lightning Strike Coalition who went missing in the Sea of Rust. 1.0 out of 5 stars 1. The siege is over, but the War for Cybertron has just begun. 3.8 out of 5 stars 13. Discover Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E7 Cliffjumper, 5.5-inch, for ages 8 YEARS+, and find where to buy this product. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine korrekte Frage eingegeben haben. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Transformers WFC Earthrise Starscream Cliffjumper hoist grapple Wheeljack 5 lot at the best online prices at eBay! Your Cliffjumper figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent and deploying blades will help you two get the job done If the hand-to-hand robot action turns into a chase, convert your fighter into Cybertronian racer vehicle mode and send him speeding off to rule the streets Entdecke Transformers Spielzeug Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E7 Cliffjumper, 14 cm für Alter Ab 8 Jahren geeignet und schau Dir an, wo man dieses Produkt kaufen kann. The siege is over, but the War for Cybertron has just begun. Juni 2017. Cliffjumper ist ein Autobot und ein Guter Freund von Bumblebee. Cliffjumper has a lot of toys. The kids will love him. CestMall Transforming Dinosaur Led Car, Transformers Spielzeug Mit Licht Und Soundf... Ratchet Transformers G1 30th Anniversary Series 1 Mini-Figur 3, Transformers Megatron Prime 30th Anniversary Series 1 Mini-Figur 7. Build the Battlefield Beyond - Het beleg is voorbij, maar de oorlog voor Cybertron is net begonnen. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Care must be taken while rolling the vehicle: pushing down while moving the vehicle forward can chip the paint underneath the hip section. Peruvian company BASA (which eventually changed to HUDE) apparently also (briefly) sold, Patent info, price guide, and further reading on Cliffjumper at, More information on Cliffjumper at, More information on gold Cliffjumper/Carrera at, More information on keychain Cliffjumper at, More information on black Cliffjumper at, The Transformers: Binaltech & TF Collection Complete Guide, More information on Classics Cliffjumper at, More information on Alternity Cliff at, More information on Class of 1984 Cliffjumper at, More information on Super Bot Cliffjumper at, More information on Flip Shot Cliffjumper at, More information on Happy Meal Cliffjumper at the TF Artifacts List, More information on Decoy Cliffjumper at, More information on Robot Heroes Cliffjumper at, Interview with George Dunsay at, NEW 2006 Hasbro Transformers Robots in Disguise Classic Deluxe Cliffjumper. $8.10 shipping. We buy toys! Januar 2013. Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, and Hoist sound legit and I want them. Within Cliffjumper burns the spark of a hero and a dedicated Autobot. Video Review of the Transformers Generations: Legend Class Cliffjumper and Suppressor GET YOURS AT BIGBADTOYSTORE!!! Antworten finden Sie in Produktinformationen, Fragen und Antworten und Rezensionen. Transformers Generations War For Cybertron EARTHRISE Deluxe Cliffjumper "Transformers War For Cybertron EARTHRISE" setzt die neue Trilogie in der Geschichte der Generations-Toyline von Hasbro fort! Transformers Generations CliffjumperTransformers Generations Cliffjumper The New Transformers Key Toys Transformers are a name that has been on the lips of innumerable youngsters for at minimum a few decades. Showing 5 results of 304. Verzending vanuit de EU, geen import tax. Cliffjumper's bio indicates that he compensates for his small size by being the first to rush into any dangerous situation, desiring only to beat up "Decepti-creeps." Printed on semi-transparent plastic instead of a normal Character Card, this version features new art by Dan Khanna. Wij kopen ook collecties. Hasbro TRANSFORMERS Prime Revealers Action Figure. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. And also, unlike roughly 50% of all Earthrise figures, not an exclusive of any kind. He also hates traitors. all instructions for transformers toys generations war for cybertron%3A earthrise deluxe wfc e7 cliffjumper%2C 5.5 inch. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. 1 Biografie 2 Trivia 3 Toys 4 Hinter den Kulissen 5 Galerie 6 Quellen 7 Einzelnachweise Zusammen mit Bumblebee befreite Cliffjumper Arcee, welche von Airachnid gefangen gehalten worden war. Er wurde… Rise of the Dark Spark . He was partnered up with Bumblebee, and tasked with harrying the Decepticons should they get passed the rest of the Wr… $15.00. Cliffjumper (così chiamato negli Stati Uniti, semplicemente Cliff in Giappone, Grillo in Italia) è un personaggio dei Transformers, membro della fazione degli Autobots di Cybertron, apparso fin dalla prima serie animata degli anni '80, conosciuta poi come Transformers (G1) Bei Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Problem aufgetreten. "None of your damn business, Hound." Hasbro Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Earthrise Deluxe Cliffjumper. Er verbiegt seit Jahren Schutzbleche und zerschlagt Köpfe und der Spaß hört nie auf. Januar 2015. Deze Studio Series 64 Deluxe Class Cliffjumper-figuur heeft een levendig, op film geïnspireerd decor en verandert in 20 stappen van robot- naar automodus. Joe Blind Boxed Mini Figure Series, One Random. Find great deals on eBay for transformer generation cliffjumper. Cliffjumper Vs Recon Barricade (Legends multi-pack, 2007) Released as part of the … Transformers Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Leader WFC-S13 Ultra Magnus Actio... Transformers Spielzeuge Cyberverse Spark Armor Bumblebee Action-Figur – lässt Sich ... Transformers Spielzeuge Cyberverse Action Attackers Ultra-Klasse Optimus Prime Acti... SYOSIN Roboter STEM Bausteine Spielzeug 573 Stück Ingenieurwesen Bausteine konstruk... Transformers Vs G.I. Wenn Sie nicht alle Cookies akzeptieren möchten oder mehr darüber erfahren wollen, wie wir Cookies verwenden, klicken Sie auf "Cookie-Einstellungen anpassen". $69.99 $ 69. Ihre Frage kann von Verkäufern, Herstellern oder Kunden, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben, beantwortet werden. TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS CLIFFJUMPER & SUPPRESSOR LEGENDS CLASSIC 30TH FIGURES! On the outside is a trigger-happy, untrusting jerk with serious impulse-control problems. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (3DS) Cliffjumper appears in the Rise of the Dark Spark game for Nintendo 3DS as a support unit. The impulsive Autobot warrior, Cliffjumper, converts into classic G1 car mode in 18 steps and comes with a weapon accessory. De Autobots en Decepticons hebben Cybertron verlaten, maar hun strijd gaat door terwijl ze door de ruimte rennen om de Allspark te achtervolgen. The Autobots and Decepticons have left Cybertron, but their battle rages … 1 Geschichte 1.1 Bumblebee: The Movie 1.2 IDW Transformers Movie Comics 2 Videospiele 2.1 Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (3DS) 3 Toys 4 Trivia "Spoiler Alarm" Cliffjumper kämpfte mit den restlichen Autobots gegen die… Nu mo Transformers Generations Cliffjumper. If you can convince your kid to get another transformer - that would be a good idea. Transformers Generations Cliffjumper Robot-to-vehicle warrior figure! This is advertised as a toy for 5 year old. Cancel Unsubscribe. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Drehen Sie die Tische auf feindliche Kräfte, wenn Sie diesen Krieger in den Kampf werfen. Where's my gun? This page was last modified on 14 February 2021, at 17:28. Toys Transformers (2007) Legends Class toys. Groot assortiment vintage & nieuwe Transformers. Niet voor kinderen jonger dan 3 jaar oud. Released: Release Date: December 2011 (): Wave: Transformers Prime Deluxe Wave 2: Size Class: Deluxe: Assortment Number: 36465: Product Number: 36487: Reuses: Prime First Edition Terrorcon Cliffjumper, Prime Japan First Edition Cliffjumper, Prime Japan Terrorcon Cliffjumper, Generations Cliffjumper, SDCC 2012 Rust in Peace Terrorcon Cliffjumper. Your CLIFFJUMPER figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent and deploying blades will help you two get the job done. The images in this gallery have been viewed 30,296 times. Transformers Generations *Cliffjumper & Suppressor* Thrilling 30 | Toys & Hobbies, Action Figures, Transformers & Robots | eBay! Daily news, toy resources, galleries, Transformers wallpapers and more are available. Cliffjumper NR MINT FIGURE Cardback W BUBBLE Vintage 1985 G1 Transformers. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. We're guessing this one will be a redeco of Generations Bumblebee as a Fall of Cybertron style Cliffjumper, but time will tell. Wij kopen ook collecties. Zeo Qi Lin Zou Kinder Erwachsenen Puzzle Transformers: Der letzte Ritter 52x38cm Ho... Transformers Hasbro B0067EU4 RID 3-Step Changers - Sortiment. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Transformers Generations Cliffjumper Deluxe Class GDO Asia Exclusive SEALED. 94. One of the original crew members of the Ark when it crash-landed on Earth, Cliffjumper engaged in many of the key battles during the early years of that conflict before quickly getting lost in the crowd.In one splinter timeline, he wound up in an alternate \"mirror\" universe where up is down, black is white, right is wrong, and Cliffjumper is an important character. I doubt that there is a 5 year old in this world that can transform this from Bot to vehicle mode. Sie können Ihre Frage bearbeiten oder sie trotzdem veröffentlichen. Features information on Transformers 5 The Last Knight, the newest Transformers Movie, Transformers Generations, Masterpiece, Optimus Prime and Megatron. De strijd op CYBERTRON woedt in de Cybertron Falls-scène uit Transformers: Bumblebee, waar Cliffjumper en zijn mede-Autobots overweldigd worden door de Decepticon-aanval. Transformers: Generation 1. Equipping him allows all Earth Autobots to have their Endurance stats increased by 1. Hasbro Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Earthrise Deluxe Cliffjumper £21.99 New Hasbro Transformers Age of Extinction Generations Leader Class Grimlock Action Figure Both come with their signature weapons and great for any adult collector. Dezember 2011. The Autobots and Decepticons have left Cybertron, but their battle rages on as they speed through space in pursuit of the Allspark. Die kampfbereite Roboter-zu-Fahrzeug-Figur verwandelt sich vom Roboter-Modus mit den Klingen in den Cybertronian Racer Fahrzeug-Modus – und wieder zurück. Jazz and Cliffjumper were forced to split up and take separate routes, but thankfully Cliff had the … Filed Under Cliffjumper was a part of the crew on board the Ark when it crashed into Earth four million years ago during a search for new energy sources. Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E17 Arcee Action Figure - Kids Ages 8 and Up, 5.5-inch. Complete Transformers collector resource including toys, news, reviews, events, instructions, forum, and more. Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. $4.26 shipping. Therefore, Cliffjumper hates everybody. Cliffjumper gets a 5 out of 5, though he's a re paint. Clear Search Clear Search. Both characters have been stored away by an adult collector. über einen günstigeren Preis informieren? Cliffjumper ist ein Autobot, der vom Aussehen her so aussieht wie Bumblebee. Unlike the other Generations two packs, his partner was not revealed. Achtung:Benutzung unter unmittelbarer Aufsicht von Erwachsenen, Achtung:Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet, - Altersempfehlung ab 4 Jahren Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 16. Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E7 Cliffjumper Action Figure Build the Battlefield Beyond -- The siege is over, but the War for Cybertron has just begun. And anybody could be a traitor. His alternate mode was reformatted into an oddly-proportioned Porsche 924 Turbo. This is gallery #4,335 out of a total of 4,350 galleries. If, you have a kid close to the ages of three to eight then, you know who these are. Transformers Generation 1 Cliffjumper - Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site Ausnahmen und Bedingungen finden Sie unter, Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgende Sicherheitshinweise, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 3. 10 watching. Utilizing the Prime: First Edition Cliffjumper, GDO Deluxe Series 01: Cliffjumper features a resculpted Gen 1 Cliffjumper head, and is equipped with triple-barreled blasters. Name: Cliffjumper Allegiance: Autobot Function: Warrior Motto: “The best tricks only work on the biggest jerks” Alt-Mode: 2014 Mustang Profile: Cliffjumper is an eager one, he shares his Twin Bumblebee’s tenacity and eagerness, yet he combines this daring and unrivaled recklessness. He transforms similarly to, but not exactly as, his Generation 1 toy. Cliffjumper 100% Complete Mini 1984 Vintage Hasbro G1 Transformers Action Figure. Although this trait has his fellow Autobots' respect, occasionally it ensnares him into situations he cannot handle. So if you like Cliffjumper, car-formers, or just good Transformers figures in general, Cliffjumper is a solid pick. He leaps into action at a moment’s notice, never caring for his own safety as long as there are others to protect. Includes Transformers Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe Cliffjumper figure, 1 accessory, and instructions. Transformer World 2005 is the largest fan community related to Transformers toys. If the “hand-to-hand” robot action turns into a chase, convert your fighter into Cybertronian racer vehicle mode and send him speeding off to rule the “streets”! Verzending wereldwijd. Personally I like the Cliffjumper version of this mold better than the Bumblebee one, but that’s just subjective preference, of course. Convert from robot mode to tank mode and back! The estimated retail price for Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Earthrise Deluxe WFC-E7 Cliffjumper, 5.5-inch is $19.99. 1 Geschichte 1.1 Generation 1 Cartoon 2 Toys 3 Trivia Als ursprüngliches Mitglied der Besatzung von Optimus Prime, als sie auf der Erde abstürzten, nahm Cliffjumper in den 1980er Jahren an vielen Schlachten teil. Then, we repaint him in red, black, and silver, and call him "Cliffjumper". Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. Shipped with USPS.Both are in very good condition and transformed a handful of times. Januar 2015, 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 22.
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