Larry LaRue (John Katovsich) 6. For the characters from the anime of the same name, see Transformers: Robots in Disguise. The Autobot High Council is the ruling body of Autobots that runs Cybertron and utilize an army of foot soldiers. In den USA und in England sendete der Fernsehsender Fox Kids Transformers: Robots in Disguise. In den USA lief im März 2015 auf Cartoon Network und wurde nach der Ausstrahlung der … A page for describing Characters: Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015), Bee Team. This hapless young woman does not get involved in the Transformers' battles on purpose - she just always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is a list of characters from the 2000 anime series Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Following the pattern of introducing a new animated TV series between live-action movies, Robots in Disguise debuted in 2015 as the new main story-driven toyline. Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) WesternAnimati…. Main Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2015) Cast. With their forms taken from vehicles found at a nearby airfield, and their personalities corrupted by Megatron's evil influence, they were given the title of Decepticons (Combatrons) from him. The following Decepticons that were incarcerated on the Alchemor have appeared in the comics and mobile games associated with this show and are listed in alphabetical order: The Thirteen are the original Cybertronians that were created by Primus during his fight with Unicron. The Weaponizer Mini-Cons are a special breed of Mini-Cons who can empower their hosts while in weapon mode while controlling their bodies. Bumblebee A former member of Team Prime, Bumblebee was given a low- … According to the latter, the name was meant to demonize them. Synopsis. Another of Koji's friends. What's particularly remarkable in this case is the sheer longevity of some figures, to a degree not really seen since the days of Generation 1: Despite having already been succeeded by the usual redecos in many instances (as has been the standard for pretty much every line since Beast Wars), figures of the more prominent character… Waspinator. Te… Bob(Will Friedle) 7. Jump to: navigation, search. voiced by Darren Criss and 2 others. Nigel(Carlos Alazraqui) 13. Top Rated Lists for Transformers Robots In Disguise 53 items TransFormers (Titles) Top contributors to this wiki. Aiding them in this endeavour were the numerous "easter egg" references added to the Robots in Disguise dub … Most of them have beast forms as their alternate mode or have animal motifs in their robot mode. Years after the Great War, the Autobot prison ship Alchemor crashes on Earth near Crown City, sparking a mass Decepticon jailbreak. Morton 5. Note that in Car Robots, there is not one singular Matrix, but multiple ones, each held by high-ranking Autobot commanders. Farnum(John DiMaggio) 9. Ultra Magnus (God Magnus) transforms into a car carrier. Kelly (, This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 19:54. While they fully blame Optimus Prime's group for the ruining of Cybertron, they also buried Optimus Prime's legacy and pushed the former members of the team into obscurity. The series focuses on two warring species of Transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. voiced by Will Friedle and 2 others. Following the reconstruction of Cybertron after Unicron's defeat and Megatron leaving the Decepticon business resulting in the Decepticon disbandment, a new Autobot High Council was formed to govern the planet. [1], Voiced by Bob Joles (U.S.) and by Masahiro Shibahara (Japan), Voiced by Wankus (U.S.) and by Takayuki Kondo (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Wally Wingert (U.S.) and by Punch UFO (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Mike Reynolds (U.S.) and by Shōji Izumi (Japan), original Japanese name J-7 Yellow is the new green. Die Schöpfer der Fernsehserie sind Jeff Kline, Duane Capizzi und Adam Beechen. Robots in Disguise is a Transformers franchise that launched in the year 2000. She is the daughter of Issac Sumdac, the leading manufacture of robots in Detroit in the 22nd Century. Transformers: Robots in Disguise, auch bekannt als Transformers: Car Robots, ist eine Animeserie. Hank (Bailey Gambertoglio) 2. pikahyper 86; wmwadeii 1 × Pick a List. For the characters from the IDW comic with a similar name, see The Transformers: Robots in Disguise. During the majority of their appearances, they are unaligned. Bumblebee. On Earth, Megatron usually stays at his base, the Megastar, where he watches the missions he sends his Predacons on. [citation needed], Voiced by Michael McConnohie (U.S.) and by Eiji Takemoto (Japan), Voiced by Steve Kramer (U.S.) and by Chōtomi Nimura (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Dan Woren (U.S.) and by Junichi Miura (Japan), Voiced by Steven Blum (U.S.) and by Riki Kitazawa (Japan), Voiced by Michael McConnohie (U.S.) and by Eisuke Yorita (Japan), Voiced by Wally Wingert (English) and by Ryō Naitō (Japanese), Voiced by Michael Reisz (U.S.) and by Yukiko Tamaki (Japan), Voiced by Daran Norris (U.S.) and by Yoshikazu Nagano (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Joe Ochman (U.S.) and by Masami Iwasaki (Japan), Voiced by Tom Wyner (U.S.) and by Hiroki Takahashi (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Steve Blum, Steve Kramer (as Cerebros) (U.S.) and by Masayuki Kiyama (Japan). They try their best and possess a powerful combined laser attack, but their most admirable quality is that they are good for a laugh. Robots in Disguise (2015) was the dubious canon sequel to Transformers: Prime.Met with mixed reviews by fans, the series focused on a “Monster of the Week” approach. In Deutschland lief die Serie bisher nicht im Fernsehen. Characters /. In the show, since there were only from 6 to 7 Decepticons, more characters were created in t… The series focuses on two warring species of Transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. Instead, they wear it as a badge of honor, for if speaking the truth's deception, then they are gladly guilty. Although Megatron/Galvatron often appears to be the ultimate Predacon authority, it is revealed late in the Robots in Disguise show that he had been sent to Earth by a Predacon Council. TheAutobotsare a group of formerCybertronianfreedom fighters led byBumblebee after Optimus Prime retired. The Activators are another special breed of Mini-Cons who can empower a host in vehicle mode, enabling them with flight capabilities and other enhancements. At the beginning of the series, the Alchemor crashlands on Earth because of Megatronus and the Decepticon prisoners are freed. Voiced by Neil Kaplan (U.S.) and by Satoshi Hashimoto (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by Kim Strauss (U.S.) and by Takashi Matsuyama (Japan)[citation needed], When his brother, Optimus Prime, was chosen to carry the Matrix, Ultra Magnus felt passed over, and was left carrying a grudge against his brother that eventually exploded into violence when he arrived on Earth with the intention of taking what he believed was rightfully his - by force, if necessary. Featuring team leader Bumblebee, the series followed a ragtag team of rejects trying … In the show, since there were only from 6 to 7 Decepticons, more characters were created in to fill up the ranks in the toyline; however, those characters are not listed here. The following Autobots made cameos as images in "Enemy of My Enemy" where the Decepticons making up the Autobot High Council had blacklisted them for helping Optimus Prime: Most of the Decepticons in this series were originally prisoners on a maximum security prison ship called the Alchemor. Close. This led the Autobots to believe he was dead and allowed him to operate incognito. Sideswipe. A list of characters from the 2000 anime series Transformers: Robots in Disguise. From Transformers Wiki. Many of these Decepticons are either mentioned but not seen or resemble characters from this and the previous show in recolored and/or altered form. Cathy's dad(Gary Anthony Williams) 12. voiced by Constance Zimmer and 2 others. The series features many unique characters, however new incarnations of Transformers: Generation 1 characters appear in the series as well, such as Optimus Prime, Megatron, Prowl, Scourge, Ironhide, Mirage, Ultra Magnus, and Grimlock. Tow-Line is an Autobot obsessed with making sure people and robots only park in the right spots. Autobots Adaptational Villainy: Like the Decepticons, the IDW continuity has shown the Autobots to be a lot more shades of grey than normal, … This is a list of the characters from Transformers: Robots in Disguise, the stand-alone sequel to Transformers: Prime. voiced by Mitchell Whitfield and 2 others. The Autobots believe that freedom is the right of all sentient beings and they protect Earth from the Decepticons. 1. Magnus already possesses a Matrix, and simply seeks to steal the power of Fire Convoy's to increase his own (the overspill of energy resulting in the supercharging of the Autobot Brothers). Fixit. The trio usually operate under Sky-Byte, but are usually quite ineffective against the Autobots, particularly when compared to the Decepticons. Together, they possess the ability to combine into one mighty robot, Ruination, with each of the four smaller members able to form any limb, rather than assuming the fixed configuration of the animated and comic book incarnations G1 predecessor. The series features many unique characters, however new incarnations of Transformers: Generation 1 characters appear in the series as well, such as Optimus Prime, Megatron, Prowl, Scourge, Ironhide, Mirage, Ultra Magnus, and Grimlock. Their primary foes are the Decepticons (led by Steeljaw). When these Decepticons in their combined form of Galvatronus are defeated, the formation of a new Autobot High Council was underway. X-Brawn (. The Predacon Field Squadron ground force are specialized for combat in water, air and on land, and they cannot cut it in any of them. In the cartoon, a majority of them are unaligned yet are allied with the Decepticon Soundwave despite being packaged with Autobots in the toyline. The youngest and fastest of the Autobot Brothers, Side Burn (, Railspike (J5) is the grizzled leader of the, Midnight Express (J4) is the youngest of the three members in the bullet train team. Robots in Disguise was produced and dubbed by Saban Entertainment, and aired from September 2001 to March 2002 (after the premiere of Power Rangers: Wild Force in February). As the first official material not set in any Generation 1 universe it established the first alternate continuity family in the line's history. Transformers: Robots in Disguise is an American-Japanese animated robot superhero television series for children produced by Hasbro Studios and Darby Pop Productions in the United States for Cartoon Network.It was also animated by Polygon Pictures in Japan. Midnight Express transforms to an, When this eager soldier arrived from Cybertron, Skid-Z (. The series is a spiritual successor to Transformers: Prime in terms of its storyline and place in the fictional multiverse, but the artistic style of the characters, packaging, and animation is very remniscent of Transformers Animated. She takes the form of a young human woman in a pink uniform. Ruination's weapons are a combination of all the team's individual guns, and can level a city with their power. Meanwhile, on a rebuilt Cybertron, war veteran Bumblebee is now working as a street cop, mentoring Cadet Strongarm. It is now the mission of Bumblebee's team to re-capture them. The Predacon leadership hierarchy is unknown beyond this. Bumblebee is alerted to the danger on Earth by a vision of a ghostly Optimus Prime, who directs them to a nearby space bridge. The Weaponizer Mini-Cons eventually allied themselves with the Autobots in "Mini-Con Madness", though they become Autobots themselves by the end of "Worthy." The overarching gimmick for the line is special faction symbol "Shields", which can be scanned with the accompanying Robots in Disguise appto temporarily unlock the toy for use in-game. Waspinator's popularity is a series of serendipity, for he was often blown up during … 3. Cathy 11. [citation needed], Voiced by Barry Stigler in (U.S.) and by Taiten Kusunoki (Japan), The Commandos comprised the rest of the Autobot mission sent to reactivate Fortress Maximus. Transformers: Robots in Disguise is an animated television series, scheduled to air on the Hub Netowrk in early 2015. "Ask Vector Prime" also featured them in an alternate timeline in which the trio were saved from an even greater tyrant than Galvatron by Sky-Byte, and the four of them later came to the aid of the Autobot hero Defensor. Most of the Thirteen currently reside in the Realm of the Primes. Steeljaw (Transformers: Robots in Disguise) - Villains Wiki Cyberwarp is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family. Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) [edit | edit source] Starscream himself however survived, and after reformatting his body, hid until he could regain his full power. Arnold(Troy Baker, James Arnold Taylor) 4. Casey (Kate Bond) 10. This is a list of characters from the 2000 anime series Transformers: Robots in Disguise. He is cheerful, friendly and eternally upbeat in the company of his friends, but harsh in the presence of enemies. Movor and Ro-Tor can form arms to give Ruination flight powers, while Armorhide and Rollbar give extra physical power in the role. Voiced by Keith Diamond (U.S.) and by Eiji Takemoto (Japan)[citation needed], Voiced by David Lodge (U.S.) and by Naomi Matamura (Japan)[citation needed], A team of six Autobot espionage specialists. Butch(Will Friedle) 3. At the conclusion of the series they were taken back to Cybertron for incarceration with Galvatron and the Decepticons. The tomboyish human companion to the Autobots in the Animated Universe. This is a list of the characters from Transformers: Robots in Disguise, the stand-alone sequel to Transformers: Prime. (original Japanese name: God Fire Convoy), The eldest of the three Autobot Brothers. However, as this was such a new idea, it took a while for fans to accept the "reboot" idea, and many would try to figure out how to fit the series into existing Generation 1 cartoon continuity. In that same episode, the Weaponizers leave Earth in search of a new home. This is the character page for the characters who appear in the anime Transformers: Robots in Disguise. The middle sibling of the three Autobot Brothers. This is the character page for the characters that appear in the 2015 cartoon Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015). Didn't believe that Carl could control Fortress Maximus, Jenny (. It takes place years after the events of Transformers Prime, when Bumblebee is summoned to Earth in order to save it from a group of rogue Decepticons. The Decepticons is a group of evil Transformers led by Steeljaw since Megatron disbanded them. Overview. Voiced by Daniel Riordan (U.S.) and by Yōichi Kobiyama (Japan), Voiced by Peter Spellos (U.S.) and by Konta (Japan). Beware: all Spoilers for Robots in Disguise, Dark Cybertron and The Transformers (vol.2) are unmarked. For the characters from the 2015 cartoon of the same name, see Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015). The Robots in Disguise cartoon was the first total reboot of Transformers fiction. Strongarm. Transformers: Robots in Disguise, auch im deutschsprachigem Raum bekannt als Transformers: Getarnte Roboter, ist ein US-amerikanische Computeranimationsserie, die zur Aufeinander abgestimmte Kontinuität ist. Die Serie hat 39 Folgen. They originally sided with the Decepticon Scavengers while being hunted down by Starscream. T-AI, her name being an abbreviated form of "Tactical-Artificial Intelligence", is the sentient computer program which runs the day-to-day operations of the Autobots' base, manning and directing the Global Spacebridge and activating Battle Protocols, selecting suitable members for the mission at hand. Business Wire September 5, 2001, List of Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 TV series) characters, "The 30 Most Unfortunately Named Transformers", Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Leader of the Autobots in Japan originally "Fire Convoy". [citation needed], Voiced by Bob Papenbrook (U.S.) and by Holly Kaneko (Japan), Voiced by Richard Epcar (U.S.) and by Takayuki Kondo (Japan), Voiced by Robert Axelrod (U.S.) and by Hidenori Konda in (Japan), Voiced By Michael Lindsay (U.S.) and by Riki Kitazawa (Japan), Voiced by Neil Kaplan (U.S.) and by Masao Harada (Japan), Voiced by Jason Spisak (U.S.) and by Akiko Kimura (Japan), Voiced by Sandy Fox (U.S.) and by Chieko Higuchi (Japan), Voiced by Kirk Thornton (U.S.) and by Shouji Izumi (Japan), Voiced by Joshua Seth (U.S.) and by Mariko Nagahama (Japan), Voiced by Colleen O'Shaughnessey (U.S.) and by Mami Fukai (Japan), Voiced by Tifanie Christun (U.S.) and by Mariko Nagahama (Japan), Voiced by Philece Sampler (U.S.) and by Chieko Higuchi (Japan), TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE Returns! A female news reporter who frequently covers the Transformers' battles. VERITY CARLOVerity Carlo is one of the humans that fans place in the top humans of the series lists … Though she is part of an elite team of Decepticons, Cyberwarp has her doubts as to her chosen faction's tactics, especially in a post-war Cybertron. Hasbro Launches Product Line Based on Original '80s Theme; Fox Kids Series to Debut September 8th. In addition to owning the disguised X-Brawn, she's also had her nerves frayed through Side Burn's constant pursuit of her red sports cars, and frequently goes off on vacations in an attempt to relax, only to have the Transformers wreck those, as well. Voiced by Peter Lurie (U.S.) and by Ryou Naitou (Japan), Voiced by Jerry DeCapua (U.S.) and by Norio Imamura (Japan), Voiced by Steven Blum (U.S.) and by Hiroki Takahashi (Japan), In an attempt to bolster their numbers, the Predacons stole six Autobot protoforms. It was later revealed that the members of the Autobot High Council were actually Decepticons who were the mysterious benefactors of Soundwave and Steeljaw's group. Decepticons introduced in Season Two and the Mini-Series, List of Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 TV series) characters, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, "Robots in Disguise Cast List and Voice Actors for the first 13 episodes - Transformers News - TFW2005", "Behind The Voice Actors - Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2015)",, "Transformers Robots In Disguise: Making of SOUNDWAVE (Season 3 Combiner Force)",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 February 2021, at 18:06. Ziegler(Eric Bauza) 8.
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