!conf - Allows server owners to view their configuration. That’s really cool. These are really really cool features, I already have a video on my channel on how to broadcast to people that you’ve uploaded a video. You can add a streamer, again, just search for any streamer you want and it does that. So yeah, that’s basically the levels, it gives them incentive to talk on your server and they get role rewards if they talk a lot and they level up. Your email address will not be published. I just can't continue letting you guys hang onto the hope that I'll get around to making things 100% functional. Good job with MEE6 Guide has been updated with 2 new videos! not have permission to use. Webhook worked fine for me. What can Mee6 Discord Bot do for you? So obviously you don’t want wanna give them admin or something. YAGPDB is a multi-purpose Discord bot that I've worked on for quite some time now. Then once you’ve signed into your correct one, you just click, “Add to Discord.” Obviously you have to make sure that you’re an admin on your own Discord server, so on roles, if you have … well, if you made the server you’ll be able to. This is your basic bad words list, you have to do this obviously. In addition to stream announcements, M8 Bot has some commands that are sure to spruce up your
They basically, at a given in server world, the bot will say any message. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more! It was basically just how to install MEE6 and put it onto your Discord server and how to set it up properly. You can create custom commands just for your Discord server also. Unique Upvotes 6. You can make so that it’s private so I guess it does another one. Settings that ask for a role name must be given the role name without the @ symbol, just
That’s pretty cool. You can make so that the bot can just responds in the chat or you can send them a private message, or you can make it random which basically you can input a bunch of different responses and it will randomly pick between however many responses you have.
with the setting name, and with the new option. Such unprofessionalism! here to join, and message a Dev in the #support chat. When someone has maybe more than two infractions or two or more, I think at least two in the 30 minutes or an hour. The best way to get help is to join our Discord server. One command is help works fine, the other two does not work, all the code is having the same main code, the code I use to send the message is message.channel.send(atc) this is the code for the one that works fine. If you know how to use them you just do !anime, freaking, I dunno, Death Note. Premium, yeah, $5 a month if you want those things. You can add some words like, I can’t say crap, right? So yeah, if you wanna pause the video at anytime so you can read what all these do. I don’t really use these too much, I just do them myself. If a time is given (optional), they will be unmuted after that time. On my server the Twitch one worked, on the JustinTheOreo kingdom so, I dunno. Dyno Bot is a feature-rich Discord bot that is used on over 1.5 million Discord servers. Spammed caps, I think I just delete the message and warn the author too. Peace out. Rule-meister. The bot will help you as a Discord server owner to better manage your server and channels and deal with spammers or other people that do not comply with your server rules. It is based on the Dragon Ball Super character of the same name. Then we want to do a right click on MEE6, roles, and give it the bots role. z.set - views and edits settings (adminRole and up). the configured mod log channel. Self-promotions, where I let people, you know, promote their YouTube, Twitch, and Discord, and that’s pretty much it ’cause I think it bans links. For more CouchBot info:
All of Zamasu's moderation functions can be found in M8 Bot, however, Zamasu will
Again, if you guys want me to go over them individually and show you all the great things that MEE6 can do, leave a comment and I might do a video like that in the future, definitely. Another one is welcome messages. So instead of answering all those comments individually I just figured okay, well, I might as well just do the followup video, the more in-depth MEE6 guide, I guess. Going forward, M8 will no longer announce Mixer or Twitch streams. His meme / fun / mod commands will still continue to function. You can have an announcement on whatever channel you want, you can even disable it if you don’t want it to say GG player, you’ve leveled up. You can give certain roles, mod role and all it does, it’s not like doing it directly before you here where it makes a rule for you. So, we have to make sure that the bots is the second to the highest role, just so that any role under the bots, they can’t give themself the bots role, so they can’t give themself administrator. Links, this is the same, it deletes and warns the author. Learn more You just add one and the command name is you can do @rules or @faq or anything, really. just the name. When a user breaks the rules, the Probot Discord bot can warn, mute, kick, or ban a member from a text or voice channel or from your entire server. So first thing is Custom Commands. 451,126 Levelling Multipurpose The best leveling bot on discord. Once that’s done, you’re pretty much done. This is the admin role. Default is "false", bannedWords - list of banned words, separated with ", ". I will not forget you! List of Discord servers tagged with no-rules. I’m just going to save this, and so now if I go to general and type in test, boom, there we go. People with the adminRole can bypass this ban. And you can whatever message you want, like subscribe or whatever, and then it can do it every one minute, however long you want on any weekday, which is pretty cool too. It might be scary to give a role that has admin, because what if your mods, you have an untrustworthy mod or someone who’s under modded that can give themselves roles. Any bad words, you can allow some roles to type in bad words so obviously probably you and your mods. Couchbot is very much equipped to do just that. General Rules 1. And what you can do is, you can delete the message, warn author or you can do both, which I recommend doing both. You can set automatic responses to specific words or messages. Also keep in mind that discord has a set of semi-offical rules regarding selfbots: A selfbot must not, under any circumstance, respond to other user's messages. Zamasu is a discord bot strictly designed around moderation. Search Anything, really cool feature, just do exclamation point and I think you can only do these, you can’t add any. I don’t have that ’cause it just seems a little bit annoying to be honest, because I’m pretty sure you can also @everyone, and you don’t wanna keep @ing everyone too. However, if a bot is responding to a command and expects the computation to take a few seconds, this endpoint may be called to let the user know that the bot is processing their message. That actually helps you closer to that streamer dream of yours , Hey there! Sorry, that was my phone, I really apologize for that. What I have on my server is oreo and double soft oreo, so if you get to level I think seven and 12, then you get those rules, and obviously with those rules you have more permissions, you can post pictures, you can chat in certain exclusive chats and stuff like that. It is incredibly customizable compared to many other reaction role bots. I can also give Members Roles when they react to a message. is "Guardian", adminRole - the role that is allowed to run high-level mod commands. And finally, last but not least, the most exciting plugin, Help Command. I hope these tips help you on the way to streaming success! And you should be familiar with this screen if you watched my original video or if you’ve used MEE6 before. Best OBS Studio Settings – 720P or 1080P? If this is the first video you’re watching about MEE6, you should watch the other video first, I’m gonna link it in the description. YAGPDB is a multi-purpose Discord bot that I've worked on for quite some time now. https://couchbot.readthedocs.io/ - CouchBot's Quick Install Guide and Command List
I think I only have a mute and then a temp ban, so I have no tolerance on my server ’cause I’ve dealt with a lot of trolls. A simple rule bot that grants roles on join & when accepting rules. It searches all the channels, you click on it, you select which channel you want, so I assume you have an announcements, and then boom. I have ignored channel on self-promotions, in my case, on my server, so they can’t put server invites anywhere else except for self-promotions. So you can do a user cooldown or even a server cooldown. You can bring the same commands as you may already have in your nightbot or other twitch bots. Hey everyone, this person posted a video, go check it out. You can create custom commands just for your Discord server also. Choose a channel and you can do hey user, welcome to the server. Configured Administrator rank and up. Yeah, see look, I put the cooldown on myself, I don’t know why it wouldn’t make the cooldown for the admin but whatever. Yeah, a new one was just posted, it does every couple minutes. It actually invites you to a server itself, that’s pretty cool. So, custom commands, let’s go through them quickly. RulesBot | The best way to let your users accept your server rules! (Unofficial) Discord server rules suggestions list Author's Note. So, you can be like, “Remember to subscribe,” if I can spell it right. You can notify your server when you go live on Twitch or when you post a video. As you can see, administrators, check. This one is really cool, I didn’t even know about this until recently. Let’s go back to Plugins, that is Moderator. Hopefully it’s helped you out. Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more. It’s just your rank card so you can do, I think you can do !rank, yeah, and you can see this, and if you do !levels you can see the leaderboard of who has the most XP and stuff like that. configured mod log channel. Instead of doing. Then they, as I said, they gain XP and with those XP, they get to a certain amount they level up and with certain levels you get role rewards. The Dashboard, which will take you to this Dashboard, pretty much the one I’m on right now. The commands listed will be based on your permissions, and server config. Well, it does a bunch of stuff right now, the best way to figure out what it does is to try it out by adding it onto a testing server and see what it provides for yourself. As you can see, it already has some from previous tutorials. receive new moderation features first. So yeah, as you can see, look, MEE6 it works here. Usage - !anime NAME, !triggered [@person] or !trigger [@person], Have a discord server (or have admin permission on one). Make sure you @ my name, so you do @justindiareo. Not a member of Pastebin yet? So basically, you can broadcast to the people on the other server when you go live or whatever channel you choose goes live, or when you upload a new video, which is probably the most important plugin, or most important feature of MEE6 because, you know, you wanna use your Discord also a self-promotion and also like a conversation place. Hey everyone. I use these features, but I don’t use them with MEE6. So again, I would just use these two, you send it privately and deletes the actual command that they do. And unfortunately, untangling them will take more time than I have to dedicate to resolving them. About YAGPDB. The default is "true", welcomeChannel - the channel where welcome messages are sent. You can play music, have different levels for people at the channel and … There is also options for automated “Going live notifications” that work straight out of the box. Saves a copy to
You can auto-delete the message, so basically you can do !test or rules and has it been long enough now? !beautiful [@person] or !painting [@person], !superpunch [@person] or !punch [@person]. So I dunno why it worked on friends server but it didn’t work on mine, but, you know, just try it out. The first thing I recommend is you kind of want to make a roles for your server, so you go to server settings and roles. Default is "welcome", welcomeMessage - the message sent in the welcome channel when a new user joins. The default
This level thing is definitely optional for sure, if you don’t have a lot of people on your server there’s no point in this, but if you’re like a public server and you don’t know these people, it’s a cool incentive you can give them. If you want to know the story behind the blog, Copyright 2016 - 2020 - StreamersGuides.com -, How To Add & Setup MEE6 Bot to your Discord Server Best Discord Bot, How To Use MEE6 | MEE6 Discord Bot Tutorial & Guide. Information about the series: This post is part of the: Twitch Bot series how to setup the stream and do all the nitty gritty things. As I said before, leave it in the comments below if you have any questions that I didn’t touch on in this video, or if you want you can join my server and you can go to support channel and you can ask me, or if I don’t answer, my cool mods will definitely give you some help too.
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