!conf - Allows server owners to view their configuration. That’s really cool. These are really really cool features, I already have a video on my channel on how to broadcast to people that you’ve uploaded a video. You can add a streamer, again, just search for any streamer you want and it does that. So yeah, that’s basically the levels, it gives them incentive to talk on your server and they get role rewards if they talk a lot and they level up. Your email address will not be published. I just can't continue letting you guys hang onto the hope that I'll get around to making things 100% functional. Good job with MEE6 Guide has been updated with 2 new videos! not have permission to use. Webhook worked fine for me. What can Mee6 Discord Bot do for you? So obviously you don’t want wanna give them admin or something. YAGPDB is a multi-purpose Discord bot that I've worked on for quite some time now. Then once you’ve signed into your correct one, you just click, “Add to Discord.” Obviously you have to make sure that you’re an admin on your own Discord server, so on roles, if you have … well, if you made the server you’ll be able to. This is your basic bad words list, you have to do this obviously. In addition to stream announcements, M8 Bot has some commands that are sure to spruce up your They basically, at a given in server world, the bot will say any message. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more! It was basically just how to install MEE6 and put it onto your Discord server and how to set it up properly. You can create custom commands just for your Discord server also. Unique Upvotes 6. You can make so that it’s private so I guess it does another one. Settings that ask for a role name must be given the role name without the @ symbol, just That’s pretty cool. You can make so that the bot can just responds in the chat or you can send them a private message, or you can make it random which basically you can input a bunch of different responses and it will randomly pick between however many responses you have. with the setting name, and