He is very tall and has light skin, and a fairly toned stature. In the 1999 anime series Hisoka Morow's appearance is very similar to that of a magician or jester. Above all else, Hisoka cares only about having fun and a good challenge which may or may not involve killing people. She has long black hair and sunken, dark eyes. [84], Hisoka has proven to be able to sense not only the presence, but also the position of people hidden with Zetsu, even Kalluto's, whose execution of the technique was described as "flawless". His attire is usually adorned with various suit symbols on the front and back torso, and he changes outfits attires in each story arc. Wed Apr 29, 2020 at 10:53am ET Tue Jun 02, 2020 at 10:53 am EDT By Patrick Frye. [22], The Final Phase of the exam is an elimination tournament in which the winner of a match is removed from the candidate list and receives his very own Hunter License, and the loser is given more chance. Female Age. 9 The Reason Pariston Hill's Japanese Voice Sounds Familiar Hisoka and Pariston Hill have one thing in common, though it has nothing to do with the Hunter x Hunter storyline itself. Anime voice actor & seiyuu comparison Interesting Matchups MyAnimeList.net If something is broken or wrong, email me at avac@wallhaven ... Hisoka. Gittarackur offers to tell him who is target is, but he declines, stating he will just take three random tags. Daisuke Namikawa, Hisoka's most prominent voice actor, is also the voice behind another Togashi creation: Prince Baka from Level E. However, the iconic actor has appeared in just about every other top-tier franchise or anime you could possibly think of. [26] He has a short conversation with Illumi about Gon and the Zoldyck Family, and warns Illumi not to touch Gon because the boy is his target only. [11][80], With the aid of Shu, Hisoka can turn his cards into mortal edge weapons or projectiles. Duel Monsters and Takato Saijō in Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. [7] Hisoka has also proven time and time again to be capable of fighting back a lot of whole crowds. [36], Texture Surprise was originally supposed to reproduce only images, to the point that it was stated that physical contact would give the trick away, with Hisoka finding the added challenge intriguing. [60] He also came up with the concept of "Memory Overload"[32] and a system to divine an individual's Nen type from their personality, which, despite him calling it unreliable, has proven correct several times.[36][60]. [2], Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers, Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation, Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor, KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! [5] Also, the second name of Bungee Gum, "Elastic Love", may be seen as a reference to Hisoka's personality: the ease with which the gum is attached and detached to someone mirrors the interest that Hisoka has in a person, which can be extremely deep and still end at any moment. While he does like Gon, Killua, and many others, he also has stated that for him what is valuable one day could easily become trash the next, and he will not hesitate to kill anyone should they not meet his very standards. Hisoka’s ability works extremely well and he uses it fantastically. Even to the point of killing them too. [18] Hisoka fails to sense him, but detects Goz hiding nearby, who challenges him to a duel. As such, his character is more simply amoral than just flat out evil. In the Brazilian dub, the French accent is kept, but his name is pronounced normally. He begins to count down from ten, but Leorio returns to fight him. [32] He has demonstrated to be as reactive to projectiles when he effortlessly grabbed a pair of spinning knives thrown at him by a Hunter,[16] caught Gotoh's bullet-fast coins with Bungee Gum,[75] dodged a shoot ball thrown by Razor and succeeded in blocking it when it was redirected moments afterwards. The number of the month and day of his birthday are the same: Hisoka shares this characteristic with the four protagonists. Right after this, Bodoro admits defeat and Hisoka becomes a licensed Hunter. [36] He avoided all of Kastro's strikes while the latter was not using his Double,[31] and even after he lost of both arms the clone was unable to land a single hit on him when it attacked by itself. [5][37][80] He is also well-versed in Conjuration, the Nen type of his second ability, as well as Emission and, seemingly, Enhancement. He shoots his bloodlust at Gon to allow him to find Leorio. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [35] Even after the loss of both arms, as he avoided every strike of Kastro's Double while casually talking to the ability user and throwing glances in his direction,[32] and despite Kastro being a martial artist reputed to be on par with a Floor Master. He is able to use the weapons that other people use against him and use them to his advantage. Namikawa, Daisuke: Shaiapouf. In video games, he provides the voice of Ryu in the newer Street Fighter games. Gets TV Anime Adaptation This Year", "Kouki Uchiyama, Hiroki Takahashi Join Cast of 2 New Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe Anime Episodes", "Rui no Masaiban Fantasy Drama CD's Anime Promo Streamed", "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Arcade Game in the Works", "『ストリートファイター』シリーズ |登場作品|PROJECT X ZONE|バンダイナムコゲームス公式サイト", "『ファイティングバイパーズ』シリーズ|登場作品|PROJECT X ZONE|バンダイナムコゲームス公式サイト", https://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201110040003/, "『PROJECT X ZONE 2:BRAVE NEW WORLD(プロジェクト クロスゾーン2:ブレイブニューワールド)』新たな参戦キャラクターを公開!! Gittarackur then appears and finishes Goz off. [21], Hisoka boasts astounding brawn, ranking third in the Phantom Troupe in arm-wrestling. He is the first to disembark, due to his ranking in the previous trial. [82] If Hisoka favors Shu for direct attacks, In is at the core of his strategies, as he combines the technique with Bungee Gum to lay elaborate, deadly traps. Anuncios relacionados con: daisuke namikawa all voices. Aside from Hatsu, Hisoka is capable of using at least Ren,[28] Gyo,[32] and Ken, which allowed him to survive multiple explosions of The Sun and Moon set off in his proximity, although one of his legs was severely mangled. His date of birth is also a complete mystery. Though at great personal risk, he succeeded in manipulating the Spiders into staying in Yorknew so he could fight Chrollo, and to forge a fake prophecy minutes, if not seconds, after receiving the original, perfectly replicating its style. When they reach the Milsy Wetlands and a Man-faced Ape tries to pass himself off as the real examiner, Hisoka throws cards at both him and Satotz, killing the monkey, whereas Satotz blocks his attack, leading Hisoka to declare he is the real proctor. [28] By forming a circle with his index finger and thumb and peeking through it, he can enhance his vision. Hisoka is identified by some fans as the fifth protagonist of the series. [64], Hisoka is fairly acrobatic, a skill which he uses to recover his balance and respond to attacks quickly. In order for them to grow to their full potential (so as to improve the pleasure of killing them later), Hisoka allows the main characters to live in situations where in case he is easily able to kill them. [5] The ability was later retconned so it could also replicate textures. Kudou, Haruka: [31] Although he was briefly stunned,[80] Hisoka took no visible damage from most of Chrollo's attacks,[1][79][80] one of which can allegedly behead a person with a knifehand strike,[44] despite Hisoka having been unable to predict them and thus to guard properly. [21] Having obtained the necessary number of plates, Hisoka qualifies for the Final Phase. He is known for his wide, cheerful smiles. Elmo Sex Scandal: Man Who Accused Kevin Clash, Voice Of Elmo, Of Underage Sex, Recants Story The man who accused the voice of Sesame Street's beloved Elmo of having a sexual relationship with him when he was 16 has recanted his story. He is tall and has light skin and a very muscular physique. The incident rouses his appetite for murder and, when the fog descends, he "plays examiner" and attacks the surrounding applicants, among which are Kurapika and Leorio, with the intent to kill. Among the opponents he has defeated are previous #4 member of the Phantom Troupe[6] and the Single-Star Blacklist Hunter Bushidora, killing the latter without suffering any injury himself. His skills in misdirection and amazing dexterity find applications in combat, and their combination allowing him to triumph against Kastro. Likewise, he grows very excited to meet any new people he deems worthy of fighting or anyone with potential to be a good fighter and entertain him in the future. His insatiable love for spilling the blood of powerful fighters in combat, and his enjoyment of extreme pain while doing so fuels his seemingly sadomasochistic desires. An unidentified man who has no memory to go. (JAPANESE NAME, ROMANJI) Debut. [89] This aptitude may be what allows him to extend strands of elastic aura over distances of several meters without flinging them, which makes its application more subtle. Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ モロウ) is a Hunter, and he is also a former member of the Phantom Troupe. Hisoka Morow is portrayed as being entirely self serving, self absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. Filters: ALL VERSIONS Jump Force (2019 Video Game) Hisoka Daisuke Namikawa. Manga. Doodle. Hisoka's zest for battle often causes him to suffer more damage than he would if he fought seriously from the start. When night falls, Hisoka decides to get himself two other tags. His character is described as being an enigma that speaks very little of his past, because he is uninterested in it. But he does have a soft side by sparing those who have great potential, such as Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck in order for them to get strong enough to actually challenge him. Hisoka is an exceptional strategist who can formulate winning plans at the very start of a confrontation. [55], Hisoka is a Transmuter[36] endowed with a powerful, sinister aura that disquieted Wing[35] and Gon even after the latter learned Nen. Daisuke Namikawa currently 41 (浪川 大輔) Born April 2, 1976 (age 41) Tokyo, Japan. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. In 2011 series, Hisoka has red hair and light amber eyes. [19] He single-handedly outmatched Gon in close quarters combat and repelled all of his offensives without moving from his spot until the boy resorted to a diversion. [72] Nonetheless, he was unable to notice that Gon Freecss was tailing him during the Hunter Exam even before lapsing into a murder frenzy, due to the boy being in a state of Zetsu and possibly because he was not particularly hostile towards him until the moment he made his move, when Hisoka's own bloodlust masked his own. Birthdate. [16] Furthermore, Hisoka has a certain degree of informatic proficiency, which he used to track Gon and Killua down after they bought blimp tickets online. Hisoka's name written in kanji (密か) can mean "secretly". [5][75] He excels not only at planning ahead, but also at picking apart enemy strategies, compiling all the available information and coming up with multiple hypothesis in mere seconds and in the heat of battle, as well as to rapidly adapt to new developments. Although he generally glances at someone to determine their strength, he ranked Illumi without even seeing or recognizing him beforehand. [64], Hisoka was able to complete a long-distance run more than 80 kilometers long, and taking place on uneven terrains such as ascending stairs and a swamp,[87] without breaking a sweat. [79] While wielding one with only two fingers, he can sever an adult men's arms in one motion. Hisoka's surname was revealed 346 chapters after his introduction.[1]. He frequently puts up an outlandish or even arrogant act to fool into his opponents into believing that he is being careless, whereas in reality he is laying traps. [78] He assisted Illumi without being discovered by the Hunter Association[77] and seemingly killed Teradein while the latter was at his desk. Hisoka Morow's early past is never explored or reveal in Hunter × Hunter at all. His attire is usually adorned with various suit symbols (♦/♦ ♣/♣ ♥/♥ ♠/♠) on the front and back torso, and he changes outfits in each story arc. [77] He has expressed dissatisfaction with the power level of most Pro Hunters, which led him to consider fighting the Zodiacs to find a new challenge,[72] and in fact he was able to effortlessly dispatch multiple Hunters in a short span of time. [80] When he fought the boy at the Heaven's Arena, he could move so quickly that Gon was unable to get his body to react in time. Read more information about the character Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter? He praises the boy and knocks out Leorio, and, when Gon tries to intervene, lightly clutches his throat.
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