Will NOT work in IronMan Mode. Conclusion (Ambush success with daughter), Conclusion (Ambush success without daughter), Become friendly with a fellow vassal when both at same location and we got same liege. PC Games N. 5/5. If a tree falls in the woods and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a noise? Umayyad vassal - ask Charlemagne for support? D&D Beyond But now, I'm worried that this mod will have thrown me off of it entirely. What are the best games like Crusader Kings 2? Events are happenings in game that cause something interesting to happen, once certain conditions are met. Crusader Kings II. The cheat console is a transparent overlay above the character's tab. ... 2.6; Stubs; Events; Crusader Kings II; This page was … The main list of events in Crusader Kings 2 . IGN. General Gaming. on playing Crusader Kings 2 vs 3. These Events require the provinces to be touching, either by land or trade routes. After over eight years from the release of Crusader Kings 2… Female Child is playing with swords instead of sewing, Child is sneaking through the dungeons, and comes up with a bloody knife it found. Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2. E Events ID‎ (2 P) Pages in category "Events" The following 190 pages are in this category, out of 190 total. The scenarios are excellently done. December 13, 2020. GrasCoios. These peasants we have are all mine to command like little slaves, right? Inherit major title - # ROOT is the character, FROM is the title, FROMFROM is the old holder, Faction Revolt - Great numbers of Rebels flock to your banner, Faction Revolt - Rebels flock to rebel leader's banner, Faction Revolt - Loyalists flock to your banner, Faction Revolt - Loyalists flock to the liege's banner, Faction Revolt - A smaller number of Rebels flock to your banner, Notify Carloman of Charlemagne's death, give him titles, Notify Charlemagne of Carloman's death, give him titles, Charlemagne dies and Bertrada approaches Carloman for reconciliation, Carloman receives her and gives his response, Bertrada sends letter to Carloman, asking him to stop petulantly interfering with his older brother's plans, Bertrada talks to Charlemagne, expressing her support, Foreign ruler receives Carloman's wife and children, No refuge - notify Charlemagne and receive wife and children, Dead Carloman's refugee wife surrenders to Charlemagne, Charlemagne receives Carloman's surrendered wife and children, Destruction of Irminsul ( **on_siege_over_winner** ), Notify all Norse and Christian players of destruction of Irminsul, Bertrada suggests course of action - only hinting at murder, Vassal switches sides between Charlemagne/Carloman, Your mother starts to meddle in your affairs (hidden), Umayyad vassal calls upon Charlemagne to support rebellion in exchange for vassalization. 0. Achievement + flag clearing, Dark Lord. “In short, Crusader Kings II is a majestic feudal sandbox, the greatest generator of hilarious medieval soap opera ever created and Paradox Interactive’s best title to date.” 90/100 – IncGamers “It's perfectly possible to have made a few too many enemies, anger the Pope and find most of … They are things like Secret Bears while Supernatural is Immortality, Chess with Death, and so on. Become Grandmaster of any devil-worshiper society, Birthright. This page was last edited on 26 December 2019, at 16:13. She keeps reading any sort of romantic poetry she can get hold of. Child shows a tendency to count money whenever possible... Child shows interest in visitors to the court, Child constantly plays with swords and practices fighting with older men, Boy is spending all his time in the kitchen, risk becoming gluttonous and craven, Too curious a child: Guardian finds him/her in the highest tower, Child is good at talking to people, and have no problem getting friends, When chronicle is begun (On Action on_chronicle_start), When chronicle is transferred to new character (On Action on_chronicle_owner_change), From on action on_death - check who died and create appropriate chronicle entries, From on action on_birth - check who was born and create appropriate chronicle entries, On create title - ROOT is the creating character, FROM is the title, On usurp title ROOT is the character, FROM is the title, FROMFROM is the old holder, From on action on_became_imprisoned - check who was imprisoned and create appropriate chronicle entries, From on action on_released_from_prison - check who was released and create appropriate chronicle entries, When a character converts to a new religion - On action: on_character_convert_religion, When a character converts to a new culture - On action: on_character_convert_culture, When a character acquires a nickname - On action: on_acquire_nickname, Lost battle but didn't participate myself. ## Bored wife: Your wife wants latest fashion fad.... ###, A destitute noble FROM a former enemy court ask for permanent hospitality. On-action event: Pregnancy in matrimony, with another father! VIET Events mod adds over 108 new events. You may have seen me poking around our Discord channel on occasion, or on the forums in the last Dev Diary. Browse other questions tagged mods crusader-kings-2 or ask your own question. 21. Combining the unique elements of character building, medieval politics, and intrigue, Crusader Kings can leave you playing for hundreds of hours. Arriving for the great holy war - non-norse Pagans and Jews, Pope lifts Excommunication (AI characters only), Inform liege of capturing the crusade target, Inform liege of losing the crusade target, Pope is concerned that an independent ruler is not participating in crusade, Pope is disappointed in the rulers decision to not participate in the crusade, Bishop is concerned that an independent ruler is not participating in crusade, Bishop is disappointed in the rulers decision to not participate in the crusade, Vassal is concerned that an independent ruler is not participating in crusade, Vassal is disappointed in the rulers decision to not participate in the crusade, A ruler is assimilated by the local culture, A tribe comes riding in from the wastes to topple a decadent dynasty, Vassal can declare independence after a successful Decadence invasion, log = "91240: [Root.GetTitledName] declares independence from [This.GetTitledName] after a decadence revolt", Fired from decision "convince_to_straighten_up", The decadent character refuses the diplomatic attempt, The decadent character folds after the diplomatic attempt, The decadent character joined a holy order, The decadent character gave money to charity, The decadent character refuses the Intrigue attempt, The decadent character folds after the Intrigue attempt, The decadent character suicides after the Intrigue attempt, Other rulers of the dynasty are notified of the failure to straighten the character up, Player rulers of the dynasty are notified when someone goes decadent, The decadent character tries to bribe dynasty head, The decadent character justifies his decadence, The decadent character seduces the spouse of the dynasty head, Dynasty head is asked by wife to leave decadent character alone, Dynasty head is informed about decadent character's attempt to seduce your spouse, Spouse notified of divorce due to husband going off to join holy order, Decadent character notified that he is forced through favor, Confirmation for favor holder that decadent character shaped up. Cheats are activated by typing the relevant command. Childhood Trait Timeline. Husband's investigation is not going well. Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The child gets the father's dynasty, but is not legitimized. Commands.gg is not affiliated with any game(s) on this page. Own all the silk route ports in india as a European merchant republic. Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham is a downloadable content pack developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive for the grand strategy wargame Crusader Kings II.The expansion pack created more events and interactions with the Christian, Islamic and Jewish religions within the game. Vassal receives negative answer from Franks, Vassal receives positive answer from Franks, Frankish King decides whether to honor promise or not, Peace is concluded with established independence, Umayyad vassal is notified of Frankish betrayal, Trigger coronation event from on_create_title, Old Saxon or Old Frankish or Frisian province converts to Dutch, Visigothic province converts to Castilian, Visigothic province converts to Andalusian, ###################################################, Notify that character has gone into hiding, Notify that character has come out of hiding, Notify that character has sent spouse into hiding, Notify that character has taken spouse out of hiding, Notify that character has sent child into hiding, Notify that character has taken child out of hiding, To trigger notification events when a player comes out of hiding through event, for example when accepting a feast or tournament invitation, Eats for consolation and becomes a glutton, Vows to live life to the fullest henceforth, Spends time contemplating mystical and weird things, ################################################################, Notify of rumored murder plot against child or spouse, Ninja - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Ninja - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Ninja - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Ninja - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Poisoned food - target dies, plotter unknown, Poisoned food - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Poisoned food - target dies, plotter revealed, Poisoned food - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Poisoned food - target lives, plotter unknown, Poisoned food - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Poisoned food - target lives, plotter revealed, Poisoned food - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Bribed guard to kill target - notify backers of plan, Bribed guard to kill target - outcome (target), Bribed guard to kill target - target dies, plotter unknown, Bribed guard to kill target - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Bribed guard to kill target - target dies, plotter revealed, Bribed guard to kill target - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Bribed guard to kill target - target lives, plotter unknown, Bribed guard to kill target - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Bribed guard to kill target - target lives, plotter revealed, Bribed guard to kill target - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Snake charmer - target dies, plotter unknown, Snake charmer - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Snake charmer - target dies, plotter revealed, Snake charmer - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Snake charmer - target lives, plotter unknown, Snake charmer - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Snake charmer - target lives, plotter revealed, Snake charmer - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Incapable - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Incapable - target dies, plotter revealed, Incapable - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Incapable - target lives, plotter unknown, Incapable - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Incapable - target lives, plotter revealed, Incapable - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Child - target dies, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Child - target dies, plotter revealed - notify plotters, Child - target lives, plotter unknown - notify plotters, Child - target lives, plotter revealed - notify plotters, The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Knights of the Sun, Son or brother asks to join the Knights of the Sun, Son or brother joins the Knights of the Sun, Liege refuses request to join the Knights of the Sun, Ping event when donating money to the Knights of the Sun, Notification event when donating money to the Knights of the Sun, The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne, Ping event when expelling the Knights of the Sun, Notification event when expelling the Knights of the Sun, Clear all character flags and modifiers - safety catch, Weak or old character becomes ill or incapable, Character stares into sun and becomes blind, The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt, Ping event when borrowing money from the haruriyyah, Notification event when borrowing money from the haruriyyah, The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne, The son of a ruler volunteers to join the haruriyyah Order, Son or brother asks to join the haruriyyah, Son or brother joins the haruriyyah Order, Liege refuses request to join the haruriyyah, The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne, Notification event when donating money to the Muslim orders, ##########################################, ########################################################, Child is wounded or maimed while practising with knight, Chancellor propose to liege to handle his titles for him, Steward propose to liege to handle his titles for him, Spiritual leader propose to liege to handle his titles for him, Council member receives a positive response from his liege, Council member receives a negative response from his liege, Chancellor is approved to help liege with titles, A famous writer proposes to compose your family chronicles. Crusader Kings 2. close. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 2.6. 10/10. If in the red=> increase revolt risk in a province. 1 launch chain of the mystical event "Child of Satan". Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht - Legacy is a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 2, set in the Warhammer Fantasy setting. Now is the time to win war and execute other diplomatic interactions. https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Events&oldid=40455, (Character) Adult Personality Traits: 1000-1499, (Character) Childhood Personality Traits: 1500-1999, (Character) Guardian Events: 2000-2500, 38100 - 38299, (Character) Personality Trait Effects: 3000 - 3999, Triggered by on-action/special events: 20000-24499, (Character) Married Life Events: 30000-30999, Cultural Conversion Events: 55000 - 59999, (Character) Various Traits Events: 65000 - 65999, (Character) Dynasty Events: 66000 - 66999, (Character) Pope vs Free Investiture: 67000 - 67999, (Character) Rumours Events: 69000 - 69999, (Character) Tournament Events: 70000 - 70999, (Character) Summer Fair Events: 74000 - 74999, (Character) Job Flavour Events: 75000 - 75999, (Character) Bastard Events: 76000 - 76999, (Province) Province Lordship Events: 77000 - 77999, (Character) Muslim Honorary Titles Events: 105000 - 105999, Trait Notification Events: 38150 - 38199, 38250 - 38299, Various Flavor Events for Norse: 79000-79100, Zoroastrian Holy Pets Events ZP.1 - ZP.10, Various Historical Events: TOG.400 - TOG.499, TOG.4000 - TOG.4099, Landless Character Adventures: TOG.1200 - TOG.1499, Culture Conversion Events: TOG.2000 - TOG.2099, Defensive pagan (Ancestor Worship) events: TOG.7000 - TOG.7599, Jewish Events: SoA.100 - SoA.599, SoA.10199, SoA misc religious events: SoA.5200 - SoA.5399, Catholic Pilgrimage Events: SoA.5000 - SoA.5099, RoI India various events: RoI.100 - RoI.499, RoI.3500 - RoI.3599, RoI India tiger hunt events: RoI.2000 - RoI.2999, CM Culture Conversion Events: OC.1 - OC.499, CM Various Events: CM.2000 - CM.3999, CM.5000 - CM.5999, WoL Carousing Events: ID WoL.4000 - WoL.4999, WoL Hunting Events: ID WoL.5000 - WoL.5999, WoL Scholarship Events: WoL.6000 - WoL.6999, WoL Business Events: WoL.10000 - WoL.10999, WoL Rulership Events: WoL.12000 - WoL.12999, HL raiding adventurers events HL.100 - HL.200, Horse Events (1) HL.6000 - 6499 (2) HL.6500 - 6999, HL Extra Events HL.8000 - HL.8050, HL.9000 - HL.9050, MNM secret religious societies events MNM.3000 - MNM.3999, MNM monastic order events MNM.4000 - MNM.4999, MNM devil worshippers events MNM.7000 - MNM.7999, Councillor offmap job actions events MNM.70005 - MNM.70499, MNM.78000 - MNM.78009, CK Chronicles (GBC) events: GBC.1 - GBC.199, Switch to Hellenic religion after reforming Roman Empire: HF.23106, "By Any Other Name" event, allows ruler to choose nickname for courtier: LT.61006. Recognise bastard son as a legitimate heir? On-action event: Birth complications after a stillbirth - Technically disabled. The complete Crusader Kings 2 DLC guide. As the Anti-christ/spawn of satan, become Grand master of the Satanists, Jihad Sultan. Hundreds of Events. On-action event: A child is born. A searchable table of all events from Crusader Kings 2, with their event IDs for use in … I am Sean, one of the Content Designers at Paradox, where I have been working on Crusader Kings III for the past 2 years. Check the files, there is a list of Absurd events. Crusader Kings 2 feels impenetrable at first, but it’s actually a wide open sandbox of fascinating gameplay experiences—go find one that’s fun for you. Scripted events play out just like the books… There were concerns by the production staff that elements included such as … Unwelcome Visitors. The story events with … Just don't point that pointy thing at me! chevron_left. new_character is the other spouse. On-action battle_lost: Imprisoned by the enemy, Leading attacker dies, will never trigger from code, Leading defender dies, will never trigger from code, A courtier initiates romance with the liege, The courtier accepts or spurns the liege lord, The initiator is spurned and disappointed, A courtier initiates romance with another courtier, Courtier advances accepted or rebuffed by other courtier, On-action event: Pregnancy starts showing. When it comes to grand strategy games, Crusader Kings 2 is a beast of its own. Play trailer. On-action event: Birth complications - Pointing out that the baby receives this event, and thus he is the one that has to decide if his mother gets to die or not. The following Crusader Kings 2 cheats will help you with these developments. This cheat for Crusader Kings II [PC] has been posted at 21 Jan 2013 by Passerby and is called "Best event IDs". SoA.3000 : Var. The Religion and Culture of a Province can be changed by events. Crusader Kings 2 guide: tips & tricks for the budding ruler. Thread starter invader; Start date Sep 2, 2020; Sidebar Sidebar. The fascinating story AI behind Crusader Kings 2’s dark chain of events. Mods. Jan 14, 2020 178 107 770. ", no other (known) effect: help Crusader Kings II > General Discussions > Topic Details. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing Crusader Kings II on PC platform. Paradox Interactive is probably the only dev who can casually pull off quoting Nietzsche without sounding pretentious as all hell. A life of medieval drama and majesty awaits you in Crusader Kings III! Log in to view your list of favourite games. Forums. Husband's investigation fails. Start as the holder of gotland and form Scandinavia. ## Why is the church so rich when the peasants are starving and poor? * Events… The console is opened by pressing§ + Shift. Lovers events, new events are initiated on every 5th number, i.e., event 64030, event 64035: event 64000 - event 64145: Moves selected character to your court, does not work on rulers: move char id: plots are always discovered (repeat to have to search again) discover_plots: prints the message "No help for you! Establishment of thieves_guild in a province, if budget in the red, Destruction of thieves_guild in a province, Establishment of smugglers_ring in a province, if red budget, Destruction of smugglers_ring in a province, Establishment of highway_robber_band in a province, if red budget, Destruction of highway_robber_band in a province, Relative demands inheritance due to ambition, Character goes into exile to raise an army, The ruler who hosts the pretender is notified, Relative reminds liege of promised marriage, Male relative who was denied decides to marry in secret, The liege is informed of the secret marriage, Court Imam receives Fatwa request from Liege, Victim informed Fatwa has been issued against him, ## A troop of wandering jongleurs seek your patronage ###, A traveling minstrel seeks your patronage, Send Marshal to deal with Highway Robber Band. I originally looked to this to keep me occupied until The Old Gods, an expansion for Crusader Kings 2, comes out. Subcategories. Previous Next invader. Jump to navigation Jump to search. So aside from Historical characters that are exempt from # of traits rule, every child follows the same flow for Childhood trait events. Screenshot of the Week This is what happens when you become the Emperor of Hispania in Crusader Kings 3 by Raven Dreamer. On-action event: Pregnancy out of wedlock! Recently added 31 View all 1,211. According to issue #108 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the Cheyenne-class was a type of light cruiser with a crew of 320 and a top speed of warp 9.6. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings. This category has only the following subcategory. Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King Dec 8 2020 Released 2016 Grand Strategy A Dark Ages Total Conversion mod for CK2, set in Western Europe from 410 to 962. The husband suspects something ain't right, Hidden bounce event: The husband might investigate, Husband suspects wife is pregnant with another man, Wife: Hidden bounce event: The husband is investigating. Become rival with a fellow vassal when both at same location and we got same liege, Child is often involved in fights with other toddlers, Child wants to play with friends instead of studying, Child is often playing very daring games with other children, Child has developed a habit for wild parties. I've been readin 'Ars Moriendi', and it claims that death is not something to be afraid of. Cheats for various events in Crusader Kings 2 . Search. Buy now. VG247. On-action event: A bastard child is born, but is not recognized as such by the spouse of the mother. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive as a sequel to Crusader Kings.The game was released on February 14, 2012. View all games. I find that a lot of the Supernatural events are really quite ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ absurd, but at this point I … Why did you let off that peasant accused from poaching? Since we all die anyway, why to be so hassled about life? Small mod for Crusader Kings II v2.5.2 - Unlocks enatic and enatic/cognatic succession laws for most cultures and also allows women to occupy council positions and be commanders with those laws active, this is also true to true cognatic succession. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. 94/100. by Jason Johnson. Charlemagne extends players' historical toybox with a new, earlier start date of 769 AD. This category is for all pages related to events. Bastard son ask to be included in the succession, Daughter asks for help with bastard child, Guardian is asked what being bastard means, On-action combat event: Wounded in action, On-action combat event: Serious head injury in action, On-action combat event: Character skill improves, On-action combat event: Flat improvement to martial skill, On-action combat event: Tech Increase in Capital, Opponent is informed that enemy commander has been killed. Sep 2, 2020 #1 So I was always fascinated by the stories surrounding Crusader Kings 2 but never got to play it. And most important we have 5 other cheats for Crusader Kings II, … A sequel, Crusader Kings III, was released on September 1, 2020. The content is second to none - I play this more than the base game now. Block Beyond Indus achievement if you start and already fulfill the conditions, An ambitious landless claimant begins to plan an adventure for the title, Don't target my liege unless I am ambitious, An ambitious landless claimant starts an adventure for the title, log = "TOG.1202: [Root.GetBestName] starts claim adventure for [This.GetName]", An ambitious character with no inheritance begins to plan an adventure for a foreign title, (Temporary title created and a war declared), Ruler is in the red. Crusader Kings 3 Interview: Product Manager Discusses Features, Accessibility, Wacky Events, & More. Marriage of primary heir - ROOT is employer. It is set within the Elder Scrolls universe created by Bethesda Softworks and has been in active development since 2012, the same year Crusader Kings II was released. Since two days I have this issue. FROM is employers "employee". Crusader Kings Guide to Childhood Trait Events By: cywang86. Who needs Vasco da Gama? Also removes most restrictions from seduction focus. The unfaithful wife is notified that the husband knows, The adulterer is notified that the husband knows, On-action event: A child is born out of wedlock, The child's mother's husband is pissed off. chevron_right. Your young wife takes a passion for romantic poetry. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Apr 17, 2019 @ 9:14am crusader kings 2 loading events crash Can somebody help me with this problem? On-action battle_won: Soldier Distinguishes himself. Events are divided into three groups: Balanced (default), Severe (limited) and All events. Now we have 5 cheats in our list, which includes 5 cheats codes. PC Gaming Discussions. These CK2 cheats can change various events such as Crusader Kings 2 remove trait cheat can prompt you … What about keeping your courtiers busy by changing the fashion at court? Have a priest you corrupted (as a Satanist) become Pope, Got Land. ###. Elder Kings is a total conversion for the Paradox Interactive Grand Strategy, Crusader Kings II. Luxury clothes are trendy at the moment. Compatible with almost all modifications, since it does not apply to vanilla files.Explore history using tooltips with historical context.… To activate the event, use the command event [identifier] . Seize Church Properties, If a building is specified, then that one is exempt, On-Action: Holy Order leaves your service, Liege receives offer to sell land for favor, Spymaster is trusted to deal with liege's daughter's bastard child, Spymaster let daugther and bastard child live. The Church wants to organise a Miracle play for a local saint, The Peasants wants to organise a great carnival and ask for your funding, A famous writer proposes to compose your family chronicles ## A talented artist proposes to paint a portrait of your father. As an assassin, assassinate a Crusader King in the Holy land. If we're Catholic and our enemies are Catholic, why are we fighting? Save someone's life at the battlefield... become very good friend. Crusader Kings 2 expands again today, with the release of the game's seventh major expansion. If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up Passerby and share this with your freinds. Games. Those events are listed here. Launch for a character with a child under 3 years old. Alt + 2 1, Alt + 0167 or ~ may also work ( ~ seems to be the majority console button, located beneath esc ). From Crusader Kings II Wiki. Build history’s greatest dynasty through war, diplomacy or intrigue. 9/10. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Crusader Kings 2 Arsenal of Democracy Europa Universalis 2 Europa Universalis 3 Europa Universalis: Rome Hearts of Iron 2 Hearts of Iron 3 Steel Division Tyranny Victoria 1 Victoria 2. into the console, then pressing Enter. Wife denies. videogame_asset My games. What now? As a Muslim King or higher, become Grandmaster of the Assassins, Black Pope. Hidden utility event. Answer some quick questions about Commands.gg and be entered into a giveaway to win Razer gaming gear! This page contains Crusader Kings II cheats list for PC version.

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