Arianna’s dedication to creating sustainable and purpose-driven workplaces is crucial to a private sector that prioritizes people and planet alongside profit. True, sustainable success has to be built around purpose and well-being. Profitez de millions d'applications Android récentes, de jeux, de titres musicaux, de films, de séries, de livres, de magazines, et plus encore. As a B Team Leader, Marc has helped spearhead our engagement with entrepreneurs. “Business cannot ignore the impact it has on people and our planet. His commitment to economic and social equality is helping to further business action toward improving the state of the world. Jesper Brodin is Chief Executive Officer of Ingka Group (IKEA). With a focus on responsible tax and beneficial ownership transparency, Mo’s stewardship as B Team Leader helps to support good governance globally and exceptional leadership across Africa. Arianna Huffington is the Founder and CEO of Thrive Global. His work as a B Team Leader is helping to catalyse business action toward a net-zero economy ripe with opportunity for all people. It’s good business to be a good business and the time for talk is over. Verkäufer aus dem Ausland können Ihnen Artikel regulär über einen internationalen Versandservice zuschicken. “I believe business must be leading, and not waiting on, the shift toward an inclusive future. Christiana serves on The B Team’s Climate Working Group. “We are past the point of recognizing that the health of our companies, our communities, and our countries is inextricably linked. Former CEO, NRG Energy and Clean Energy Investor, “When you recognize that your company or industry is contributing to rising global temperatures that endanger our children and climate-driven societal injustices, you have a moral imperative to act. It gives us an opportunity to create value while helping to make a better world. His dedication across these causes has helped to catalyze business action and advocacy on open company ownership, protection of human rights and a just transition. « Après une année 2020 compliquée et quatre mois d’incertitude sur l’avenir du top management, le groupe a besoin de stabilité. As a B Team Leader, his efforts to end gender-based violence helps to secure workplaces worldwide that are just, equal and free from harassment. "We need to redefine success. Ngozi’s leadership at The B Team has been fundamental to holding the powerful to account, catalyzing transparent governance and helping to build trust in crucial institutions. She serves on The B Team’s Climate Working Group. « L’annonce de la vente de la participation dans Mengniu pour distribuer un dividende exceptionnel ne répond pas à la demande des investisseurs qui, plus qu’une rémunération supplémentaire, s’inquiètent depuis l’annonce du dernier plan de réorganisation du risque de dévitalisation de Danone », souligne Frédéric Genevrier. "The mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive world is as important as ever and there is huge responsibility for those with power to help facilitate a change. Jean-Sébastien Blanc has successively held the positions of Head of Employee Relations, Human Resources Manager, then Director of Human Resources within the PSA and Danone Groups, and then Alstom as Director of Human Resources for the Transportation branch. Rappelons en effet que les changements trop violents ne sont pas bons pour un groupe de biens de consommation », commente l’intermédiaire financier. “Without fairness, there is no way we can create an economy that will tackle our collective challenges of today: inequalities, health, migrations, climate. It provides a blog engine and a framework for Web application development. He serves on The B Team’s Equality Working Group. Selon eux, seul un nouveau capitaine peut relancer la dynamique des ventes et permettre au groupe de rattraper son retard de valorisation en Bourse. Jochen serves on The B Team Africa Network Steering Committee and helps drive The B Team’s efforts to advocate for corporate sustainability governance both regionally and globally. Former President of Ireland and Chair, The Elders, “I am confident that if we put our mind to it business can help build the inclusive economy of tomorrow. He is dedicated to advancing energy efficient technologies, particularly around energy reservation and lightweight transportation. “The big changes we seek will not be promoted by a single country, sector or organization. Her work as a B Team Leader is helping to accelerate the shift toward a net-zero emissions economy that builds strong communities, decent jobs and competitive markets. I joined The B Team to work in tandem with leaders across sectors to transform the way we do business.”. 1,136 Followers, 643 Following, 902 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Berger (@davidbergerberlin) I look forward to working collectively to tackle unacceptable issues, to heal divisions and to create an economic system that benefits all.". Paul Polman is Chair of The B Team, Co-Founder & Chair of Imagine and Former CEO of Unilever (2009-2018). “We need companies to step up and do their part. We are global business and civil society leaders working to confront the current crisis of conformity in leadership. For an inclusive and thriving future, it’s time to move from talk to action, which is why I joined The B Team.”. Paul serves on The B Team’s Climate and Governance Working Groups. Après une année passée chez Technip FMC, Catherine MacGregor succède à Isabelle Kocher qui avait été évincée en février 2020. Cette stratégie est également contestée par les fonds. It’s no longer a choice to operate for the benefit of the environment and society. Ensemble, ils sont parvenus à redresser les performances du géant suisse. « Ce n'est pas une rupture nette », estiment les analystes de Bernstein. As a B Team Leader, Indra is focused on helping companies take action to prioritize the health and well-being of their communities, customers and planet. Courageous leaders are willing to take a personal risk for what is right and use their voice when it matters most. Prior to joining GPIF, he was a partner of Coller Capital, a London-based private equity firm. Pas de quoi garantir une transition apaisée. Bei eBay finden Sie Artikel aus der ganzen Welt. She serves on The B Team’s Workplace Equality Working Group. Chief Executive Officer, Ingka Group (IKEA), "Together we have a decade to prevent irreversible damage from climate change to the home we all share, the planet. Mats Granryd is Director General of the GSMA. They acknowledge that the global economic model is broken, but it did not break itself and they have a responsibility to repair it. « Cela ne peut conduire qu’à deux types de situations : soit un directeur général qui ne fait qu’exécuter les plans du président, soit un nouveau face-à-face tendu avec les actionnaires dans quelques années », préviennent-ils. décès, hospitalisations, réanimations, guérisons par département Indra Nooyi is the Former Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. Les investisseurs ont également en tête des exemples récents de passation de pouvoirs conflictuelles, notamment chez Engie dont la directrice générale Isabelle Kocher a été remerciée avant la fin de son premier mandat. Pour les analystes d’Oddo BHF, Danone a fait un choix « opportun » en optant pour une certaine continuité de sa gouvernance et de sa stratégie. We at The B Team choose to take the more difficult yet more rewarding path. She has helped corporations put the wellbeing of people and the planet at their core, including working with over 25 Virgin businesses across 15 industries to help embed purpose in all they do. Business and social entrepreneur Guilherme Leal is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Natura & Co. As a B Team Leader, his work is fundamental to demonstrating and advancing successful, purpose-driven entrepreneurship that keeps people and planet at its core. Hamdi Ulukaya is the Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chobani. His efforts to create economic and social development for those in most-need has engendered greater levels of financial inclusion and economic opportunity for women around the world. Possibilité d'afficher les dividendes payés par chaque société. We believe that for a better tomorrow for our communities, our companies and our planet, we need bold leadership now. Get an overview of major world indexes, current values and stock market data. As a leading asset owner, Torben brings experience in advocating for an approach to investing that includes the health of people and the planet to The B Team's efforts to accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy by 2050. “It is my conviction that sustainable business is smart business. Former President, World Wildlife Fund International, “Business is a natural lever to help catalyze change. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “As business leaders we have a responsibility to all stakeholders—customers, employees, partners, communities and the environment—not shareholders alone.”. Chez Danone, le choix de la stabilité risque de mal tourner, Danone ampute les pouvoirs d’Emmanuel Faber, Les PDG ne sont plus majoritaires au CAC 40, avec à ses côtés l’ancienne directrice financière Cécile Cabanis, Cette stratégie est également contestée par les fonds, a été remerciée avant la fin de son premier mandat, La singulière gouvernance d'EssilorLuxottica ne trouble plus le marché, Air Liquide nomme un nouveau directeur financier, Le capital-investissement veut associer talent et diversité, Les quotas relèvent de la fausse bonne idée, Structured credit : a compelling risk-reward proposition, Gestion obligataire non contrainte en 2021 : 5 raisons d'être optimiste en 2021, A la recherche de valeur dans les obligations d'entreprises, Threadneedle (LUX) European Social Bond Fund - Rapport annuel d'impact social, Découvrez la température de vos ETF avec COtool. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer des contenus et services adaptés à vos centres d’intérêts. Andrew Liveris is the Chairman Emeritus and Former Chief Executive Officer of Dow Chemical. Emmanuel Faber is the Chairman and CEO of Danone. It might be a starting point, but leaders need a strong set of principles to bring their purpose to life. Chair, Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance, Former Finance Minister, Nigeria and Former Managing Director, World Bank, “What the world needs is a new dialogue: one that brings the private and public sectors together to stand up for what is right. I joined the B Team to work on strengthening corporate governance and transparency.”. Celle du conseil d'administration, qui va devoir recruter un directeur général enclin à composer avec cet héritage de gouvernance, ne sera pas plus simple. Avec un PDG devenu président, une ancienne directrice financière, Cécile Cabanis, à la vice-présidence du conseil, et un administrateur référent, Jean-Michel Severino, proche de l’ancien PDG, le futur directeur général aura du mal à avoir la main », abonde Frédéric Genevrier, président d’OFG Recherche, une société d’analyse financière et de gouvernance. Sir Richard Branson is the Co-Founder of The B Team and Founder of the Virgin Group. Isabelle Kocher est ingénieur général des mines. I joined The B Team to accelerate these crucial cross-sector conversations and partnerships.”. With a breadth of experience in both government and civil society, Yolanda’s leadership on The B Team underscores the importance of cross-sector collaboration when working to secure a healthy and prosperous planet. Grundstücke in Franken kaufen - Hier alle Angebote für Grundstücke und Baugrundstücke in der Region finden -

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