The Chancellor criticized Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow's move to largely loosen contact restrictions. Horseback riding is also allowed indoors. Due to the continuing high number of cases, the Bavarian state government has decided on a new set of measures that will apply in Bavaria from Wednesday, December 16, until January 10 for the time being. In addition, depending on the local incidence of infection, the spatial situation and the individual sports associations, audiences may again participate in games and competitions - up to 200 guests indoors and up to 400 guests outdoors. This number is based on estimates by the Robert Koch Institute. Accordingly, from Monday, the so-called "community masks" will no longer be sufficient when shopping in retail outlets and when travelling on public transport. According to a ministry spokesman, the number of coronavirus-positive employees in the Lower Bavarian company rose to 14. The Bavarian cabinet met today via video conference. The new measures in Nuremberg will initially apply until December 20, 2020. In the future, only 30 people will be allowed to visit the exhibition at the same time. In general, Wieler is optimistic that the measures taken are working. A minority suffer from viral pneumonia, the severe course of Covid-19. Daycare with a maximum of five children at once will be permitted from Monday. As the first federal state, Bavaria will be offering free corona tests for everyone starting tomorrow, Wednesday (July 1). The aim is to add all remaining pupils by June 15th - infection rate permitting. The reason: Children were not yet able to comply with hygiene rules. If you have had contact with an infected person, you should report to your health department regardless of the symptoms: You can do this via the emergency medical service 116 117. Daycare centers and preschools should also remain closed for the time being. The sick leave rules in Germany are further loosened. In times of the pandemic, products from the region had "gained in importance", said Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) in Berlin. Attention: Easter bunnies and egg hunters must keep distance from each other. Bavaria's Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich (CSU) has warned of coronavirus-related fraud. The distance rules of at least 1.5 metres will continue to apply, and rooms should also be ventilated regularly. According to the Institute, people are considered to have recovered if their registration date was more than two weeks ago, there was no hospital stay without a known discharge date and no death was reported. Consequently, the number of new infections is declining. The bonus of up to 500 Euro is an appreciation for nurses and care workers in hospitals, rehab clinics, nursing homes and mobile nursing service. The daycare centers in Bavaria have been closed for five weeks - and will remain closed until further notice. According to internal information by Roche, there has been a breakthrough. In the current situation, it would probably make more sense to simply postpone the vacation to autumn. Passengers and commuters will soon be able to travel by long-distance bus services again. Health Minister Jens Spahn has once again painted a serious picture of the situation in Germany. According to the State Chancellery, the accompaniment of older people who need help will continue to be allowed. On Thursday evening, they received the relieving news: no one was infected, all tests were negative according to the city of Rosenheim. Beyond that, people are still only allowed to leave the house for valid reasons - for instance, to go for a walk or to do sports. Some experts suggest behaving as if you were already ill. That would mean reducing any social contact. Probably this will take another 12 to 18 months. Swimming itself is not a problem. This obligation does not apply to people who enter with a special permit - for example, for commuters. They double in case of repeated violations. The Federal Chancellery wants to extend the corona contact restrictions until July 5, 2020, while allowing further loosening. As of today, Saturday, a far-reaching entry ban is in force for travellers from areas of variant of concern. But they are not obliged to test anyone who wishes to, as Secretary of Health Melanie Huml said. The Federal Government wants to end a travel warning for tourist trips to 31 European countries from June 15 if the further development of the corona pandemic allows. After four positive cases of Covid-19-illness were found last week in the refugee accommodation "Pionierkaserne" in Regensburg, the health department of the city has now ordered a screening of the asylum seekers. So far, only people from two different households are allowed to meet. Worldwide, more than 30,000 people have died of coronavirus infections. So far there is no general regulation for dealing with fees from kindergartens, daycare centers or after-school care centers. The ban on accommodation in Bavaria for travellers from German corona hotspots expires this Friday. In order to support the gastronomy during the Corona crisis, the cabinet has agreed on lowering the V.A.T. "Even after the Easter holidays, things will not just go back to normal," said the CSU politician in a TV speech. German health minister Jens Spahn expects a raise of severe Corona cases in Germany. Among other measures, the restrictions on contact in public places will be tightened: as of today, Monday, a maximum group size of five people will apply, with the exception of people from one's own household as well as life partners and family members from other households. The quarantine regulations for entry into Germany are being eased. The Bavarian Administrative Court has rejected an emergency petition from a Munich lawyer against a general ban on public church services. The Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court suspended the general quarantine requirement for people entering the country from abroad on Monday. They were in quarantine because a fellow student had tested positive for the coronavirus after the German Abitur exam on May 20, 2020. Police President Robert Kopp appeals to citizens to continue to abide by the rules because they are a prerequisite if they want the restrictions to be further loosened. It was the Ministry of Health’s plan to launch a smartphone app to warn people about a corona infection at the end of the Easter holidays. Excluded from this regulation are people who have been tested negative for the coronavirus and can present a medical certificate. The app can measure whether mobile phone users have come closer than about two meters over a longer period. Austria wants to loosen its strict measures in the fight against the corona virus after Easter. Health minister Melanie Huml pointed out: "Our aim is to gain clarity about suspected cases. According to Merkel, church services will be possible again. The Munich Residence is scheduled to reopen on June 2, 2020. This corresponds to one team of five people per 20,000 inhabitants. Lufthansa obliges all passengers to wear a face mask on board. It is obligatory to wear a face mask during service in houses of prayer. The fact that many people are currently at home and that family members spend a lot of time together in a confined space can lead to aggravated domestic conflicts. There is one legal exception to cancel an approved vacation in the HR department: an illness confirmed by a doctor. The 'Altstadtfest' would have celebrated its 50th anniversary this year and was scheduled to take place from September 16 to September 28, 2020. The federal government has approved a bill from Health Minister Spahn, that includes a significant higher amount of testings. From then on, the new website will replace the passenger locator forms previously issued on planes. According to Head of Chancellery Helge Braun, there won’t be a mandatory vaccination against the coronavirus in Germany. Until June 5, people must keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters in public. For events in the district, the maximum number of participants is 25 inside and 50 outside. So if you are willing to replenish shelves in the supermarket, for example, you can increase your short-time work allowance to up to 100 percent of the original net income. Events are still canceled there until June. Finally, police officers found them. However, as of next Monday, February 15, the night curfew will be loosened: It will then only apply in cities and districts with a 7-day incidence above 100 and will then be in effect between 10 pm and 5 am. However, exceptions apply for German citizens, foreigners living in Germany, transit passengers as well as for crews of aeroplanes and ships. ", Dr. Reinhard Scolik, Programmdirektor Kultur, "Diversität ist in vielen Bereichen unserer Gesellschaft zu einem wichtigenund unumgänglichen Ziel geworden. This also applies to children. She said she could understand people's concerns about the restrictions. The companies fear that many employees want to postpone their vacation and that there will be a lack of staff in late summer or autumn. Cautious loosening of the measures could only be achieved with additional protection. This mask requirement will be valid from May 4 until August 31 on all flights with airlines from the Lufthansa group. FFP2 masks that also protect against infection are rare and should be reserved for people in critical professions. About 100 people came to Dillingen. Scientists agree that the risk of transmission through water is significantly lower than through direct contact from person to person. Corresponding limits also apply to the catering trade. According to him, it was well prepared and organized, the protection against infections was ensured. Junior high school (Realschule): The written examinations at junior high schools will start on July 6, 2021 instead of June 22. Accordingly, people will only be allowed to leave the house for "valid reasons" - such as work, visits to the doctor, school, shopping, sports, church services and visits to another household. According to Prime Minister Söder, all children in Bavaria should be able to go back to their care facilities and schools from July 1. The taxi industry in Germany has been severely affected by the corona crisis. It is available in case hospital capacities are no longer sufficient. Bavaria has extended the capacities for tests massively. Only 2.185 people may enter every day. Since the middle of May, the RKI has also indicated a so-called ‘7-day R’. 2,910 cases count as recovered. As of this Saturday, a corona test will be mandatory in Germany for those entering the country from risk areas. They are entitled to emergency care, even if they do not work in a so-called systemically critical area. After violations of corona regulations last weekend at demonstrations in Bavaria, Minister of the Interior Herrmann announces consequences. In addition, an early warning system for children from difficult backgrounds is missing due to the closing of daycare centers. Furthermore, an all-day ban on alcohol is now in effect in the city centre of Nuremberg. The youngest of the Covid-19 patients showing symptoms were in their early twenties," said the physician. for the branch. The city of Nuremberg has exceeded the corona limit of 50. As of April 5th blood samples will be tested for the Corona virus in Munich during the following 4 weeks. Barbecue utensils were purchased particularly frequently. The Federal Ministry of Justice denies a media report that the federal government is working on the legal preparations for a curfew in Germany. Pharmacies, super markets and other grocery stores will remain opened. However, exceptions apply, for example, for journeys to work, visits to the doctor or veterinarian, visits to life partners and shopping. "There is nothing there. "People are mobile and the app will only have a limited effect if we then only use it in the Federal Republic of Germany", Seehofer said. However, the condition is that the group of participants must be manageable and not just any audience. The employees remain in the statutory social insurance and occupational accident insurance. "I am confident that we will be able to avoid Italian conditions, at least during the next two weeks, so that our ventilator capacities will definitely suffice for the two weeks coming", says Gaß on ZDF. In some companies, home office arrangements may be included in company or collective wage agreements. tagesschau live - Nachrichten online schauen auf The new loosening, which will apply from Wednesday, affects private celebrations and conferences, tourism, the leisure branch and sports. So far all marches were peaceful. In addition, mask requirements will apply in all schools in the district until further notice and in some classes there will be further quarantine measures. Emergency care will be expanded once again, so that from Monday pre-school children and their siblings will be able to go to kindergarten or nursery again. The Bavarian Administrative Court has provisionally overturned the ban on tourist day trips for residents of corona hotspots in Bavaria beyond a radius of 15 kilometres. Who can be tested? But everyone still has the chance to prevent a curfew by staying at home and keeping a distance from other people, he said. Travelling by coach is explicitly prohibited in most of the states (also in Bavaria), because the risk of an infection is too high due to way and length of journey. Anyone who suffers a loss of earnings due to the Corona crisis will be able to apply for compensation online in most federal states in the future. The Munich Airport ltd. has introduced short-time work. "Holiday times will remain as they are", the Prime Minister reassured. In addition, a maximum of 200 people may continue to take part in cultural events indoors and 400 people outdoors, subject to the observance of the minimum distance of 1.5 metres. that entrants have to go into quarantine for ten days. The Bavarian government is thinking about allowing other recreational sports from May. In addition, the requirement to wear face masks also applies during lessons at secondary schools in the district of Dingolfing-Landau, and people returning from risk areas need a second, negative Covid-19 test result to leave the domestic quarantine. In regions with more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, there will also be a night-time curfew - with few exceptions such as professional activities or medical emergencies. In many cities in Bavaria, people also demonstrated on Saturday against what they consider to be too strict corona measures. In addition, travellers from high incidence areas must already have a negative test result on entry, which must not be older than 48 hours and must be issued in German, English or French. On Wednesday evening, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said in an interview with the BR that the Oktoberfest was on the brink. Otherwise, up to 100 people are allowed, but no spectators. He has to consider the wishes of the employees. This news feed will continue to be updated whenever important events occur. Dispose of the tissues in a trash can with a lid. März 2021 und "Geliefert" mit Bjarne Mädel (Ausstrahlung voraussichtlich Frühjahr 2021). Bayerischer Rundfunk gründet Büro in Weißenburg. Asylum seekers and third-country nationals who were previously banned from working in Germany are now allowed to work in the agricultural sector due to the shortage of personnel caused by the corona crisis. mit Oliver Masucci und Birgit Minichmayr. Unchanged so far remain the opening times for the catering trade until 10 pm. At the moment one can only enter the country in exceptional cases. This is 1,301 more confirmed cases reported than on Saturday. Further regions at risk, according to the RKI: Italy, Iran, Egypt, parts of Switzerland (cantons Ticino, Vaud and Geneva), parts of Spain (regions Madrid, Navarra, La Rioja and Paìs Vasco) as well as parts of South Corea (Daegue and the province of Gyeongsangbuk-do/North Gyeongsang). Due to the sharp rise in the number of corona infections and an incidence value of over 60, more stringent rules are now coming into force in Munich. The RKI has consistently underlined that the reproduction number has to be below 1 in order to subside the epidemic. The Czech government considers to open boarders in July. The president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, dampened hopes for the Corona pandemic to be over soon. Depending on the infection situation, it is conceivable that spectators will return to the stadiums in autumn. Furthermore, the requirement to wear face masks remains unchanged - and continues to apply, for example, in shops, restaurants (outside the seat) as well as local and long-distance public transport. Accordingly, there will be no food distribution for the needy in Regensburg until June 8, 2020. Since middle of March, people from the Schengen area, Great Britain and Ireland cannot travel to the USA anymore. As for loans, a legal settlement for delay of payment will be installed. This also applies to dancing schools for contactless dance and couple dance with a permanent dance partner. A fine of 150 Euros will be imposed upon anyone who transgresses the limitations of movement in Bavaria. On the other hand, the employer cannot simply oblige employees to take vacation because production cannot take place. Am I still allowed to visit family members? The city of Nuremberg has decided to cancel the Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt this year due to the rising number of corona infections. No one was allowed to enter or leave the city without a special permit. Over the coming weekend and on the following days, the officers warned that there would be increased checks to ensure that the parking regulations were observed and that escape routes were kept clear in the excursion areas. Unlike in spring, however, shops will remain open. Because of the corona pandemic, the Ministry of Education had postponed the start of the exams until today. The money should be used by schools to grant pupils from low income families a contribution of 150 euros for the purchase of appropriate devices such as smartphones or tablets. In Munich, for example, firecrackers are banned in the entire area within the Mittlerer Ring. This now ensures that Czech workers are not disadvantaged compared to local workers. The new regulations in Memmingen will initially apply until October 13. Church services of all kinds of churches and religions will be prohibited. The first loosening of the rules will apply as early as Wednesday, when up to ten people from different households will be allowed to meet again in public spaces. That wouldn't be responsible," he said in Berlin. The police is checking compliance with the rules. The federal police and the Austrian authorities have agreed to open some additional border crossing points from Wednesday. The latest value is 52.11. As on previous weekends, there are again numerous demonstrations against the corona restrictions. From then on, according to the State Chancellery, face masks will only be compulsory for visitors to theatres, concert halls and cinemas as long as they are not in their seats. Bayerischer Rundfunk Die BR Filmhighlights 2021 . Swimming in the sea or in larger bathing lakes is considered harmless, according to the Federal Environment Agency. After being hospitalised, patients may only return to their nursing home if they can be isolated for 2 weeks and if protective equipment is available. Herrmann said that the vast majority of citizens abide very well by the regulations. In the corona crisis, FC Bayern is supporting the 18 regional league clubs in Bavaria and the Bavarian State Sports Association (BLSV) with a total of 460,000 euros. However, the couple is then no longer allowed to invite additional close relatives. Since midnight, stricter rules have been in force in Bavaria for people entering the country from so-called high incidence areas. The amateur league season won’t be continued until August 31. Only after large parts of the population have been vaccinated, one can go back to normal, she said in an interview with the BR. Students are supposed to go to school on a weekly basis to minimize the risk of infection. A protective mask will also be prescribed. Until April 20th all measures remain: shops, restaurants, schools and universities remain closed. Citizens do not need written permits to leave the house, such as in France. Since it is impossible to predict how the pandemic would develop, Huml asked all nurses, all nursing assistants, as well as medical technical assistants and medical assistants who were not currently working in this profession and did not belong to any risk group, for support. Furthermore, the dates for the final exams at the other types of schools will also be adjusted if the corona situation makes it necessary. Restrictions on movement: In towns and districts with an incidence value of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, people will only be allowed to move within a radius of 15 kilometres of their municipal boundary from Monday. Curfew: The nightly curfew between 9 pm and 5 am, which applies throughout Bavaria, also applies over the Christmas holidays. According to the latest plans, the production will start again afterwards, a BMW spokesperson has said. The restrictions are controlled by the police. It refers to a longer period and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. Lufthansa has published a new flight schedule, the offer from Munich is also being expanded. Service providers such as hairdressers may also remain open. The Bavarian state examination (Staatsexamen) in medicine will be postponed. Parents who live separately from their children can visit them. Adults in Bavaria are now allowed to spend time in public with a person who does not live in the same household. The police in Upper Bavaria north (Oberbayern Nord) deployed 150 times, 140 times in the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz). Starting on Monday, wearing a mask is compulsory in Bavaria. Shops with sale areas up to 800 square meters may reopen today. According to the Munich police, sunbathing on a towel or having a picnic in a public green area is not allowed. Guests must therefore stay overnight in the host's household if they want to spend the turn of the year together. Whether one can move up to the next grade on probation will be decided much more generously, curricula will be adjusted. The Ministry of the Interior will incorporate it into the corona list of fines in the coming days. In addition to Germany's 26 partner countries in the European Union, these include Great Britain, which has left the EU, as well as the four non-EU countries in the Schengen passport-free zone: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
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