Realizing that it was a Lord Kira's evil plot, the samurais and the half-breed sets out for revenge against the Shogun's order. It also grossed US$2.3 million for a fifth-place debut in the United Kingdom. During the Tokugawa era in Japan, the country was ruled by the shogun, or highest military official, in the name of the emperor.Under him were a number of regional lords, the daimyo, each of whom employed a contingent of samurai warriors. Seite an Seite sinnen sie auf Rache. With Kai and Oishi having proven themselves worthy, the ronin receive their blades. 47: The True Story of the Vendetta of the 47 Ronin from Akô. Realizing that it was a Lord Kira's evil plot, the samurais and the half-breed sets out for revenge against the Shogun's order. 47 Ronin was originally scheduled to be released on November 21, 2012, but was moved to February 8, 2013 due to the need for work on the 3D visual effects. Zwar unterstanden die Shogunate dem japanischen Kaiser, praktisch konzentrierten sie jedoch selbst die gesamte Macht im Reich und sorgten dafür, dass Kriege und Schlachten zu Gunsten von Stabilität gar nicht erst entstanden. Kirsten Acuña of Business Insider stated that the film flopped for three reasons: First, it opened in December when there is an over-saturation of films for the Christmas season; second, the film took "too long in the vault", having undergone editing and lost momentum; and third, audiences had not been drawn to Reeves as an actor since The Matrix Revolutions (which was released ten years prior) and that he had not yet reestablished his stardom prior to making John Wick. Written by Chris Morgan and Hossein Amini from a story conceived by Morgan and Walter Hamada, the film is a work of Chūshingura ("The Treasury of Loyal Retainers"), serving as a fictionalized account of the forty-seven rōnin, a real-life group of masterless samurai under daimyō Asano Naganori in 18th-century Japan who avenged Naganori's death by confronting his rival Kira Yoshinaka. While hunting in the forest, Lord Asano of Ako and his samurai find a young half-breed and take him with them to live in the castle. A short. Der Ako-Clan wird aufgelöst, die mehreren hundert Samurai werden zu herrenlosen Rōnin. Nach der heimtückischen Ermordung ihres Fürsten verlieren 47 Samuraikrieger ihr Ansehen und werden zu entehrten Kämpfern – zu “Ronin”. He spots Mizuki watching the battle, disguised in her white fox form with different colored eyes. Variety called the Japanese debut "troubling", considering the well-known local cast and the fact that the film is loosely based on a famous Japanese tale. ... Übersicht Stream Trailer Kommentare Besetzung Trivia Bilder DVD & … Sie gilt als vorbildliches Beispiel für den Ethos der Samurai und bildet eine Art Nationalmythos Japans. Immanuel A. Raleigh Studios Budapest- Felsokert utca 9, Budapest, Hungary. Die Geschichte basiert auf der wahren Geschichte über eine Bande von Samuraikämpfern, die den Tod an ihrem Meister im Japan des 18. However, before the duel begins, Mizuki uses her magic to incapacitate Asano's combatant. 115 of 179 people found this review helpful. The plot of the film will take place 300 years in the future and will be a mashup of genres including martial arts, horror, action, and science fiction cyber-punk. Nach der heimtückischen Ermordung ihres Fürsten verlieren 47 Samuraikrieger ihr Ansehen und werden zu entehrten Kämpfern – zu “Ronin”. Die Geschichte der 47 Ronin fällt in eine Zeit, in der die Samurai um ihre Daseinsberechtigung als Krieger rangen. The project will be produced by Universal 1440 Entertainment and distributed by Netflix. [12] Universal provided Rinsch with an initial production budget of $175 million despite his complete lack of feature film experience, which led to The Hollywood Reporter considering it to be a "large-scale, downright risky" move. RK. Written by Die Tradition sieht vor, dass sie sich wie ihr Herr das Leben nehmen. He tries to warn Asano's principal counselor, Oishi, that a witch is present among Kira's household, but Oishi dismisses his warning. Doch nur mit Unterstützung des verstoßenen Halbbluts Kai (Keanu Reeves) können die herrenlosen Samurai aus der Verbannung entkommen und die Ehre ihres Fürsten wiederherstellen. Thus, instead of execution, the ronin are allowed to perform seppuku. Keanu Reeves Kai. Several years later, Lord Asano holds a tournament to welcome the Shogun to Ako. [25] The film was a box office bomb, unable to recover its $175 million production budget.[26][27]. However, the procession turns out to be a trap and the ronin are ambushed by Kira's retainers, led by Mizuki and her samurai guardian. Genau dieses Epos will der gleichnamige Film aufgreifen – jedoch mit durchschnittlicher Schauspielleistung und einem mangelhaften Tiefgrund. [15] Origo Film Group contributed to the film. [5], Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie, "Keanu Reeves and '47 Ronin' search for 'honor, revenge and impossible love, "Hollywood's Biggest Box Office Bombs of 2013", "Japanese Cast Announced for Keanu Reeves' '47 Ronin, "Jin Akanishi joins cast of Carl Erik Rinsch's "47 Ronin, "Studios handing big films to untested directors", "Costume Designers: Below-the-Line Impact Report 2011", "Universal Takes Over Editing '47 Ronin' As Director Carl Erik Rinsch Removed; Studio Adds Love Scene, Dialogue & More", "Universal Pushes Back Keanu Reeves' '47 Ronin, "Keanu's 47 Ronin Pushed Again, To Christmas 2013", "Banana Tattoos and "Sengoku Basara" Couldn't Save "47 Ronin" In Japan", 47 Ronin DVD Release Date |, "Weekend Report: 'Hobbit,' 'Frozen' Top 'Wolf,' 'Mitty' on Final Weekend of 2013", "Report: Flop '47 Ronin' to lose $175 million", "Box Office: Universal's '47 Ronin' Likely to Result in $175 Million Loss", "Report: Why Keanu Reeves' '47 Ronin' Was A Huge Box-Office Bomb",, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Articles with Japanese-language sources (ja), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Best Sound Editing - Music in a Feature Film, Andrew Silver (supervising music editor), Kenneth Karman (music editor), Julie Pearce (music editor) and Peter Oso Snell (music editor), This page was last edited on 7 February 2021, at 13:54. Hiroyuki Sanada Kuranosuke Ôishi. In late medieval Japan, Kai is a half-Japanese, half-English outcast who lives in the Akō Domain, which is ruled by the benevolent Lord Asano Naganori. Finde 20 Ähnliche Filme zum Film 47 Ronin von Carl Rinsch mit Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, wie . Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Kira has Oishi imprisoned in an outdoor pit, intending to break his spirit as he fears Oishi will seek retribution regardless. Synchronbesetzung von 47 Ronin mit Sprachproben - deutsche Synchronstimmen, Synchronschauspieler Cast nach Rollen mit Hörproben + 49 (0) 30 - 26 55 17 63 + 49 (0) 30 - 25 74 03 63 Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi. Later, Kira arranges a duel for the entertainment of the Shōgun: Kira's best warrior, a golem, will battle a warrior of Asano's choosing. Die 47 nun herrenlosen Samurai (= Ronin) des Lords beschließen daraufhin, unter der Führung von Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada) blutige Rache an Lord Kira und seinen Verbündeten zu üben. Universal Pictures first announced the film in December 2008, with Keanu Reeves attached to star. Keanu does a decent job with his part but the true meat and potatoes comes from Hiroyuki Sanada, who does a masterful job in his portrayal as the chief ronin, Ôishi . Doch manche kommen bei anderen Daimyos (Herren) unter. Kai uses his sword and draws on the mystical powers of the Tengu to finally kill her. A group of disgraced samurai plan a decade long revenge against a corrupt lord. The first part was released on December 1, 1941 with the second part being released on February 11 of the following year. Erhältlich bei iTunes, Joyn ... Besetzung und Crew. Harper, Thomas (2019). Universal Pictures suchte diese fünf aus, um die Geschichte etwas authentischer zu gestalten, anstatt Schauspieler zu casten, die den Vereinigten Staaten zuzuordnen wären. [2] The actors' costumes were designed by Penny Rose, who said, "We decided to base it on the culture and what the shapes should be—i.e., everyone's in a kimono—but we've thrown a kind of fashion twist at it. And we've made it full of color, which is quite unusual for me. [24] In the United States the film grossed US$20.6 million in its first five days of release, opening in ninth place at the box office. Asano's daughter Mika and Kai eventually fall in love, despite Kai being scorned by her father's samurai due to his mixed ancestry. 47 Ronin is a 2013 American fantasy action film directed by Carl Rinsch in his directorial debut. A closing caption informs the audience of the tradition of paying respect at the graves of the 47 Ronin which continues every year on December 14. The night after the tournament, Lord Asano is bewitched into hurting Lord Kira of Nagato, and is punished into committing seppuku by the Shogun. Die Geschichte der 47 Rōnin ist eine in Japan berühmte Episode, bei der 47 Krieger (der Begriff Ronin bezeichnet einen herrenlosen Samurai) den Tod ihres Herren rächten. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Simply... a Ronin is a samurai without a leader. Mizuki later taunts Mika with their deaths and attempts to manipulate her into committing suicide from despair. "[29] On Metacritic the film has a score of 28 out of 100 based on 21 critics, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews". Turnbull, Stephen. When Kai was young, Asano adopted him as a foundling. Production is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2021. KR. Min Tanaka Lord Asano. Was this review helpful to you? ZDF, Montag, 18. They lead half of the ronin to infiltrate Kira's castle by disguising themselves as a band of traveling wedding performers. The night after the tournament, Lord Asano is bewitched into hurting Lord Kira of Nagato, and is punished into committing seppuku by the Shogun. [23] The evening tabloid newspaper Nikkan Gendai stated that its dismal performance were "unheard-of numbers" generated by the Japanese distaste for a Hollywood rendition of Chushingura which bore no resemblance to the renowned historical epic. [14], Principal photography began on March 14, 2011 in Budapest. Hinter der Intrige steckt der mächtige Kira. A band of samurai set out to avenge the death and dishonor of their master at the hands of a ruthless shogun. Universal pulled Rinsch from the project during the editing stages in late 2012, with Universal chairwoman Donna Langley taking over the editing process. 1 Min. While Kai confronts the Tengu Master in a battle of wills, Oishi watches an illusion of his men being slaughtered by the Tengu, during which he successfully fights the urge to draw his sword. Die Handlung basiert auf dem Drehbuch von Chris Morgan und Hossein Amini und ist ab dem 12. Universal planned to produce the film in 2009 after finding a director[9] and in November of that year, the studio entered talks with Carl Rinsch, who had filmed "visual and stylish" blurbs for brands, to direct the film. As the monster charges him, Kai recovers a lost sword that he uses to slay it. The Shōgun then gives Kira both the Akō domain and Mika, although he grants Mika one year to mourn the death of her father before marrying Kira. (2011). After gutting him, Oishi emerges with Kira's severed head and Kira's surviving retainers surrender. What are the differences between the International Theatrical Version and the Japanese Version? In 47 Ronin nimmt Keanu Reeves an … [4] Despite its critical and commercial failure, a sequel was announced in 2020 to begin production in 2021.[5]. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some disturbing images, and thematic elements, Nippon TV Launching ‘A Girl of 35’ Scripted Format at Singapore Market, A Sex Scandal Ended Ron Meyer’s Career, but His Old Hollywood Is in Rapid Retreat, Amazon's Black Friday Deals: Best of 2014. 47 Ronin – Besetzung / Darsteller, Regie und Drehorte Carl Rinsch wollte als Regisseur mit seinem Spielfilm „ 47 Ronin „, mit der Länge von 119 Minuten, direkt ins große Geschäft einsteigen. Asano is sentenced to death for attempting to murder an official of the Shōgun, and is compelled to perform seppuku to preserve his honor. A young martial artist's unparalleled Tai Chi skills land him in a highly lucrative underworld fight club. I felt though that there could have been more to the story, simple and clichéd in some areas but overall an enjoyable film. During his captivity, Oishi deduces that Kira is guilty of treachery for using sorcery to frame Asano. [31], In August 2020, a sequel was announced to be in development. Un perfide seigneur de guerre ayant tué leur maître et banni leur tribu, 47 Samuraïs errants, jurent de se venger et de restaurer l'honneur de leurs compatriotes. Universal stellte dem Film ein Budget von rund 170 Millionen US-Dollar zur Verfügung. HS. While hunting in the forest, Lord Asano of Ako and his samurai find a young half-breed and take him with them to live in the castle. D… ISBN 978-0918172778. Der Haushofmeister Kuranosuke Oishi, ein Gefolgsmann Asanos, hat für die Verbliebenen noch einen anderen Plan: Rache. [20], An endorsement from the cast of Sengoku Basara was held until January 23, 2014, stating that Japanese fans who tweet with the hashtag #RONIN_BASARA could win Sengoku Basara 4 for the PS3 or a 47 Ronin poster signed by the film's cast. KS. Kai instructs Oishi to never draw his sword while inside the Tengu temple and continues alone to another room to face the Tengu Master, who once trained Kai in their fighting ways. [10], In December 2010, the studio announced that the film would be produced and released in 3D. TA. Kai secretly dons his armor and fights in his stead, but his disguise is revealed and the Shōgun orders him severely beaten as punishment. 47 Ronin: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the film's soundtrack album of music composed and made by Ilan Eshkeri and was released on December 17, 2013 by Varèse Sarabande. Tadanobu Asano Lord Kira. However, the Shōgun finds that they followed the principles of bushido in their actions and restores their honor as samurai. Leete's Island Books. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Nach der heimtückischen Ermordung ihres Fürsten verlieren 47 Samuraikrieger ihr Ansehen und werden zu entehrten Kämpfern -- zu "Ronin". Which of these Box Office bombs would you rather watch? Also staring Tiger Hu Chen. Yoshitoshi, 47 Ronin series (1860) Discover the tales of Chushingura, the 47 Ronins; Further reading. Keanu's character, Mr D, kills a man stealing from him. "Kazuaki Kiriya's Last Knights falls short of expectations". Ronin ist ein Actionfilm von John Frankenheimer aus dem Jahr 1998. Im Jahre 1701 wurden zwei Daimyō (Fürsten) an den Hof des Shōgun in der Burg Edo (dem heutigen Tokio) gerufen. Asano's samurai struggle in their battle with the monster, so Kai joins in riding an abandoned horse. JA. Die Geschichte der 47 Ronin sind in der japanischen Kultur tief verwurzelt und beschreibt eine Gruppe herrenloser und heldenhafter Samurai. Seite an Seite sinnen sie auf Rache. We've curated a list of romances that break free of the typical fare of humans falling in love. They are also given the honor of burial with their master, Lord Asano. Tampa Bay Newspapers. Use the HTML below. 47 Ronin Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. 47 Ronin ist ein kommender epischer Samurai-Historienfilm unter Regie von Carl Erik Rinsch nach einem Drehbuch von Chris Morgan und wird in 3D gedreht. Nach der heimtückischen Ermordung ihres Fürsten verlieren 47 Samuraikrieger ihr Ansehen und werden zu entehrten Kämpfern – zu “Ronin”. Der animierten Kurzfilm "47 Ronin: The Way Of The Warrior" bildet die Vorgeschichte zu Keanu Reeves "47 Ronin". With Kira's men distracted during the performance, the remaining ronin scale the castle walls, and launch a coordinated attack against the castle guards. 47 Ronin Kritik: 261 Rezensionen, Meinungen und die neuesten User-Kommentare zu 47 Ronin. The ronin plan to ambush Kira on his pilgrimage to a shrine where he seeks blessings for his wedding to Mika. Keanu Reeves fait un retour explosif avec 47 Ronin, un film d¹aventure spectaculaire. Die Samurai waren demnach Krieger ohne Schlachtfeld und dazu gezwungen, ihre Waffen rein aus symbolischen Gründen und zur Demonstration ihres Standes zu tragen… Later during the Shōgun's visit, Kai notices a concubine with the same multi-colored eyes. MT. The Revenge of the 47 Ronin, Edo 1703; Osprey Raid Series #23, Osprey Publishing. [22], The film opened in Japan in the first week of December 2013 where it opened to 753 screens nationwide and grossed an estimated US$1.3 million, opening third behind Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie and the third week of the Studio Ghibli film Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya). Fürst Kira soll sterben für seine Tat. The critical consensus states: "47 Ronin is a surprisingly dull fantasy adventure, one that leaves its talented international cast stranded within one dimensional roles. Immersing the Japanese samurai legend of the 47 ronin — recently told in 2013’s 47 Ronin – in a gloomy, multiethnic Game of Thrones aesthetic ^ Lee Clark Zumpe (2015-04-06). [28] At the film review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 16% approval rating based on 87 reviews, with an average score of 4.16/10. Production moved to Shepperton Studios in the United Kingdom; additional filming in Japan was also planned. [11] Between March[12] and April[13] 2011, five Japanese actors were cast alongside Reeves: Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu Asano, Rinko Kikuchi, Kou Shibasaki and Jin Akanishi; according to Variety, Universal chose them in order to make the film's story more authentic rather than choose actors recognizable in the United States. Oishi and Kai (having actually survived the attack) rally the surviving ronin. Im Dezember 2010 erwähnte das Studio, dass der Film im 3D-Format veröffentlicht werden soll. It was once again moved to a final release date of December 25, 2013 in order to account for the re-shoots and post-production. With Chôjûrô Kawarasaki, Yoshizaburo Arashi, Utaemon Ichikawa, Kan'emon Nakamura. 47 Ronin. Several of the ronin are killed, and Mizuki, thinking they are all dead, takes Oishi's sword and presents it to Kira as a trophy. While the action sequences and visuals were praised, 47 Ronin received generally negative reviews from film critics and grossed $151 million against its total budget of $175 million, making it a costly box office bomb that left Universal in the red for 2013. Liste der Besetung: Amir Wilson, Ruby Ashbourne Serkis, Gijs Blom u.v.m. 47 Ronin ein Film von Carl Rinsch mit Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Kô Shibasaki. 47 Ronin received predominantly negative reviews from film critics, failing to impress Japanese audiences where studio expectations were high. Kai leads them to the Tengu Forest, a mystical place he escaped from as a child, so that they can obtain the special blades of the Tengu. While Oishi fights Kira, Kai and Mika are attacked by Mizuki, who shape-shifts into a dragon. Im Jahre 1701 begeht der Fürst Asano vom Ako-Clan aufgrund einer Intrige Selbstmord. Seite an Seite sinnen sie auf Rache. The Shōgun gives Akō back to Mika, and at the seppuku ceremony, he pardons Chikara so that he may serve Akō and preserve Oishi's bloodline for the country. 47 Ronin ist ein Samuraifilm aus dem Jahr 2013 von Carl Rinsch mit Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi und Hiroyuki Sanada. But the 47 Ronin refers to a story known throughout Japan. The legendary Forty-seven ronin plot to avenge the death of their lord, Asano Naganori, by killing Kira Yoshinaka, a shogunate official responsible for Asano being forced to commit seppuku. [17] In addition, the studio added a love scene, extra close-ups and individual lines of dialogue in order to try and boost Reeves' presence in the film, which "significantly added" to the budget of the film.[17]. Ko Shibasaki Mika. To sum it all up, 47 Ronin is a fantasy graphic novel style adaptation of a Japanese folktale released in December. Freedom fighters Neo, Trinity and Morpheus continue to lead the revolt against the Machine Army, unleashing their arsenal of extraordinary skills and weaponry against the systematic forces of repression and exploitation. They learn that Kai has been sold into slavery and Oishi rescues him from the fighting pits of the Dutch colony of Dejima. The 47 Ronin (元禄 忠臣蔵, Genroku Chūshingura, "The Treasury of Loyal Retainers of the Genroku Era") is a black-and-white two-part jidaigeki Japanese film directed by Kenji Mizoguchi, adapted from a play by Seika Mayama. A remake of the 1951 classic science fiction film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth. Juli 2016, 22.15 Uhr Oishi reunites with his family and asks his son Chikara to aid him in reuniting the scattered ronin. [21], Universal Pictures Home Entertainment released 47 Ronin on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D on April 1, 2014. Several years later, Lord Asano holds a tournament to welcome the Shogun to Ako. Starring Keanu Reeves and Hiroyuki Sanada, the film has almost nothing in common with the original historical epic, instead being set "in a world of witches and giants. Seite an Seite sinnen sie auf Rache. Sie wurden mit der Aufgabe betraut, eine Empfangszeremonie für das Gefolge des Abgesandten des Higashiyama-te… A young police officer must prevent a bomb exploding aboard a city bus by keeping its speed above 50 mph. Kira enlists the help of a shapeshifting kitsune, Mizuki, who sends a kirin to kill Asano in the forest of Ako during a hunting trip. Before a planned visit from Shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, Asano is visited by the Shōgun's master of ceremonies, Lord Kira, who wants to take Akō for himself. [30] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. Nearly a year later, Oishi is released by his captors as they believe he is now harmless. The legendary Forty-seven ronin plot to avenge the death of their lord, Asano Naganori, by killing Kira Yoshinaka, a shogunate official responsible for Asano being forced to commit seppuku. [19] It was once again moved to a final release date of December 25, 2013 in order to account for the re-shoots and post-production. Zwischen März und April 2011 wurden neben Reeves fünf japanische Schauspieler gecastet. The tale of the 47 Ronin is one of the most famous in Japanese history, and it is a true story. Ron Yuan will serve as director, with John Orlando, Share Stallings and Tim Kwok co-producing. 47 Ronin was originally scheduled to be released on November 21, 2012,[18] but was moved to February 8, 2013 due to the need for work on the 3D visual effects. 47 Ronin After returning to the criminal underworld to repay a debt, John Wick discovers that a large bounty has been put on his life. The Shōgun also brands Oishi and his men ronin and forbids them from seeking vengeance for Asano's death. After winning the battle, the ronin (including Kai) surrender themselves to the authorities of the bakufu and are sentenced to death as they explicitly violated the Shōgun's prohibition on avenging Asano. [3] Variety magazine listed 47 Ronin as one of "Hollywood's biggest box office bombs of 2013". Rinko Kikuchi Witch. "[16], Reshoots were done in London during late August 2012, which were delayed by the Olympics and the filming of Reeves' directorial debut Man of Tai Chi. "[2], Produced by H2F Entertainment, Mid Atlantic Films, Moving Picture Company, Stuber Productions and Relativity Media, 47 Ronin premiered in Japan on December 6, 2013 before being released by Universal Pictures on December 25, 2013 in the United States in both 3D and 2D. Doch nur mit Unterstützung des verstoßenen Halbbluts Kai (Keanu Reeves) können die herrenlosen Samurai aus der Verbannung entkommen und die Ehre ihres Fürsten wiederherstellen. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. View production, box office, & company info. 47 führerlose Samurai wurden von einem verräterischen Warlord verbannt. [7] Reeves said that scenes were filmed first in the Japanese language in order to familiarize the cast, to which the scenes were filmed again in the English language. Action 2013 2 Std. In den Hauptrollen spielen Jean Reno, Natascha McElhone und Robert De Niro.Handlungsorte sind Paris, Côte d’Azur und die Provence.. Der Titel bezieht sich auf die gleichnamigen herrenlosen Samurai im alten Japan Some may not understand the conclusion of this film but in a little learned knowledge of the culture one would see it for what it was intended for.. All in all an enjoyable movie and film for any fan of action films and historical fantasy. Perhaps it is not exactly the most festive way to start the new year with all the beheadings and Samurai ritual suicide. The murdered man's people seek revenge. Supernatural exorcist and demonologist John Constantine helps a policewoman prove her sister's death was not a suicide, but something more. The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the machines as Neo fights to end the war at another front while also opposing the rogue Agent Smith. The true pleasure and joy within this film is its nod and ode to the ancient Japanese mythology of the time, which in my opinion is done very well. Variety then reported that "the film will tell a stylized version of the story, mixing fantasy elements of the sort seen in The Lord of the Rings pics, with gritty battle scenes akin to those in films such as Gladiator." 47 Ronin Trailer. Enter Kai, a humble "half breed" with more to him than meets the eye, with catching favor with the fallen Lord's daughter, Kai must join the 47 Ronin to not only avenge his honor but save the woman he loves..Very visually appealing with a nice blend of action and a wonderful nod to ancient Japanese mythology. Es handelte sich um Kamei Korechika sowie den in den nachfolgenden Ereignissen getöteten Asano Naganori, den jungen Daimyō des Lehens Akō in der Provinz Harima (im westlichen Honshū gelegen). An undercover cop, disillusioned by the death of his wife, is implicated in the murder of an officer and must struggle to clear himself.
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