und Tüb., Cotta 1846. Kniha: Reineke Fuchs – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Additional Physical Format: Print version: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Reineke Fuchs: mit Illustrationen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach (German Edition) eBook: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Kaulbach, … Slight wear to edges and corners, occasional foxing and light discoloration otherwise a very good copy of a book seldom seen in presentable condition. "Reineke Fuchs" by Goethe and illustrated by Wilhelm von KaulbachJ.G. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Reineke Fuchs Von Wolfgang Von Goethe Mit Zeichnungen Von Wilhelm Von Kaulbach - Auf Holz Gezeichnet Von Julius Schnorr in Stuttgart - Gestochen Von Allgaier & Siegle [Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von; Schnorr, Julius, Kaulbach, Wilhelm Von] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1867. The steel engraving between pp. LibriVox recording of Reineke Fuchs, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Wilhelm von Kaulbach for "Reineke Fuchs" Saved by Leah Lefevre Sandomirskaya. 257pp. Reineke Fuchs by Goethe and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.co.uk. Gr.- 4to. Goethes Reineke Fuchs. 257pp. $175.00. Reineke Fuchs. Hello Select your address Books Hello, Sign in. mit deutlichen Gebrauchsspuren - leicht berieben und bestoßen mit kleinen Randläsuren, Umschlag deutlich lädiert mit kleinen Fehlstellen, Flecken, Einrissen und Hinterklebungen - Illustrator: Wilhelm von Kaulbach … reineke fuchs von johann wolfgang von goethe large deluxe leather steel engravings by august schleich and hans rudolf rahn from wilhelm von kaulbach's designs *** rare antique book ~ original 147 year-old full gilt leather binding in original box ~ exquisite illustrations ~ classic allegory in german ~ reynard the fox *** Wilhelm von Kaulbach studied from 1822 onwards under Peter von Cornelius at the Dusseldorf Academy and then followed him to Munich, where he worked on the frescos in the Odeon, in the court arcades and also in the Herzog-Max-Palais. Somewhat to the same category belong the illustrations to Reineke Fuchs. Original brown leather binding with lavish gold illustrated cover and spine, designs and details. Kaulbach (1846) Reineke Fuchs. Reineke Fuchs - by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von -. Jetzt verfügbar bei AbeBooks.de - Literarisch Artistisch Anstalt. Cotta’sche Buchhding, 1846. The first edition in this format appeared in 1846. Goethe / Kaulbach, Reineke Fuchs, Stuttgart 1846 ‘Reineke Fuchs’ was created in 1857 by Wilhelm von Kaulbach in Romanticism style. Goethe / Kaulbach, Reineke Fuchs, Stuttgart 1846 . Wilhelm von Kaulbach - Reineke Fuchs, 1857 (Goethe) Titlepage (coconino) Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe / Reineke Fuchs Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Later cloth. Wilhelm von Kaulbach * 15.10.1805 in Arolsen; 07.04.1874 in Munich. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take … This drawing is one of the 36 leaves that Wilhelm von Kaulbach created as a template for the illustrations for Goethe's "Reineke Fuchs". Publication date 1857 Topics Reynard the Fox (Legendary character) Publisher Stuttgart : J.G. 1,271 Views . Schelm, Betrüger, Erzganove - spätestens durch die mittelalterliche Volksdichtung "Reynke de vos" (1498) ist die Figur des ebenso gerissenen wie skrupellosen Reineke Fuchs im deutschsprachigen Raum unsterblich geworden. REINEKE by GOETHE and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.co.uk. Cotta Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Brigham Young University Free shipping. Reineke Fuchs (Reynard the Fox) Suttgart and Tobingen: J.B. Gotta, 1846. kaulbach, german First edition. your own Pins on Pinterest. The story of Reynard the Fox with 37 plates, including the plate at page 42 subsequently suppressed by censors. Illustrated by Wilhelm Von Kaulbach. "[Johann] Wolfgang von Goethe. 1901 GOETHE Reineke Fuchs Holman HC book German English Intro Henry Holt & Co. Some of the plates are a bit browned and spotted in margins, the plate between pp. Everyday low … Reineke Fuchs. download 1 file . Lot 9542 - ibid118 ibid Books & Autographs - Wednesday, 31. Reineke Fuchs, by Wolfgang von Goethe. {{Information |Description=Reineke Fuchs, von J.W. "Reineke Fuchs" by Goethe and illustrated by Wilhelm von Kaulbach J.G. Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe / Reinecke Fuchs J.G. Stuttgart and Tubingen, J.G. [Wilhelm von Kaulbach, deutscher Maler. Thick folio. Discover (and save!) Publisher's cloth binding, elaborate gilt pictorial spine and cover decorations, gilt lettering, embossed rear cover decorations. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. A high-water mark in mid-19th century children's illustration and engraving. Mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Schleich. or Best Offer. Cart All. Folio. Item #019996 Wilhelm Von Kaulbach’s illustrated edition. Wilhelm von Kaulbach first designed the famous animal satires for Goethe's "Reineke Fuchs" in 1845. Oct 27, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Reineke Fux. $22.02 shipping. Skip to main content.ca. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Still a fine, fresh copy. Reineke Fuchs. Cottascher, Stuttgart - 1857 first thus German edition - . Painter, Director of Fine Arts Academy Munich Biography. Auf Holz gezeichnet von Julius Schnorr in Stuttgart. The spine strip is slightly chipped at foot, and there are a few light stains on the boards. Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen, hört sich irgendwie schrecklich an und nicht jeder wird sich bei derartige Beschreibung dazu bewegen lassen sich diesem Werk zu nähern. von Goethe, mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach, gedruckt 1857 in Stuttgart |Source=Google Scan |Date=1857 |Author= |Permission=PD-old |other_versions= }} Wiesbaden - : Hasso ebeling - , 1973. Kaulbach's designs after the writings of Goethe have stood for well over a century as the definitive pictorial representations of the works of this famous German author. Kaulbach worked for three years on this project and created a total of 36 main … Original brown leather binding with lavish gold illustrated cover and spine, designs and details. 1867 antique REINEKE FUCHS goethe ENGRAVINGS kaulbach stuttgart reynard fox BOOK. Eine 1498 in Lübeck gedruckte niederdeutsche Versfassung Reynke de vos entwickelte sich im 16. German artist Wilhelm von Kaulbach produced an elaborate set of steel engravings in the 1840s (therefore, interestingly, he was a contemporary of JJ Grandville**) which were first published in the 1846 edition of 'Reinecke Fuchs'. However, this copy is WITH this steel engraving. 14 and 15 is slightly chipped in top margin. Mit großem Witz veranschaulicht er die (Un-)Taten des Schelmen Reineke Fuchs, der ungeachtet seines frevelhaften Tuns zu höchsten Ehren aufsteigt. Kaulbach, Spätromantiker und Hofmaler König Ludwig I. von Bayern, übersetzte Goethes bissige Tiersatire in eine ungemein lebendige Bildsprache. Artist: Wilhelm von Kaulbach (German, Arolsen 1804–1874 Munich) Date: 1805–74. Published 1857, Stuttgart by J. Goethes Reineke Fuchs. Buy Reineke Fuchs by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (ISBN: 9783866474994) from Amazon's Book Store. Free shipping. Site by Bibliopolis, [Kaulbach, Wilhelm von Illus.] The 36 main engravings after Kaulbach sometimes incorporate contemporary themes and figures. Thick folio. Cottascher, Stuttgart - 1857 first thus German edition - . Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874), Reineke Fuchs, Gesang 10, Porzellanmalerei, Fidibushalter, D2110.jpg 6,000 × 6,000; 1.89 MB The world's show, 1851, or, The adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and family, who came up to London to "enjoy themselves", and to see the Great Exhibition (IA worldsshow1851or00mayh).pdf … New York, H. Holt, 1901 (DLC) 01027361 (Reynard the Fox / Le Renard) GOETHE (Wolfgang von), KAULBACH (Wilhelm von), SCHNORR (Julius, von Carolsfeld) Goethe gab dem Werk stark spöttische, mitunter boshafte Züge; sein Epos kann durchaus auch als … By creating your free Catawiki account, you’ll be able to bid on any of our 65,000 special objects up for auction every week. 5 Favorites . Buy Reineke Fuchs... by Kaulbach, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Buy Reineke Fuchs by Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Von Kaulbach, Wilhelm online on Amazon.ae at best prices. . Full title: ‘Reineke Fuchs von Wolfgang von Goethe. Mit gestochenem Titel, 36 Stahlstichtafeln und 24 Vignetten. Skip to main content.sg. Illustrated by Wilhelm von Kaulbach with 36 humorous half-page engravings, pictorial title page, plus pictorial head and tailpieces throughout. Der Verlag der Wissenschaften verlegt historische Literatur bekannter und unbekannter wissenschaftlicher Autoren. $450.00. Stuttgart und Tüblingen: 1846. ... mit Stahlstichen nach Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach Skupina třídění: Německá poezie Jazyk: německy ... ist die Figur des ebenso gerissenen wie skrupellosen Reineke Fuchs im deutschsprachigen Raum unsterblich geworden. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Illustrated by Wilhelm von Kaulbach with 36 humorous half-page engravings, pictorial title page, plus pictorial head and tailpieces throughout. Some of the plates are a bit browned and spotted in margins, the plate between pp. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. In Friedrich Nietzsche's 1889 The Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche uses Reynard the Fox as an … Reineke Fuchs Text in German. Half-title, frontispiece, engraved pictorial title-page and regular title page, 36 exquisite full page engravings of the animal characters by Wilhelm Von Kaulbach, engraved by Rudolfe Rahn 17 which … 14 and 15 is slightly chipped in top margin. Original brown leather binding with lavish gold illustrated cover and spine, designs and details. Reineke Fuchs / von Wolfgang von Goethe ; mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach ; gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Schleich. Publication date 1857 Topics Reynard the Fox (Legendary character) Publisher Stuttgart : J.G. Contemporary Art. Cart All. New York, H. Holt, 1901 (DLC) 01027361 Reineke Fuchs. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Auf Holz gezeichnet von Julius Schnorr. You can set your cookie preferences using the toggles below. Goethe besaß außerdem 56 Radierungen aus der Reineke-Fuchs-Serie Allart van Everdingens, die er 1783 auf einer Auktion erworben hatte. Sold by the Gotta'schen Buchhandlung. The images above are derived from an 1857 facsimile edition. first edition, Munich, 1846.This edition of this famous tale is based on the 1793 interpretation by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749�1832). or Best Offer. 36 superb engravings by Wilhelm Von Kaulbach. $450.00. Folio. 42-43 was censored in subsequent editions. - 257 p., 36 gravuri ; 35 cm. Wood engraved illustrations by Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Goethe Johann Wolfgang, von und von Kaulbach Friedrich Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Reinecke Fuchs by Goethe is a poem in hexameters, in twelve parts, written 1793 and first published 1794. A. Gottascher. English: Reineke Fuchs (Reynard the Fox, Renart, Reinaert de Vos, Reynke de Vosz, Reineke de Vos) is the central figure in the various versions of an european animal epic. Title: Illustration for Reinecke Fuchs: Tomcat Hinz being hit instead of Reinecke. $22.02 shipping. – Stuttgart ; Tübingen : J.G. 2. Price: Buy Reineke Fuchs... by Kaulbach, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (ISBN: 9781278181707) from Amazon's Book Store. Jahrhundert im deutschsprachigen Raum zum Bestseller. Mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach, gestochen von R. Rahn und A. Schleich. WERTHER. GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832). Discover (and save!) Die Korrespondenz Goethes mit dem Breitkopf-Verlag im Jahre 1782 bezüglich der Druckplatten Allart van Everdingens lässt die Vermutung zu, dass Goethe bei der Abfassung seines Reineke Fuchs … Numerous engraved plates by Rudolf Rahn and Adrian Schleich after Wilhelm von Kaulbach, metalcut ornament, printed on large paper, text within faint double-rule border. Das Allerschönste, was einem bei YouTube passieren kann, sind natürlich Katzenvideos. Read by redaer. Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, welches er im Jahr 1793 schuf. Jun 14, 2013 - bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2007/12/reineke-fuchs.html 1st First edition, Munich - 1846 - Zustand: Good - Engraved titlepage & 36 Steelplates +steel engraved Register with miniatures by Wilhelm von Kaulbach engraved by R. Rahn & Schleich plus woodengravings in … March 2021, 11.00 AM . The work was published in 1840 by Cotta in Stuttgart. 1 Review . Thick folio. Other articles where Reineke Fuchs is discussed: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Return to Weimar and the French Revolution (1788–94): …the Fox into hexameters (Reineke Fuchs, written in 1793 and published the following year). your own Pins on Pinterest You can update your preferences, withdraw your consent at any time, and see a detailed description of the types of cookies we and our partners use in our Cookie Policy. Medium: Graphite, pen and gray ink, with brush and gray wash. Dimensions: 6 1/16 x 7 3/16 in.   Item #7, © 2021 Nudelman Rare Books. No year of … Site Map | Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. Explore. Reineke Fuchs by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832; Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 1804-1874; Schnorr, Julius, 1826-1855. Reineke Fuchs by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832; Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 1804-1874; Schnorr, Julius, 1826-1855. Description: This engraved print originates from: 'Reinecke Fuchs von Wolfgang von Goethe mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach.' und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf AbeBooks.de. Find more prominent pieces of illustration at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Find Reineke Fuchs by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von at Biblio. 36 superb engravings by Wilhelm Von Kaulbach. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 73830 $175.00. 2° (330 x 272mm). Reineke Fuchs von Wolfgang von Goethe. Reineke Fuchs [Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Kaulbach, Wilhelm von] on Amazon.com.au. GOETHE, Wolfgang von. Reineke Fuchs von Goethe. Das wusste schon Johann Wolfgang von Goethe… Reineke Fuchs von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) Language: Deutsch (German) Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen. Trotzdem empfehle ich es zu tun und sich nicht gleich von der gewöhnungsbedürftigen Sprache und noch vielmehr von der Versform … - Lucrarea este o epopee în douăsprezece cânturi de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe care reflectă cruzimea, falsitatea și răutatea oamenilor, prin intermediul regnului animal. Profusely illustrated throughout. ABBYY GZ download. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Cotta Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Brigham Young University Reineke Fuchs. 1 ... Kaulbach (1846) Reineke Fuchs. 36 superb engravings by Wilhelm Von Kaulbach. Wilhelm von Kaulbach, German painter.Photography. Item #019996 Wilhelm Von Kaulbach’s illustrated edition. Reineke Fuchs: Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Von Kaulbach, Wilhelm: Amazon.sg: Books. $2,250.00 Cotta’sche Buchhding, 1846. Wilhelm von Kaulbach - Reineke Fuchs, 1857 (Goethe) Titlepage (coconino) Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Slight wear to edges and corners, occasional foxing and light discoloration otherwise a very good copy of a book seldom seen in presentable condition. Folio. A high-water mark in mid-19th century children's illustration and engraving. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Reineke Fuchs: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm von Kaulbach: 9783866474994: Books - Amazon.ca 14/jun/2013 - Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. ‘Reineke Fuchs’ was created in 1846 by Wilhelm von Kaulbach in Romanticism style. The spine strip is slightly chipped at foot, and there are a few light stains on the boards. Engraved by Adrian Schleich from a series of engravings for the story "Reineke Fuchs" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Gestochen von Allgaier & Siegle. All rights reserved. [Kaulbach, Wilhelm von Illus.] Thick folio. Mit gestoch. von GOETHE, W. VON (+) WILHELM VON KAULBACH (ILLUSTR). Original brown leather binding with lavish gold illustrated cover and spine, designs and details. Goethe's Reineke Fuchs with Kaulbach's illustrations was originally published in 1846. Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen, hört sich irgendwie schrecklich an und nicht jeder wird sich bei derartige Beschreibung dazu bewegen lassen sich diesem Werk zu nähern. Dem interessierten Leser werden so teilweise längst nicht mehr verlegte Werke wieder zugängig gemacht. Reineke Fuchs: Johann Goethe, Wilhelm von Kaulbach: 9783650400062: Books - Amazon.ca. Illustrated title page of Reineke Fuchs (Reynard the Fox) showing monkeys playing the violin and blowing trumpets, the symbolic attributes of Art and the engraving craft, and a jester standing on one leg with an owl on one hand and a mirror facing the viewer in the other, while two foxes are trying to get his attention.A griffin sits looking away on either side of the page. - 212p, 18cmx15cm - condition: good, original binding with some wear and rubbing to boards, bookplate to front endpaper, scattered foxing, all illustrations present.One of the best illustrated versions of Reynard the Fox, Goethe / Wilhelm von Kaulbach (ill) - Reineke Fuchs - 1857, Children's books, Illustrated, Literature - Quantity: 1 - Other - see description - Book, Bid on over 65,000 special objects every week, selected by {experts_count} experts. The tradition of the fox epic reaches back into medieval times (Ecbasis captivi and Ysengrimus being Latin examples from 11th and 12th century) and draws on an even older fable tradition. Reineke Fuchs by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1846, Verlag der Literarisch-Artistischen Anstalt edition, in German / Deutsch Cotta'scher, 1846. Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874), Reineke Fuchs, Gesang 10, Porzellanmalerei, Fidibushalter, D2110.jpg 6,000 × 6,000; 1.89 MB The world's show, 1851, or, The adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and family, who came up to London to "enjoy themselves", and to see the Great Exhibition (IA worldsshow1851or00mayh).pdf 822 × 1,310, 276 pages; 19.96 MB (15.4 x 18.2 cm) Classification: Drawings. 257pp. 212 pages. Faint scattered foxing, else very good. Reineke Fuchs (Reynard the Fox) Suttgart and Tobingen: J.B. Gotta, 1846. kaulbach, german First edition. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. 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