5. Library. You and your 'Shia' are the best people on the earth.". The Autobots were in hiding, obviously they left Sam behind somewhere and had no reason to go find him during the movie, especially since he was probably under surveillance for his known association with Transformers. Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line. Samuel James Witwicky, commonly known as Sam Witwicky and also by username ladiesman217, is one of the main characters of Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers: Dark of the Moon. You could say sam was forced to betray the autobots but referring to what I said about sam with bumblebee and sam saving optimus, there is no way he would of went with it. This library is not a modular toolbox of building blocks for neural nets. Shia LaBeouf. ", "O Jabir! Movies 'Transformers 4' Will Feature 'New Cast,' Space Setting Director Michael Bay speaks out on his plans for his fourth and final round with the robots in disguise. Interactive talking Optimus Prime debuts at Transformers: … Windows. We see that this was an important event in this world.
Compare this to the Transformers franchise. ", Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him), once said to one of his companions: "O Jabir! In Sam's bedroom, there are posters of bikini-clad women on his wall. He enquired as to who they were? The real mystery is not how Sam died. "O Jabir! We Shia believe in what our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, that, after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), twelve Imams (Ithna Ashari), one after the other, have attained to leadership and Imamate. Source(s): https://owly.im/a9N6y. When Sam discovered the concept of riding around in cars to cruise for chicks, he began striving to get a car, and put his great-great-grandfather's heirlooms on eBay. In another verse, Holy Qur'an talks about the Shia of Moses (peace be upon him) versus the enemies of Moses (peace be upon him): "And he (Moses) went into the city at a time when people (of the city) were not watching, so he found therein two men fighting, one being of his Shia and the other being his enemy, and the one who was of his Shia cried out to him for help against the one who was of his enemy…" (Holy Qur'an 28:15). The child actor-turned genre star spoke out loudly against director Michael Bay after the release of ht critical flop Transformers: The Dark of the Moon , criticizing the helmer for his style-over-substance and overall … She then asked why the car turned back into a piece-of-crap Camaro if it was such a super-advanced robot. He was in thr last 3. Though they passed a Porsche car lot, Ron was actually playing a cruel joke on his son. Sam's profile picture from his eBay account was included among the portraits of members of the Order of the Witwiccans kept by Sir Edmund Burton. They went shopping for a used car. [Watch: Exclusive Look At The New Cars of ‘Transformers 4’] Thankfully, Mark Wahlberg, the new star of the franchise, was on hand to give us his take on the whereabouts of the character. Before readying to set sail to Lake Knot City, Sam is confronted by Higgs and told of Amelie's sta… Just Sam is only 20-years-old, but she’s definitely not new to the game. I just don't think there's anywhere to take it with Sam." Megatron (aka Galvatron in AOE) is the leader of the Decepticons and is the Main antagonist of the first film, the Secondary antagonist in the next two films, the tertiary antagonist in the fourth while reborn as Galvatron, and one of the two main antagonists (alongside Quintessa.) His father one day promised to buy Sam a car if he gathered $2,000 dollars and got three A grades in school.Sam took his buddy Miles to the lake, where they encountered Mikaela and her boyfriend Trent. We do not like them to claim to be our friends if they do not fulfil all the conditions. Transformers: Age of Extinction picks up fiveyears after the Battle of Chicago in Dark of theMoon .Bumblebee is apparently no longer Sam'sguardian, as For the reason why, you can say I want reporters to know I make more money than them, especially Matt Pearce." "I was [17] when I met Michael, and I'm sort of Michael Bay-raised. Der Film startete am 17. Let's give a faster version of events and proof before I give my theory, so you can give your ideas instead of sticking to mine, In transformers 4, there is an order to kill all autobots, This order states that any friend , protector, or person hiding autobots are to be killed, at least that's how the government seems to take it, Cade's family and friends are almost killed for hiding an autobot, Sam loves the autobots and has helped protect them more than once, Sam has been known to have autobots hiding in his house more than once. Library. 7 years ago. Transformers 4 What Happened To Sam. Inhaltsangabe: Fünf Jahre nach den Ereignissen um die große Schlacht von Chicago sind die … Activision. Our Shias are known by these signs: • They are truthful, trustworthy and loyal; • They offer their Prayers, observe fasts, and recite the Holy Qur'an; • They help their neighbours, take care of orphans, and say nothing but good of people; • They are worthy of people's trust and confidence. Transformers 5: The Last Knight stream Deutsch HD Quality Transformers 5: The Last Knight ist ein Actionfilm von Michael Bay mit Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel und Isabela Moner. It's finally time for episode 3 of "Making Sense of Transformers." Op. Atleast Mark Wahlberg took his place, he's a great change of actor. Who was the most talented member of the Monkees ? The surroundings were bright due to the moonlight. He also later refers to having porn magazines hidden under his bed. 2:04. He is a much more important target. He failed. Technical information. Sam loves the autobots and has helped protect them more than once [51] William "Demented Spanner" Lennox (portrayed by Josh Duhamel in the films, John DiMaggio in the Revenge of the Fallen video game) is an Army Rangers officer and later a member of NEST aiding the Autobots who has a wife and a newborn daughter back home. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 6 years ago | 5 views. 3.7 3 reviews . Why shouldn't I use transformers? anyways, I am open to suggestions on other things that may have happened, Tl;DR Sam witwikey was killed by the government for hiding and supporting the Autobots, Micheal Bay would have to actually put thoughts into his movies if he meant to imply that, good theory though. 2. "I just don't think right now there's anywhere to take Sam," LaBeouf told MTV News last June about returning to Michael Bay's franchise. "And most surely Abraham was among the Shia of him (i.e., Noah)" (Holy Qur'an 37:83). It is the sixth installment in the live-action Transformers series, serving as a prequel to Transformers. Why would Optimus not trust Sam? Transformers is a 2007 film based on the Transformers franchise. 6 years ago | 5 views. The real mystery is why he thought this would make a good profile picture. 4 myths and flat-out lies being told about trans MMA fighter Fallon Fox A false image and misleading claims of a ‘broken skull’ are being used to attack trans women in sports. Still have questions? [51] William "Demented Spanner" Lennox (portrayed by Josh Duhamel in the films, John DiMaggio in the Revenge of the Fallen video game) is an Army Rangers officer and later a member of NEST aiding the Autobots who has a wife and a newborn daughter back home. Aug 3rd, 2007. Shia just doesn't wanna play the role anymore, plus they decided to reboot the series so Shia was booted out if you will. Log in. Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) was the hero of the first three Transformers movies.He was a scrappy, nerdy kid who came across the Transformers (or rather, the Transformers … Welcome to /r/FanTheories! Playing next . Transformers 5: The Last Knight stream Deutsch HD Quality Transformers 5: The Last Knight ist ein Actionfilm von Michael Bay mit Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel und Isabela Moner. Date. It's finally time for episode 3 of "Making Sense of Transformers." Press J to jump to the feed. LaBeouf, who will star in Lars Von Trier's "Nymphomaniac," has also cited his character She's an experienced veteran … This Transformer 4 is a reboot trilogy; which means it is shot with a new cast. ", Jabir was listening attentively. ON June 3, 2011. Transformers is a 2007 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line. Report. A person who says I love Imam Ali (peace be upon him) but doesn't follow Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in actions is not the Shia of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). English 1 more. . These Muslims always used to take example from Imam Ali's (peace be upon him) speech, behavior, manners and morals, and, like Imam Ali (peace be upon him), they used to obey the instructions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). TheMovieGuy. Why 'Transformers 4' Debuted in HK, Not Hollywood. Browse more videos. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) saw behind him a group of people walking towards him. The Transformers franchise has been nothing if not divisive. in the fifth. However, there are now rumors that LaBeouf could possibly be returning for a future Transformers project, despite The Last Knight implying his Sam Witwicky was dead, not to … Always be pious and chaste, and perform good deeds so as to enjoy the blessings of the Paradise. Rating. Sam's side. I'm not buying you a Porsche". Why 'Transformers 4' Debuted in HK, Not Hollywood. Sam's friend calls Mikayla an evil jock concubine and when Sam dumps him for Mikayla, he tells Sam to put bros before hoes. RELATED: Why Optimus Prime Is Evil in Transformers: The Last Knight LaBeouf's lack-of-appearance in Transformers: The Last Knight shouldn't come as much of a surprise. The government found out about his reservation and sent troops and Lockdown's drones to kill the autobots located here, during which they killed Sam Witwikey for his involvement in keeping the autobots alive, and the autobots located there. The new Transformers movie moves away from Sam Witwicky and instead focuses on a new group of people living in the same universe. Mikaela agreed, then admitted that it was a smooth move on Sam's part. Who is/was the most successful Teen Pop Sensation to this day? Follow. He used to obey the Holy Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) instructions and, in all his actions, was perfectly submissive to them. The code in the model files is not refactored with additional abstractions on purpose, so that researchers can quickly iterate on each of the models without diving in additional abstractions/files. Even Optimus Prime, who ended each of the previous movies pledging to protect Sam Witwicky forever, knows better than to utter his name. This is an interesting question, and one that confused me for a long time. Before auditioning for American Idol, she spent her days singing on subways throughout New York City. CNN mistakenly included Hyde's image on their coverage of the … So, from that very day, a Muslim who followed Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in behavior, speech, ethics, morals, and righteousness, was called a Shia (Shia means follower or friend). There's more proof, but I've forgotten it. "Why is it that your faces do not exhibit any sign of you being a Shia?" Juni 2017 in die deutschen Kinos kam. It was produced by Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto, and is the first installment in the live-action Transformers film series. The film centers around the titular protagonist Bumblebee. 6 years ago | 5 views. Language. The wall is not important for the story, all it does is tell us something about Raleigh. Transformers (2007) Parents Guide Add to guide . Because this is part of the "New Trilogy" of transformers. When the Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) finished, Jabir said: "O son of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) among the Muslims there are very few who possess these qualities. Port Knot City is the first city Sam is tasked with connecting to the Chiral Network, which he does by using the Waystation West of Capital Knot City and Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City as relay points. The Transformers franchise has been nothing if not divisive. Juli 2014 in den deutschen Kinos. They said: "We are your Shias." New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FanTheories community. Advertisement . I would do any movie Michael wants to do. LaBeouf, who will star in Lars Von Trier's "Nymphomaniac," has also cited his character Sam Witwicky as a reason for not returning to the blockbuster flick. Conversation of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) with Shias. Watch fullscreen. Sunni Muslims use it not for the reasons of sectarianism or for causing divisions amongst Muslims. This was the origin of Rescuebots said Mr. Goldner. Why not 4? Celebrity Section: IYO, Who are your top 5 or 10 greatest actresses who performed Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and TV shows? Downloads. Shia or Shiite Muslims use it because the Holy Qur'an uses it, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used it, and the early Muslims used it - before words such as Sunni or Salafi ever came into existence. Who was the most talented member of The Beatles? License. The term "Shia or Shiite" is an adjective used for Muslims who follow the Imams from the Family (Ahlul Bayt) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to Dark of the Moon (2011), taking place five years after its events. ", "Their faces are pale due to excessive worship and the fear of Allah, their backs are bent due to prolonged prayers, too much fasting causes their abdomen to touch their backbones, their lips become dry be repeating endless invocations, and their hearts are filled with the fear of Allah. The film, which combines computer animation with live-action filming, was directed by Michael Bay, with Steven Spielberg serving as executive producer. Without good deeds and abstinence from sins, any claim of friendship to us is of no avail. Category. In Transformers 4, the government is hunting down all Autobots, and have orders to kill anyone who may be hiding one. What surgeries do i need to look similar to Kylie Jenner? 1. comments. Sam spotted a Camarothat he liked, but Ron refused to go over 4000 dollars. It would also explain why Optimus or Bumblebee never even mention them. Download Transformers and have hours of fan. Browse more videos. I thought it was because when they asked him if he wanted to do another movie he said "no no no no nono NONONO", "you're right . Which also I feel Sam cannot betray the autobots in anyway. Our real friend and Shias are obedient to the commands of Allah, and everyone who is disobedient to Allah is our enemy. 292,799. Frenzy is small, sneaky, skittering and single-minded. 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Ask your average film fan why Megan Fox was fired from the Transformers franchise and they'll probably tell you it had something to do with Hitler. This distinguished group, who really had conviction, was named by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as 'Shia or Shiite'. "Two years ago, Sam and his entirely family were swept away," Wahlberg jokily explains in his best gravelly "trailer" voice in our video above. Reply. Sadly I do not know where you get your information that Shia is voicing an autobot, but he isn't. Search. As the iconic Transformers franchise transitioned to live-action cinema in 2007, the original trilogy of films starred Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a human teenager who quickly befriended the Autobots as they made their way to Earth as part of their ongoing conflict against the Decepticons. one can only hope, maybe they got megan fox too, or she changed her name to April. Playing next . This is what I figured when I watched it. Report. Earlier drafts of the script did have Sam earning the nickname "Spike" another way, but this was dropped before the script was finalized. Why 'Transformers 4' Debuted in HK, Not Hollywood. Transformers: The Last Knight ist ein Science-Fiction-Film von Michael Bay, der am 22. But at the same time, it enriches the world the film is set in. It is because Holy Qur'an has used the phrase for some of His best servants. Author. ... reappeared so often on social media that The New York Times characterized "Sam Hyde is the shooter" as "an identifiable meme." Which celebrities have you been told you resemble? Same dude from "transformers", "holes" and how can we forget "the even stevens"!!! Why 'Transformers 4' Debuted in HK, Not Hollywood. Follow. Transformers 4: Ära des Untergangs ein Film von Michael Bay mit Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci. Sam's cousin Butch or Buster is nicknamed Spike in reference to Spike Witwicky from Transformers Generation 1. Mikaela likes to imagine a world where Sam took out Megatron at Mission City, but she doesn't live in that world: she lives in one where he died and North America fell to the Decepticon advances. And because they dint get him that's also why the story changed so much ALLNEWCAST. Karla Payne. Love how you said Megan FOx instead of Michaela. The first instance of the prank was the Umpqua Community College shooting. Sign up. Trent tried to get them to leave, but Mikaela then dumped Trent. ", Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) replied: "Allah forbid you imagine that just to claim to love us is enough to be a Shia. Months later she was part of the resistance in the Decepticon-occupied United States. Whether or not that fan base will persist and people will be watching the Transformers movies 20 years from now is a question we have to wait 20 years to find out. The code in the model files is not refactored with additional abstractions on purpose, so that researchers can quickly iterate on each of the models without diving in additional abstractions/files. You could say he was their.... prime target. Natural, Taught, or made by money, or, depends on the circumstances also. It is not enough that a person says; I am a Shia and I love the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Holy Prophet Muhammad's family (Ahlul Bayt) and the Imams (peace be upon them). If somebody calls himself a Shia, it is not due to any sectarianism, nor any innovation. Too Much Girl Power! The first Imam is the Holy Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the twelfth Imam is the Holy Imam al-Mahdi (peace be upon him). By Allah, a Shia is the one who is perfectly pious and obedient to Allah's commands. LaBeouf would not be the first major Transformers cast member to … In Transformers 4 however, Sam is no longer part of the story and it seems Bumblebee has taken the break-up to heart, reverting to a more retro look as a modified 1967 Camaro. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work. Search. ", "O Jabir! i cant play this game with (gen09) y? 3. Lots of people who I have talked with about the movie are very disappointed about his mysterious disappearance (I personally like it, as Mark Walburg was better), but when I was halfway through the movie, I realized something about this. In Transformers 4 however, Sam is no longer part of the story and it seems Bumblebee has taken the break-up to heart, reverting to a more retro look as a modified 1967 Camaro. "Two years ago, Sam and his entirely family were swept away," Wahlberg jokily explains in his best gravelly "trailer" voice in our video above. During the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a group amongst the Muslims were friends of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and, together with Imam Ali (peace be upon him), strove and struggled for the advancement of the "religion of Islam". Anyone else is not a Shia no matter how much they say they love Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and no matter what they call themselves.". Cade's family and friends are almost killed for hiding an autobot. ", Shia Belief, Shia Islam, Shia Muslim, Twelver Shiism, Ithna Ashari, Shiite, Shias, Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Imam Ali, Ahlul Bayt. Because he dint agree with the casting he dint like the pay he was going to receive. Sometimes people who have been suspected at even the lowest levels of having one are interrogated, and depending on the government agent's mood, are either killed or let go, but if any resistance occurs, the suspect is killed. Megan Fox compared director Michael Bay to Hitler and was too "self-righteous" to back down.. Fox shot to fame as Mikaela Banes in Bay's first two "Transformers… It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to Dark of the Moon (2011), taking place five years after its events. Similarly, if a person says I love the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but doesn't follow the actions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his claim will be of no use to him.
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